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  • Users: cmancre
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  1. cmancre

    FATAL: role "apache" does not exist

    Im new to postgres and im trying to connect to a postgres database through php. This is the error: Warning: pg_connect() [function.pg-connect]: Unable to connect to PostgreSQL server: FATAL: role "apache" does not exist in /var/www/localhost/blablabla...
  2. cmancre

    send file into an FTP

    lol #!/bin/bash #ok! now i need to send a file via FTP
  3. cmancre

    send file into an FTP

    Hello, im doing a bash script and in the middle of that script a need to send a file into a FTP. I dont know where to start.
  4. cmancre

    tar multivolume dvd

    i did tried that but it returned me an size error, dont know why!!!
  5. cmancre

    tar multivolume dvd

    Im with a little problem, i wanna make a simple tar but to create volumes with dvd size.
  6. cmancre

    check file is opened!!!

    ups... During the copy (it will take some time) is there a way to check if file.new is completly or not completly copied? IN PHP
  7. cmancre

    check file is opened!!!

    This is the situation: cp /path/file /path/file.new <---file got variable MB During the copy (it will take some time) is there a way to check if file.new is completly or not completly copied?
  8. cmancre

    strcat and memory

    code: char *command=(char*)malloc(1024*sizeof(char)); char *tmp=(char*)malloc(10*sizeof(char)); memset(tmp,0,10); tmp = strcat(tmp,"123456789"); . . . fprintf(stdout,"\nbefore %s",tmp); command=strcat(strcat(strcat(var1,var2),var3),var4); fprintf(stdout,"\n%s",command)...
  9. cmancre

    va_arg(ap,char*) and strcat

    code: // n = 2 void fun(int n, ...){ va_list ap; int i; char *arg1 = (char *) malloc(MAX * sizeof(char)); char *arg2 = (char *) malloc(MAX * sizeof(char)); va_start(ap, n); memset(arg1,0,MAX); memset(arg2,0,MAX); arg1 =(char*)va_arg(ap,char*); arg2 =(char*)va_arg(ap,char*)...
  10. cmancre

    IE loop

    its working, i did that /> and erased the </embed>
  11. cmancre

    IE loop

    here is the flash code, the html validator don't give no more erros, except in the embed warning: <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"...
  12. cmancre

    IE loop

    hello, i got a problem that i dont know how to solve it. I did an html page, with a drop down menu (li and lu), The page got 2 flash in the page. With the firefox it runs OK, but in the IE the page enters in a infinit loop and the flash never loads. I did run a firefox html validator and i got...
  13. cmancre


    i did a script in bash and i want to run it with few arguments. #define rr "/path...." execl(rr,"rr",arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6,(char *)0); is this correct????
  14. cmancre


    code: char buffer[2]={NULL,NULL}; ...// time code and stuff strftime(buffer, 2, "%M", loctime); when i print to stdout the buffer i got trash like @, but like this: char buffer[3]={NULL,NULL,NULL}; ...// time code and stuff strftime(buffer, 3, "%M", loctime); the buffer is OK, i...
  15. cmancre

    fork() & wait()

    Hello code: while(condition){ pID=fork(); if(!pID){ /* do something */ exit(number); } } wait(number); Imagine that my while loop creats 4 childs processes. The execution time of each child are diferent, so child nº2 could end first than child nº1. My...
  16. cmancre

    smbmount to mount

    It is possible to pass this command smbmount to mount smbmount //ip/partition directory/ -o username=user,password=pass
  17. cmancre

    grep word1 or word2

    how can i do something like this: cat file | grep word1 or word2
  18. cmancre

    smbmount erros

    hello anyown knows where i can find a list of all possibles erros of the smbmount command. Thanks
  19. cmancre

    login and bash

    is there a way in bash to validate a login like $/ comand --login=user --pass=yeahright
  20. cmancre

    login and bash

    is there a way in bash to validate a login like $/ comand --login=user --pass=yeahright

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