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Search results for query: *

  1. GayleC

    Error: This Field Cannot be Summarized - Crystal 11

    Thanks Pete, it is the third question. I'm way over my head on this one, normally I would have had a report this complicated written by a SQL programmer, but we are currently without one. Your solution above works as long as I move all my results down to the footer vs the header. I appreciate...
  2. GayleC

    Error: This Field Cannot be Summarized - Crystal 11

    Sorry about that. Yes {@2nd Filing} uses Previous function. Is there a workaround? Below is the formula for {@2nd Filing} stringvar ReasonCode; if RecordNumber=1 then ReasonCode:= {TransactionDistributions.AdjustmentReasonCode1} else (if {PatientVisit.PatientVisitId}=previous...
  3. GayleC

    Error: This Field Cannot be Summarized - Crystal 11

    I'm getting the error message "This field cannot be summarized" for a field called {@VOIDEDPROC} in a formula called "Maximum" . The following are my formulas: VoidedProc if isnull ({PatientVisitProcs.Voided}) then 1 else IF {PatientVisitProcs.Voided} = 1 then (if cdate...
  4. GayleC

    Consolidate multiple data into one row Crystal 11

    Thanks Pete! This thing woke me up at 4 am and I came up with a similar solution to my Clean/Dirty issue, however I had not thought of using Maximum in the formula which works better than what I was planning on using. It's working now. Thank you so much!
  5. GayleC

    Consolidate multiple data into one row Crystal 11

    Thanks Pete, my subreport is a copy of my main report, I set up the VisitID parameter and added it to the record selection formula to pull include the parameter. Placed the shared string variable Group Footer of my subreport and suppressed all other sections of the report. When I added it to...
  6. GayleC

    Consolidate multiple data into one row Crystal 11

    I figured out my issue above, I had not set up a shared variable. But now I'm having issues with the formula I mentioned above: ie if {@RCode} in ["P9", "P7", "P3", "P20", "P2", "P18", "P17", "P16", "P14", "B9", "B8", "B7", "B23", "B22", "B20", "B16", "B15", "B14", "B13", "B12", "B11", "B10"...
  7. GayleC

    Consolidate multiple data into one row Crystal 11

    Thank you. I haven't worked with Subreports before so can I get a little clarification on the following statement by Pete? "The sub-report should be put in the Group Header with a Shared Variable used to pass the value back to the main report." Are you saying that once I have my subreport...
  8. GayleC

    Consolidate multiple data into one row Crystal 11

    I’m working in Crystal 11. Below is a sample of my data that is grouped by VisitID I need the multiple RCodes to be reported in total in the RCodeSumm column. I used the following formula: stringvar ReasonCode; if RecordNumber=1 then ReasonCode:=...
  9. GayleC

    Select the 2nd date from a list of dates

    Thanks, adding whileprintingrecords to the reset formula fixed the issue with it grabbing the date from the previous patientvisitid. I've been playing with the formula more, if I use my record selector filter to only pull OrderforClaims = 1 the formula works in my sample, but I'm worried that...
  10. GayleC

    Select the 2nd date from a list of dates

    Thank you. It got me a little closer but there are two issues. The first issue is that the reset formula is not working, when I ran a test using two separate patientvisitID's the results for the 2nd patientvisitID were identical to the 1st patientvisitid. The second issue is that it is only...
  11. GayleC

    Select the 2nd date from a list of dates

    I need to capture the 2nd time, where it exists, a claim was filed to a patients primary insurance for a specific visit, unless the 2nd time occurs after a claim has been filed to the patients secondary insurance. The number of dates for filed claims can range anywhere from 1 to infinity. The...
  12. GayleC

    Two Static Date Parameters where only one can be selected

    Hello, I'm working in Crystal XI and have been asked to write a report which contains two separate dates. A Date of Service (DOS) and an Entry Date. The end user wants the report to be run by either the DOS or the Entry date but not both. For example run the report for a DOS of 5/1/15...
  13. GayleC

    Combining components of multiple transactions from the same table into one row on a report

    [shadeshappy]Thanks, i'll try that when my stupid server comes back up.
  14. GayleC

    Combining components of multiple transactions from the same table into one row on a report

    That worked, I do have nulls in the Modifier field so with a few other modifications for formating this is pulling correctly now. Thank you very much. This solution is only causing one small new issue and that is that when i export to excel it lumps it all into one cell than i have to run a...
  15. GayleC

    Combining components of multiple transactions from the same table into one row on a report

    Unfortunately this solution did not work. when I summed the Amount field for the group the result was the sum of all the transaction amounts instead of those that met the unique characteristics of the formula. So using the example data above, the sum was $85.05. Also the formula resulted in a...
  16. GayleC

    Combining components of multiple transactions from the same table into one row on a report

    I'm struggling to explain this. You are correct that the two lines are identical for most of the fields, this is because in reality the two transactions are actually one, but the way this database is written they have broken out components of the transactions into two seperate ones. The...
  17. GayleC

    Combining components of multiple transactions from the same table into one row on a report

    This is a medical company and the "AdjustmentGroupCode1" and "AdjustmentReasonCode1" are industry standard codes that are supplied by an insurance company to explain the payment "Amount" that they issued for billed services. The paper document that would have been received from the insurance...
  18. GayleC

    Combining components of multiple transactions from the same table into one row on a report

    I am trying to write a flat file report that calls for components of different transactions from the same table to be reported on the same row in a report. I am working in Crystal XI. The transactions I am trying to combine from the same table is the "Amount" with a TransactionType of "P" and...
  19. GayleC

    Selection query for last payment date

    Thank you so much! This worked perfectly and was so much easier than what I was trying to do.

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