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Search results for query: *

  1. perryair

    Multiple official domain names

    Gotcha.. Thanks.
  2. perryair

    submit input value

    YES.. THANKS !!!
  3. perryair

    Multiple official domain names

    Hi, I am running Sendmail on HPUX11 box with primary domain name... lets call it 'a.com' . everything works great until I have added new domain name in 'sendmail.cw' to receive for... lets call it 'b.com' . Now, when I send a test mail to 'user@b.com' , the Sendmail has accept this and forward...
  4. perryair

    submit input value

    Any way to tweak it using JS ?
  5. perryair

    submit input value

    Hi All, When I try to use <input type="image" src="img.gif" name="c" value="u"> It looks like the value="u" does not pass when I submit the form. Any idea?
  6. perryair

    Form submitting with query string along ASP page

    Let me clearly, I have an ASP page that display pictures from SQL database, When the user click on one of the pictures it should send the query to next page which is an ASP page that display a bigest picture plus some details.. All of this works very well until I added the FORM tag since I have...
  7. perryair

    Form submitting with query string along ASP page

    I did not paste the FORM tag here, I have it in my page.. I have to submit the form using 'href' or by ? you tell me. Make sense now?
  8. perryair

    Form submitting with query string along ASP page

    Hi, I have ASP page that contain 'Loop' query strings as shown below.. --------------------------------------------------------- <a href="query.asp?intCat=<%= rsInfo("cat")%>&prt=<%= rsInfo("number")%>"> <img border="0" src="<%= rsInfo("Img")%>"></td> <% rsInfo.MoveNext Loop %>...
  9. perryair

    'href' using javascript

    Well, It is already "post"... Thank you anyway for all your help, I will try to figure out on another forum..
  10. perryair

    'href' using javascript

    Still doesn't send the form content to next page (query22.asp) ... Correction: index.asp and query22.asp is the same page. Thanks..
  11. perryair

    'href' using javascript

    Guys, I'm trying to submit a form using javascript, the problem is that the 'href' is already connected to dynamic asp page that I make query on.. It looks like I need to create js that allow me to ran 2 commands at the same time. Any ideas? Here is the code.. <form action="query22.asp"...
  12. perryair

    'Loop' recordset and send by email

    Works fine, Thank you all...
  13. perryair

    'Loop' recordset and send by email

    Where? I have it in my code, can you explain please? Thanks.
  14. perryair

    'Loop' recordset and send by email

    Hi All, Below are the objMail that I need to send by email using ASPmail, when I send this form I receive only 1 record from the SQL database and it seems the 'rsProd.MoveNext' and 'wend' doesn't work properly. Can you point me to the right direction how to 'Loop' this recordset...
  15. perryair

    Calculate percentage

    Sorry, I did not understand both of you.. It should be very simple.. instead of 10 I would like to make it 10.5, does anyone know what is the syntax?
  16. perryair

    Calculate percentage

    Hi, I am using asp code in order to calculate non integer number.. any iday what the correct syntax is? 10 should be 10.5% <%= formatNumber((intTotal * .10), 2) %> Many Thanks...
  17. perryair

    How to query LDAP by UID

    Here is the correct string.. strQuery = "<LDAP://" & strServername & ">;(&(objectClass=*)(uid=" & strName & "));uid,Extension-Attribute-6,objectClass;subtree" --> the 'strName' is Request.Form method. Thanks anyway...
  18. perryair

    How to query LDAP by UID

    Hi Guys, I am looking for ldap query string that will show me specific value (Extension-Attribute-6) by 'uid' objectclass.. I am using the following string but it show me all the users that existing on the address book.... strQuery= "<LDAP://" & strServername &...
  19. perryair

    Connection String (ASP - SQL)

    Hi, I have converted the MS Access connection string to SQL, when I try to access the page thru the SQL connection string I receive the following: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005) [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][TCP/IP Sockets]SQL Server does not exist or access...
  20. perryair

    Passing data using ASP, problem

    PLEASE HELP.... I am stuck, yes.. I would need to send it by email.

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