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Search results for query: *

  • Users: richey1
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  1. richey1

    variables in stored procedure

    brilliant ! thanks
  2. richey1

    variables in stored procedure

    Hi I have the following stored procedure which runs overnight. runs ok................but for both lines that hardcodes a filename I'd like to be able to use a variable for the bak name - the backup runs every morning so this morning's was 200512190200, tomorrows will be 200512200200 etc etc...
  3. richey1

    configuration tips for website's application pool

    thanks thats how i have set it - up - seems ok now........
  4. richey1

    configuration tips for website's application pool

    Hi I have a website running through IIS, for which I've set it in its own application pool. The website is an asp front-end with a sql back-end - there will be a guaranteed 20 or so people on it all day (7/8 hours) and anything up to 30/40 people working on it sometime throughout the day. On 2...
  5. richey1

    insert and update rows within same SP

    sorry for the delay in replying. the problem was the index on column CustID was not set to unique values. thanks
  6. richey1

    insert and update rows within same SP

    ok so..... update ServerB.EnvSystem.dbo.tblCustomer_ISB set SDate=T2.SDate from ServerB.EnvSystem.dbo.tblCustomer_ISB T1 inner join vwCustomers T2 on T1.CustID=T2.CustomerID where T1.SDate <> T2.SDate works ok but (if i try a multiple set) it fails with error code ? still need it within an...
  7. richey1

    insert and update rows within same SP

    this is the update code (the select bit works ok on its own) use databaseA update ServerB.EnvSystem.dbo.tblCustomer_ISB set ServerB.EnvSystem.dbo.tblCustomer_ISB.CustID = vwCustomers.CUSTOMERID SELECT vwCustomers.CUSTOMERID, vwCustomers.SDATE FROM...
  8. richey1

    insert and update rows within same SP

    thanks i take your point about the loop. I was more wondering about fitting it together as a stored procedure. I've created a linked server between server a and b - the job will run from server a, the update will happen on server b. I know thats worked ok because I've tried a simple select...
  9. richey1

    insert and update rows within same SP

    i'd like to have a stored procedure which either performs a bulk insert, bulk update or does nothing from a table on one server (CTS_CUSTOMERS - ServerA) to another on a different server (CTS_CUSTOMERS - ServerB) firstly if the record does not exist on serverB then insert it from serverA...
  10. richey1

    populate text box on change of combo box

    I came up with the code below which is what i wanted..............my vote is a no for the yellow by the way ! thanks kim Response.Write "var arrTargets3 = new Array();" & vbLf while not rsWebLink.eof if CLng(rsWebLink("CompTypeID")) >= 0 then Response.Write "arrTargets3[" &...
  11. richey1

    populate text box on change of combo box

    Hi I have a combo box on an asp form, which reads values from a sql database using a sub and a function in an include file as below Sub getPestTypes(oRS) On Error Resume Next if Err.number=0 then set oRS = ExecQueryRS_X("CONN_Z","SELECT compTypeID, varIndicator,varCompType, varCost_Dom...
  12. richey1

    error handle if sql server connection lost

    thanks for that I have trie, in my asp, using the code below - still works ok, but if if do put in the datasource name to be purposely wrong, then i get [DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]SQL Server does not exist or access denied. -2147467259 Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server...
  13. richey1

    New Technologies

    thanks jon that will do for me........
  14. richey1

    error handle if sql server connection lost

    Hi We have an application on one server (server A), which in its global.asa file specifies a connection to another sql server using Application("Conn_Z") = "driver={SQL Server};server=Istanbul;database=Envsystem;uid=???;pwd=???" I use abit of custom code as follows ExecQuery_X...
  15. richey1

    New Technologies

    Hi didn't know what forum to post in, but there is some kind of xml link !?! if you were applying for a job and you wanted the person to have .net knowledge (especially asp.net) and then knowledge of biztalk ,web services, biztalk alternatives etc - is there a generic term to give all those...
  16. richey1

    display @@identity in alert box

    thank you both.............
  17. richey1

    display @@identity in alert box

    hi i have written an insert statement which then reults the id using Set MyRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") MyRS.Open SQLstmt, dbconnSQL SQLstmt = "SELECT @@Identity FROM dbo.user_request" Set myRS = dbconnSQL.Execute(SQLstmt) varNewID = myRS(0) how can i put the value in an...
  18. richey1


    the email now goes ok , although it still says Error process request : ??? thanks rich function SendMyMail() Dim Mail Set Mail = Server.CreateObject("Persits.MailSender") Mail.Host = Application("ASPEMailServer") Mail.From = Application("EmailFromAddress") ' From address...
  19. richey1


    Hi I've installed aspemail onto server 'serverb' - looks ok - the email agent is working ok, so the install looks ok. i've got an asp file which part of the code is. <!-- #include file="CCCu_SENDASPEMAIL.asp" --> send_email_asp request("txtEmailAddress"),"Chester City Council Web...
  20. richey1

    include vbscript within javascript function

    sorted it thanks using Response.Write "<script language=javascript>" & vbLf Response.Write "var arrTargets1 = new Array();" & vbLf while not rsWebLink.eof if CLng(rsWebLink("ServiceID")) > 1 then Response.Write "arrTargets1[" & rsWebLink("ServiceID") & "]='" & rsWebLink("WebLink") &...

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