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Search results for query: *

  1. calandrelli

    Can you assign a Macro in Excel to a "Windows Key" combo?

    Can VBA be used to assign a macro to run after a Windows Key Combo is pressed. I can't seem to find a reference to this anywhere.
  2. calandrelli

    How do I evaluate each cell in a pasted range during a change event?

    Never mind, I fixed my own problem. Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Application.EnableEvents = False For Each cell In Target Range(cell.Address).Offset(1, 0).Value = Range(cell.Address).Value + 1 Next cell Application.EnableEvents = True End Sub I just...
  3. calandrelli

    How do I evaluate each cell in a pasted range during a change event?

    I have a worksheet in Excel. A row represents a record and the row under it is a multiple of the record above it. (Qty x Cost). In the example below let's simplify it and assume that the cost is $2 for any item. If I use the Change Event I can capture the change and made the cell under the...
  4. calandrelli

    Keeping Series Formating in Pivot Charts

    In Excel if you create a pivot chart and add custom formatting to one of the series, Excel resets it back to default each time you change a data selection. This is troublesome, especially with data that you wish to display using two axes. Microsoft states that this is a known issue and...
  5. calandrelli

    Task Scheduler Run is Grayed Out for Standard User

    i have a XP Pro machine that I want users to be able to run scheduled tasks on. The admin account can add, run and delete the tasks and the standard users could create tasks in the past. The standard user tasks run as scheduled but the users can no longer modify them or run them by selecting...
  6. calandrelli

    How do I parse a field into records

    Thank you both for the advice. I used both approaches and came up with the following code which worked great. tbl_LIMS_Cleaned contained the field I needed to parse. tbl_LIMS_Materials was a blank table I created to hold the parsed data. I am also capturing the Primary key from...
  7. calandrelli

    How do I parse a field into records

    I was given a dataset today that looks like this... Field Value Part# 97510 TID 100000000 Doc_Type TCP Stage 5P Panels 9108B0003,9108D0003,9108L0003,9108M0003 Materials 05695,07212,1980B,1980C,1980D Revision 10 As you can see the Panels and Materials fields...
  8. calandrelli

    Remote Connection missing PP 6.6

    Never mind I found a work around. The Connections button does not seem to work in windows Xp with PP 6.6 but the remote addresses can be added to the registry. Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cognos\cer1\PowerPlay Data Server\Servers]...
  9. calandrelli

    Remote Connection missing PP 6.6

    I have Impromptu and Powerplay installed and I want to add a remote server named addada0391. here is the ini file contents. Can you tell me where and how to add it? [ServicesL] COGNLSTAB=C:\Program Files\Cognos\cer1\bin\coglang.tab SRVCMSGS=C:\Program Files\Cognos\cer1\bin\SRVCMSGS.MSG...
  10. calandrelli

    Remote Connection missing PP 6.6

    My IT department just brought me my new laptop with PowerPlay Desktop client 6.6 pre-nstalled. connecting to a local cube works great but when I swith to the "choose a Remote Cube" dialog box the connection list is empty and the "Connection" button to create a new connection is gone. can I...
  11. calandrelli

    Error Accessing the System Registry

    Forget the above post. The crystal reports installed on my PC was originally the "bad" version and was upgraded to a higher version. Once the CR registry fix was applied by the system as a schduled task it fixed the whole problem. Sorry about the silly question.
  12. calandrelli

    Error Accessing the System Registry

    My VBA for Office 2003 Pro is producing the following every time I try to check references. "Error Accessing the System Registry" I found the article on the Microsoft Support site that speaks to crystal reports messing up the registry. I do have Crystal but not the version they are speaking...
  13. calandrelli

    Blank Post with Mixed Authentication

    I think I have solved my own problem....but could someone verify it? I have session variables that are set prior to switching authentication and are used after switching authentication. Would these variables be destroyed?
  14. calandrelli

    Blank Post with Mixed Authentication

    I have one page (Page A) with a simple form that collects order information using a few text fields and some combo boxes linked to an Access database to drive the dropdown lists. This page submits a post to another ASP page (Page B) that appends the info to the database and displays any errors...
  15. calandrelli

    Calling Function from If...Then statement.

    <td width="10" valign="top">&nbsp;</td> <td width="315" valign="top" colspan="2"> <span class="fieldname2">Due Date <a class="tooltips2" href="#" onMouseOver="stm(Text[15],Style[3])" onMouseOut="htm()">[?]</a> </span><br> <script>...
  16. calandrelli

    Calling Function from If...Then statement.

    Thanks for pointing out the variable thing but it still does not work. I tried both forms of the function without the If...then statement and they work but once inside the if...then statement it is just blank.
  17. calandrelli

    Calling Function from If...Then statement.

    I am very new to Javascript and I am having trouble getting a javascript function to work inside of an If...then statement. I downloaded a Javascript function called "DateInput" that produces a datepicker and it uses four variables ( Name, Required, Format, Default Date). I am using it on an...
  18. calandrelli

    Tooltips are poping up behind Dropdown Box

    Most of that code drives the drop down box...I only included it to be complete. This is the only line that creates the tool.... <a class="tooltips2" href="#" onMouseOver="stm(Text[11],Style[2])" onMouseOut="htm()">[?]</a> These line populate the tip and add style.... Text[11]=["Key...
  19. calandrelli

    Tooltips are poping up behind Dropdown Box

    I have small markers that produce pop-up tooltips for each field on a page. They work great for text boxes but when I use them next to a Dropdown box they appear behind the box. Any ideas how to force them in front of the box? Here is the code for the label and box.... <td...
  20. calandrelli

    How to pass VBScript var to JavaScript function in ASP

    Thanks for the information. The single quotes didn't work exactly but they got me on the correct path. yourjsvar = "<%=Due_Date%>"; DateInput('Field', true, 'MM/DD/YYYY', yourjsvar);

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