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  • Users: Dbyte
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  1. Dbyte

    AD user password status

    Here is the final code: On Error Resume Next 'Variable declaration Dim oFSO, oGroup, oUser, oDomain, oMaxPwdAge, oExcel, oWorkbook Dim iRow, iUserAccountControl, dtmValue, iTimeInterval, dblMaxPwdNano Set oFSO = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject") Set oGroup =...
  2. Dbyte

    AD user password status

    Markdmac's code works (no big surprise really). I'm gonna make a few more tweaks to remove some redundant messages in the .txt file. Once this is done I'll post the finalized code here for all. Thanks again Mark!
  3. Dbyte

    AD user password status

    I have updated my code as follows: Sub enumMembers(oGroup) For Each oUser In oGroup If oUser.Class = "user" Then iUserAccountControl = oUser.Get("userAccountControl") If iUserAccountControl And ADS_UF_DONT_EXPIRE_PASSWD Then oFile.WriteLine oUser.department & "/" &...
  4. Dbyte

    AD user password status

    Goal: a text file showing the password status for every user in AD. Problem: the script quits unexpectedly as soon as it gets to a user whose "User must change password at next logon" box is checked. My understanding is that this status should trigger the "password has expired" Else routine...
  5. Dbyte

    .HTA subroutine not passing text after space

    Worked perfectly PHV - thanks.
  6. Dbyte

    .HTA subroutine not passing text after space

    Goal: a .hta page that will allow users to reset the password only for users within their dept & email IT to notify that it was done. Problem: UserList.value in Sub ResetPassword does not include any characters after the space between first & last names. So in testing the name "Jane Smith"...
  7. Dbyte

    force log-off/on script

    Something like this? Option Explicit Dim oShell Set oShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell") oShell.Run "%comspec% /K shutdown.exe -r -f", 0, True
  8. Dbyte

    control subform visibility via command button

    Found the solution: 1. Created an OnOpen event on fsubClose that invoked the code builder. No specific code added, but now it showed in the lefthand pane of the Visual Basic coding popup. 2. Changed my OnClick event on frmNewTicket as follows: Private Sub Command87_Click() If...
  9. Dbyte

    control subform visibility via command button

    Main form is called frmNewTicket, subform is called fsubClose. fsubClose's default visible property is No. I created a command button on frmNewTicket & for its OnClick event I have the following code: Private Sub Command87_Click() Me!Forms!fsubClose!Form!Visible = True End Sub When I click...
  10. Dbyte

    Get current logged on user

    OK, added the following as the Load event procedure: Private Sub Form_Load() Me![ITStaff] = GetUserName_TSB() End Sub After adding this when I open the form I get the following error message: "Compile error: expected variable or procedure, not module
  11. Dbyte

    Get current logged on user

    PHV, I got the following error when I added your command to the On: Microsoft Office Access can't find the macro 'Me!ITStaff=GetUserName_TSB().' I double-checked: GetUserName_TSB is saved as a module (not a macro) & consists of only the code I pasted above.
  12. Dbyte

    Get current logged on user

    Am trying to have a textbox on my form auto-populate with the ID of the user currently logged onto the PC when the form is opened. I created a module w/ the following code from faq702-4949: Public Function GetUserName_TSB() As String On Error GoTo error_handler Dim lngLen As Long Dim strBuf As...
  13. Dbyte

    Copy & verify file existence on multiple remote PCs

    Once again Markdmac you come up w/ a solution. At least this time I was close to getting it though! ;-) Big thanks & a star for you sir.
  14. Dbyte

    Copy & verify file existence on multiple remote PCs

    Am now getting a "Path Not Found" error on this line: oFSO.CopyFile "\\server\share\file", "\\" & RemotePC(a) & "\file", True I confirmed the file's presence in the correct folder on the file server & that the folder is shared to Everyone. I was also able to ping the destination workstations...
  15. Dbyte

    Copy & verify file existence on multiple remote PCs

    I am trying to copy a single file to multiple PCs (using a text file to generate the array of workstation names) then verify the file was copied. For testing purposes the text file currently has only 2 PCs listed in it, 1 is Win2K & the other is XP. Here's my code: Option Explicit 'Declare...
  16. Dbyte

    Screensaver setup via GP not working

    Problem solved! The root cause was a missing .dll file in the system32 folder of 2K machines: gdiplus.dll. The best part was finding a website w/ the info in a foreign language, translating it (badly), then trying to read & understand it. I have to admit my days are never boring.
  17. Dbyte

    Screensaver setup via GP not working

    If the screensaver were corrupt it would affect all workstations, whereas our only failures are on 2K PCs. So I must be missing some settings. Let me try your other ideas & I'll post back w/ further info. Thanks for the quick reply.
  18. Dbyte

    Screensaver setup via GP not working

    I am trying to setup a single screensaver companywide using VBScript login script & GPOs. We have both XP & 2K workstations & 2 Win2000 AD servers. The screensaver is ssmypics.scr. My VBScript copies this file to the appropriate system32 folder (based on OS) makes the following registry...
  19. Dbyte

    Map TCP/IP printer script verification

    Sparkbyte, My goal is to map printers as TCP/IP ports to allow PCs to communicate directly w/ printers, instead of relying on centralized print servers to manage all print jobs. This will allow us to decrease network traffic. I got the original script from here (the bottom script). Your...
  20. Dbyte

    Map TCP/IP printer script verification

    My goal is to map TCP/IP printers as part of user login scripts. I've written a test script to verify it works on my own PC - it doesn't. Here's my code: Option Explicit Dim oWMIService, oNewPort Set oWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:") Set oNewPort = oWMIService.Get _...

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