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Search results for query: *

  1. abienz

    XSLT not closing my div tags properly

    Hi there, I've got a strange problem where when I perform a transformation on my XML to an XHTML document using an XSL file certain tags are closed incorrectly. for example I've got this line in my XSL<xsl:template match="/"> <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes"> <div id="topBar">...
  2. abienz

    using functions and element attributes inside an if statement

    Yep, I've found a work around using an 'AND' Thanks!
  3. abienz

    using functions and element attributes inside an if statement

    Hi there, I've a problem with some XSL I'm writing, I'm wondering if there's an escape character in XSL or something that can solve this problem, here's what I've got for my XSL... <xsl:when test="name(../*[position()=$pos * 2])='xf:select1'"> <xsl:apply-templates...
  4. abienz

    Refresh a parent page in IE

    Doh! thanks man, that works,
  5. abienz

    Refresh a parent page in IE

    Hi guys, hopefully this is simple but I've had no luck so far. What I want to do is to refresh or reload the parent page from a child page, Eg. I've got a popup window that does something, when it finishes I want the parent window to refresh, here's my code so far...
  6. abienz

    Saving a jpg to a gif

    Hi guys, sorry if this is a screamingly simple question, but I'm finding it difficult to uncover any help on GIMP. I have a jpg image that I want to save as or export to a gif file format. How can this be done? Also where is a good place to look for Gimp documentation and discussion? TIA Alex.
  7. abienz

    How do I find and edit startup programs

    Let me clarify that statement. The error said something to the effect of... &quot;C:\Program &quot; There were no entries for that under my startup, but a few from... &quot;C:\Program Files&quot; I wasn't sure if the computer would differentiate between them properly so I too it litteraly. Al.
  8. abienz

    How do I find and edit startup programs

    No it's not quite the exact, but I'd have to restart my computer to get it going again and I don't have the time unfortunatly as my PC is the current file server, however... This moring I did reboot and found that the error wasn't there, it must be because using the Startup Control Panel I...
  9. abienz

    How do I find and edit startup programs

    I've checked it out, and no, there are no startup proprams that start C:\program, I had a look at the services and there soesn't seem to be anything there that's strange.
  10. abienz

    How do I find and edit startup programs

    That's a nice app, but unfortunatly it doesn't list the C:/program file that I am looking for. I don't get it, how can it be hidden, there must be somewhere it can be found! I searched through the registry and there didn't seem to be anything there, but then again it's like finding a needle in...
  11. abienz

    How do I find and edit startup programs

    Hi there, I have an error that arrises everytime I logon to Windows NT 4 sp 6, it goes a little like this... Unable to find folder &quot;c:/program &quot; the program was unable to execute. Or something to that effect, I assume the program that it's trying to execute should be found in the...
  12. abienz

    How to return an Output Parameter

    Hi guys, I've got a relatively simple question here to do with SQL and ASP, hope you can help. Here's my sp... CREATE PROCEDURE [sp_insert_siteListings] (@siteUsername [varchar](50), @sitePassword [varchar](50)) AS BEGIN DECLARE @UserVal [int] EXEC sp_validate_Username...
  13. abienz

    Problems sending values from child windows to parent windows

    Hi there, I'm having trouble creating a new option in a parent window from my child window. Here's my code... Parent window <html> <head> <SCRIPT Language=&quot;Javascript&quot;> <!-- function myopen(){ window.open'popup.htm','popup','width=250,height=250,status=Yes'); } //--> </SCRIPT>...
  14. abienz

    What's the quickest and most efficent method for recalling data

    Hi there, I wass just wondering which way is the fastest and/or most efficent way of recalling data from a DB. My setup at work is a Sql Server 7 DB and I use ASP to communicate with it, I also use Ultradev. I don't like having lots of unnecesary code and I find that Ultradev does this...
  15. abienz

    Selecting Chars and Trimming

    Ahh of course I was expecting a function like TRIM in VBScript but REPLACE is the obvious answer, thanks, a real case of not beeing able to see the wood for the trees :)
  16. abienz

    Selecting Chars and Trimming

    We have a table of names in the format 'John Smith' etc We need to be able to trim this to the first 6 characters, not including spaces and convert to lowercase if possible. I've got the 1st 6 characters OK but wondered if there's a way to get rid of the spaces in the middle? e.g. select left...
  17. abienz

    Complicated search form database

    Hi there, I've got page that allows a user to enter in a year to search a field in a database, this all sounds simple enough but this is where it gets tricky. The field in the databse has results like these... 1822 1825-1930 1876 the user NEEDS to be able to search this field by typing into...
  18. abienz

    formbox validation problem

    Ah I think I may have cracked it, I put the word box infront of my name for the text box, so when the page was run I got the name box1001 So my page eneded up like this somewhat... function checkseats(myBox) { if (document.form1[myBox].value>5){alert('You can only order up to 5 tickets per...
  19. abienz

    formbox validation problem

    I've tried that but now I get an error on the line that my text box is, saying Object Expected. Why do you think that might be? It is ok to use Server-side scripting in Client-Side scripting like I have done isn't it? Again when I look at the source code everything looks fine. Is it ok to...
  20. abienz

    formbox validation problem

    Hi there I wonder if I can get any help with a simple function that I'm writing to check users input to a textbox. Here's the story... I've a textbox on a page called 1001 (name=&quot;1001&quot;) it has an onBlur event tied to it that calls a function... onBlur=checkseats('1001'); the...

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