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Search results for query: *

  • Users: DanSc0tt
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  1. DanSc0tt

    Using commas in listbox without getting a new line??

    Hi, Have a string similar to below 15000;898983;363849;2738389 which I place into a listbox via additem. i want to place comma's in the string so that the numbers are easier to read in the lisbox i.e. 15,000;898,983;363,849;2,738,389 But when i do this it creates new lines after the comma...
  2. DanSc0tt

    Best Way to Create a Table from an Array

    ugh still giving me a syntax error. I have this as a part of a loop and so each time it loops I want it to paste in the individual value in the array hence DoCmd.RunSQL "Insert into tbltest.Test values {" & strArray2(z) & "}" any more ideas? Thanks!
  3. DanSc0tt

    Best Way to Create a Table from an Array

    Hi, Trying to find a way of creating a table and then filling it with values from an array. Have tried Docmd.runsql "select into tblName values " & ArrayName but this doesn't work Any ideas of 1/ How to fix it? 2/ To do it a simpler way? Thanks
  4. DanSc0tt

    VBA Coding Opening Excel

    Hi, Have the following code to open excel Dim objXLApp As Object Dim objXLBook As Object Set objXLApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application") objXLApp.Workbooks.Add Set objXLBook = objXLApp.ActiveWorkbook The code does not appear to work. However when I go and open Excel manually it opens to...
  5. DanSc0tt

    How to close Excel from Access using VBA?

    OK this is probably very simple, but I have just got a new PC and this code JUST TO OPEN EXCEL e.g. Dim objXLApp As Object Dim objXLBook As Object Set objXLApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application") objXLApp.Workbooks.Add Set objXLBook = objXLApp.ActiveWorkbook used to work on my old PC...
  6. DanSc0tt

    Help with Mulit-Select List Boxes

    ah fixed it myself - autonumber was enabled! hence giving me a null entry in the final row of the recordset!!!
  7. DanSc0tt

    Help with Mulit-Select List Boxes

    Would be of help - but this solution is in DAO and not ADO!
  8. DanSc0tt

    Help with Mulit-Select List Boxes

    Hi am trying to populate a list box based on a criteria set by another 'multi'-select list box. This is the first time i have tried to do this and put together the following code, but it is telling me that i have an 'invalid use of null' (where i try to bing back ProdURC from rs) Can anybody...
  9. DanSc0tt

    Array Help

    Thanks guys - both worked as needed and my brain has grown a little largr to!
  10. DanSc0tt

    Array Help

    Thanks guys - where would I put the redim? (sorry my array knowledge is vvv minimal!!) Thanks Dan
  11. DanSc0tt

    Array Help

    Dim varItm As Variant Hi, Not had much experience of arrays, but am trying to capture the data selected in a multi-select list in a number of array variables. However the following piece of code is giving me a 'subscript out of range' error Any help much appreciated - Dan --CODE-- Dim i As...
  12. DanSc0tt

    Problem getting the full record from Database

    Genius - told you it would be simple ;) Thanks very much!
  13. DanSc0tt

    Problem getting the full record from Database

    Code below......help appreciated!! Thanks Dan <% sql = "SELECT mtgLine FROM tblmeetings WHERE mtgDate=#" & vAGD & "#" Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") rs.Open sql, conn, 3, 3 %> <form method=post action="agenda2.asp?AGD=<%response.write vAGD%>"> <table>...
  14. DanSc0tt

    Problem getting the full record from Database

    Hi, Apologies if this is a simple one! I am using VB in asp to pull records from an Access database. Opening a recordset and then pulling them into an ASP. My problem is that the page is only showing the record up to where the first space is and then truncating it. I think it might be...
  15. DanSc0tt

    Can you email from Access?

    One idea is (have used this myself) Code up the sending of an email to a pregenerated address - automate the download of the info you need into a csv file, attach to the email with code and send to wherever. The code you need is not too difficult if you use outlook - check out some of the...
  16. DanSc0tt


    Place them in the group footers, but for some reason it seems to be &quot;first&quot; rather than &quot;sum&quot; Dan
  17. DanSc0tt


    I have a load of invoices and credits by company in a report - i have created a group at both invpoice / credit level and at company level, yet when I try to sub total and total I only get the first transaction of the set - any ideas?? Thanks Dan
  18. DanSc0tt

    DSUMS &amp; DCOUNTS - #Error Message

    When I am using Dsums / Dcounts etc I sometimes get a #error in my textbox, sometimes it can be a format thing, but alot of the time it just corrects itself - any ideas what could be causing it?? as it is quite irritating TIA Dan
  19. DanSc0tt

    Renaming an Excel File

    Any idea what piece of code I can use to rename an excel file on my desktop from inside Access, I have seen the simple &quot;kill&quot; command to delete stuff, but wondered if there was a similar one to rename stuff?? Dan
  20. DanSc0tt


    Easy One hopefullY!! I have a number of dsum functions on a form that a while to calculate, i want to display an hourglass whilst it finishes calculating, however I am not sure whihc events to use Any ideas?? Thanks Dan

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