Working with ranges and selections is one of the options that I am looking into. It may end up working in this scenario. I would still be very interested in a clipboard object to work with however.
It is a home grown in house application written in VBA. The Access application opens and populates data into MS Word templates. It also copies content from one template to another. I'm currently investigating a couple of different options but ideally, I would have a clipboard object...
Current process uses MS Access, MS Word and the Windows clipboard to create correspondence. Because of the way that the clipboard is used I can only have one of these processes running on a machine at any given time. If I try to run more than one, I run the risk of incorrect data being...
I was wondering if there was any way to identify and/or copy all records related to a record being copied.
Let's say I have 5 tables A,B,C,D,E
My goal: When I copy record A1 to create record A2 I would like to identify all records in B,C,D,E (if they exist) and create records in those tables...
I'm deducing that you simply want to grab a record at random from your dataset. I Performed a Google search for 'ms access return random data' and found this link in less than 30 seconds.
Check it out and let me know if this is what you are looking for.
Prior to generating a new excel file try to delete the existing one with a Kill command (Kill "C:\My Data\myfile.xls"). Just trap the resulting error when someone has the file open (probably permission denied) and deal with it accordingly.
Here is a snippet that should help. Just make sure you add the Microsoft Scripting Runtime reference.
Function LoopThroughFiles()
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Dim sysObject As FileSystemObject
Dim sysFolder As folder
Dim sysFile As File
Set sysObject =...
Here's a quick little function that will check if a control exists on a form or subform and return a boolean value.
I've used it to check to see if recordset field names are used as form control names, updating the recordset with the form value when I have a match (let me know if anyone is...
The pdf activex control doesn't include an error class. Does anyone know how I can trap these errors. Has anyone out there already written a class module for this?
Do you have any kind of sequential identifier (UID) on any of the tables involved in your query? If so, you could assign the UID to a global (make it a long) or even a hidden field on your form (Default of zero). In your criteria for the query, include this field and apply criteria...
If you don't use the link table manager you could always query against MSysObjects to get the table path before you delete the table and then use the path to re-create your link.
This sql will return the name and path for tables linked to other Access DB's
SELECT MSysObjects.Name...
I'm not sure that a check box can be assigned a null value in Access. A check box is a boolean control and will always be equal to one of two values (True or False, Yes or No, -1 or 0).
Weird that your users would not be able to change records without making a selection. Does the field that...
PH, That worked great.
note: setting the SelLength to 0 also means that I don't have to set Behaviour entering field to Go to start of field, which can be a pain when working with tables.
Thank you all for your assistance.
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