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Search results for query: *

  1. aaamil13

    Update ListBox

    If you use classes like CInternetSession your thread will be blocked until connection is come to the end. I don't know what is the problem with your ListBox, but if you really use classes for INet you must create another thread for them. I realy don't have any problems with refreshing my...
  2. aaamil13

    WriteString problem

    I think that you can read a string from base file and then to put it in other file. If you need to change a string, then you can change it in this new file. When you get EOF string, then you must delete old file and rename new file with name of old one. If you are working with a big file then...
  3. aaamil13

    Program for adding positive and negative #s

    Try this at first: ...... int n[10], sum_one = 0, sum_two= 0, total_sum = 0, count; for ( count = 1; count < 11 ; count++ ) { cout << &quot;Enter ten whole numbers randomly positive or negative:&quot; << count<< ENDL; cin >> n[count]; } for ( ; count > 0; count--) { if ( n[ count ]>0) sum_one...
  4. aaamil13


    I think that you can't do what you want, but there is a way just make your view class derivate from CView and create all functions you need. Sorry i can't halp you with enything more.
  5. aaamil13

    Why modeless dialog is not working properly?

    Can you send me a part of your code to my email, Iwant to take a look. My Mail is aaamil13@hotmail.com
  6. aaamil13

    DesktopLX and Novell 3.12

    Can somebody faind me Novell Client For Linux platform actualy for DesktopLX
  7. aaamil13

    A simple MFC problem? About display time in &quot;00&quot; format

    I don't know what you want to do but iif you want to display information like '03' then you hev to work lith string. Of course you can get integer val from string with : int m_int = atoi((LPCTSTR) str). You can input and output string, but in fact to work with integer./sorry but no way to...
  8. aaamil13

    Why modeless dialog is not working properly?

    First i think that you are tring to use VC, so use it: Create a class derived from CDialog / Named Derivate/and all functions you need. In main Window class crate member var of type Derivate Now you can use member func: Create( nID, CWnd* pParentWnd =NULL) **NULL means that parent window is...
  9. aaamil13


    All you have to do is to modify member function Create: BOOL CListCtrl.Create( DWORD dwStyle, const RECT& rect, CWnd* pParentWnd, UINT nID ); dwStyle : LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS - Always show the selection, if any, even if the control does not have the focus and LVS_SINGLESEL - Allows only one...

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