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  1. anirudhapatil

    httpd.conf with PHP 5

    I simulated your scenario and ran into the same problem. I am not much of the Windows guy, but the issue has been attended in the below article http://serverfault.com/questions/100590/correct-php5-dll-for-apache-2-2 With Regards Anirudha Patil http://axigeninfo.blogspot.com
  2. anirudhapatil

    Can I run two ScriptAlias on httpd.conf?

    I have tested the same by accessing two different cgi scripts and from different location itself # cat /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf | grep ScriptAlias | egrep -v "#" ... ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "/var/www/cgi-bin/" ScriptAlias /cgi-bin2/ "/var/www/WEBApp/intake/dealers/cgi-bin2/" ... # ll...
  3. anirudhapatil

    httpd not starting after renewing SSL certificate.

    A really nice article which might help you with the mentioned command issue http://www.microdevsys.com/WordPress/2009/01/14/linux-enable-extended-httpd-status-reports-in-apache-through-service-fullstatus/ I have tried it and it works With Regards Anirudha Patil http://axigeninfo.blogspot.com
  4. anirudhapatil

    Apache2 with SSL--SuSE

    Have you tried accessing the site from the server end on port 443 ? #openssl s_client -connect localhost:443 And what does ssl_error_log says ? With Regards Anirudha Patil http://axigeninfo.blogspot.com
  5. anirudhapatil

    SSL Certificate Installation

    Nice article which states how to export the certificate from Windows platform to Linux box ================================================================ A] Linux apache convert .pfx certificate files to openssl Copy the .pfx file to the apache webserver or a linux server which has openssl...
  6. anirudhapatil

    Please help w/order of multiple virtual named servers?

    The Apache HTTP project clearly defines the usage and explanation for virtual hosts (named and IP along with the preference) Please refer the link http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/vhosts/examples.html
  7. anirudhapatil

    Not loading public but does localhost?

    Please find my working httpd.conf for your scenario (This has been done on Linux box, so kindly make the changes in the path accordingly) Note: kindly remove the '<>' while adding your details as mentioned below =================================================== Listen 80 DocumentRoot...

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