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Search results for query: *

  1. drtrinidad


    Since you've already put in /etc/hosts, you can change your info in mkdev cf to whatever symbolic name you put with that ip address in /etc/hosts (like smart.triangle.com or whatever). Otherwise if you want to use the ip you'll need to enclose it in square brackets, ie...
  2. drtrinidad

    Crontab Error?

    I'm pretty sure this is because you are issuing the command from a directory in which the user does not have 'execute' permission (in this case affecting the ability to read the current directory). The problem goes away when you use 'su -' because the command gets run from the user's home...
  3. drtrinidad

    Portmapper error

    If you don't have duplicate /etc/hosts entries, perhaps your /etc/resolv.conf is set to look up names by DNS first? Mine ends with these two lines: # finally the order to use for resolution - use /etc/hosts first hostresorder local bind When I run 'host scosysv.uucp.com' I get...
  4. drtrinidad

    Portmapper error

    I agree that the hosts file is a good place to look. I'm not sure that NFS is trying to mount a drive. I've frequently had this message simply after changing a machine's ip address while keeping the name the same. Netconfig does not remove the old entry from /etc/hosts, just adds a new one...
  5. drtrinidad

    Errors when using TAR

    I think KenCunningham is right, and I'd like to add another hint: from your filenames it looks like you obtained the tar files via FTP. In DOS/Windows you have to issue the 'binary' command, otherwise it will default to ASCII and your binary files will get messed up. So if it's not practical...
  6. drtrinidad

    Crontab does not work on SCO Unix???

    I think the crontab patch Ed mentions can be accessed via http://stage.caldera.com/cgi-bin/ssl_getsupplement?OSS642 I haven't applied it myself yet (but I haven't been AWARE of experiencing any problems with cron), but it certainly makes sense to apply if you're having trouble. I must admit, I...
  7. drtrinidad

    Leading dot incorrectly stripped

    Problem solved! In /etc/sendmail.cf the mailer definition for SMTP was missing the X flag. I found the solution in a usenet reply from 1994 from Eric Allman himself! I guess not too many people have this problem, though anyone using Caldera Open Unix 8 probably does.
  8. drtrinidad

    Sendmail Behind a NAT

    I believe that should work fine - I have a similar setup. FWIW, you won't need port 110 for sendmail. You'll only need it if you want to be able to retrieve POP3 mail from that server from the outside.
  9. drtrinidad

    How do I find user name with only uid

    The only problem with alexhu's suggestion is that it will return anyone who has a group ID the same as the user ID you're looking for. If you set $TARGETID to the uid you want, I think this will do the trick: awk -F : "\$3 ~ /^$TARGETID$/ { print \$1 }" /etc/passwd Actually I think...
  10. drtrinidad

    Leading dot incorrectly stripped

    Sorry, I had also meant to include these log excerpts for clarity: incoming: 02408 <<< 02408 <<< 1 02408 <<< 2 02408 <<< .. 02408 <<< 3 02408 <<< 02408 <<< 02408 <<< . 02408 === CONNECT nexthost.mycompany.com. outgoing: 02408 >>> 02408 >>> 1 02408 >>> 2 02408 >>> . 02408 >>> 3 02408 >>> 02408...
  11. drtrinidad

    Leading dot incorrectly stripped

    Exactly - so as per RFC 821 under &quot;4.5.2. Transparency&quot; it states 1. Before sending a line of mail text the sender-SMTP checks the first character of the line. If it is a period, one additional period is inserted at the beginning of the line. So my mail client (Microsoft...
  12. drtrinidad

    Leading dot incorrectly stripped

    I have Sendmail 8.10.1 installed on SCO OpenUnix 8 (the banner reads ESMTP Sendmail 8.10.1/UW7.1.1-NSCd) Occasionally messages go through it containing lines consisting of a single dot, for example: test 1 2 . 3 The sending SMTP program adds a second dot so that the dot will not be taken as...
  13. drtrinidad

    how to check for number of messages in queue?

    I think 'mailq' would be a more useful command. It might still be simpler to do what you are already doing, but restrict your search to the 'q' file type. In other words ls /var/spool/mqueue/q* 2>/dev/null | wc -l should give you the number of messages in the queue.
  14. drtrinidad

    ?? LCK..tty1a: 25371 ??

    Given that the last time the email showed up was ten days ago, I'm less surprised the file doesn't exist ;-) I'm guessing the computer has been rebooted since Jan 13 - the lock files are removed by /etc/rc2.d/P70uucp (at least in 5.0.5). I'd say that just as you said on Jan 15, you can ignore...
  15. drtrinidad

    sco openserver 5.0.5 install

    .. and FWIW I have a Netgear FA311 working well with this driver: NETGEAR FA311 Ethernet Driver for Openserver 5.0 (ver 1.20) though as apeasecpc suggests, I had to add it after O/S installation.
  16. drtrinidad

    ?? LCK..tty1a: 25371 ??

    Don't forget, the LCK..xx files are used not just by uucp, but by cu, ct, getty, Morningstar PPP... normally the output of uustat -p would use the PID to show the process which created it, and the absence of that is what made me think some process terminated abnormally and left it there. But if...
  17. drtrinidad

    ?? LCK..tty1a: 25371 ??

    It occurs to me now that since there is no actual process info listed below the column headings, the lock file is probably orphaned. If you do ls -l /usr/spool/uucp/LCK..tty1a you'll probably see it's quite old. The file just contains the PID of the process which created the lock, and since...
  18. drtrinidad

    help with netconfig

    It seems to be true for 5.0.6 - I took a look at a 5.0.6 system and /etc/rc2.d/S90iproute (which does the work of adding the routes) has the same checksum as in 5.0.5. I think the sco_ip directory in /usr/internet/etc is created when use the 'internet faststart' web-based configuration, but if...
  19. drtrinidad

    Configure sendmail/mmdf to forward only?

    I think the simplest way would be to use sendmail - you can use the simple SCO sendmail configuration tool (mkdev cf). The key would be under 5. Miscellaneous Items to select 3. Is there a smart mailhost on your network? and specify [] (you'll need the square brackets). I'd...
  20. drtrinidad

    help with netconfig

    Since you have 5.0.5 you could also just put host in /usr/internet/etc/sco_ip/routes

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