Hey Guys,
It's me again. I have been trying to figure out why one computer out of four that I've tried my application return an oracle error ora-06502. The error occurs when the program gets to the Execute command of the stored procedure.
Can someone list me possibilities of why this would...
I just tested my software (old working version with ORAOLEDB) on another test machine, and it ran fine.
I think there is something wrong with the computer itself that has been giving me problems. Is there anyway to check it a component is corrupted? Maybe the ADO component in charge of...
the set objRS = datcmd1.execute is used to have the stored procedure pass down a table of information from teh stored procedure to populate the recordset used.
with the OraOLEDB provider and one other test machine,
with prmNumofClients I can see it's value by doing
datCmd1.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
datCmd1.CommandTimeout = 16000 'Long timeout
datCmd1.CommandText = "app_stat.Shipping_Tracker.Get_Statistics"
The result set contains 2 fields a description and a count. the other parameters that are either IN OUT or just OUT get filled with the...
Yes, I used parameters objects.
I have simulated your adoCMD.parameters.append line
by adding:
datCmd1.parameters.append prmX
Where X is the parameter object created.
Hey Guys,
I have tried it your way for creating parameters and I get the same error message:
-2147217900 ORA-06550: line 1, column 7:
PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to '<PROCEDURE NAME>'
ORA-06550: line 1, column 7:
PL/SQL: statement ignored
Microsoft OLE DB Provider...
Hey Guys,
I am trying to call a stored procedure with ADO command object as well as connection.
I have the stored procedure return a reference cursor, and the way I call my stored procedure is:
set objRS = datCMD1.execute
The application gives me an error saying wrong type or number of...
Hey guys,
I have in a VB application two text boxes that the user can enter a range that they would want to query off of the server. The user can have the option of inputing as much of the range information they know when creating their ranges.
I am wondering is there anyway I can use LIKE...
JJames you'll also be getting a star when I get home from work, due to the alertbeforeoverwriting = false and displayalerts = false.
Those two lines helped me get rid of my insanity when Excel tried to overwrite a file.
I originally was going to go with the template file and I was until a...
Casper, Thanks a bunch. I'll give you a star when I get home (company settings forbid javascript). I figured it out before checking your reply and I was at that same site.
hmckillop: you'll get a star as well because you took the time to code out an example which was helpful.
Thanks guys...
I have to have report style header and footer in my excel file and the data will be formatted in a specific way. If I use the JEToption will I be able to insert my header/footer data easily?
Casper: I'm using OraOLEDB provider and not JET.
More than half the time the XLS file will not exist. When that happens your code doesn't allow the excel file to open, also when the file does exist and it's blank it will still prompt for SaveAs.
I create the Excel file by...
Oh yeah I've used ADO before, but I want to make an output file into an excel spreadsheet. I'm going to dump data from an ADO recordset into an Excel spreadsheet and save that file. This is primarily for user output. So any help on my topic question would be greatly appreciated.
Hey Guys,
I am writing an application that will write to an Excel spreadsheet from Visual Basic and I want it to save and close without Excel prompting. How would I go about doing that? Many thanks,
Hey guys and gals,
I was wondering does my stored procedure have to have a PUBLIC synonym for the users of my application to be able to call the stored procedure from VB?
If I have a LOCAL synonym created what all do I have to do in VB?
Appreciate any help.
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