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  1. Gabriel2010

    openssh: could not load..

    Thanks! Glad to be here!
  2. Gabriel2010

    openssh: could not load..

    ran: /usr/local/openssh-3.8.1p1/ssh-keygen -b 768 -t rsa and did the same for dsa, needless to say, it failed!!! It detected existing keys, said Y to overwrite & it simply failed. How can it all worked like a magic when another system had everything installed as RPMs?? This is nuts...
  3. Gabriel2010

    openssh: could not load..

    Ok. find / -name ssh_host_key returns this location:/usr/local/etc/ssh_host_key When restarting openssh with /usr/local/openssh-3.8.1p1/sshd It reports: could not load host key: /usr/local/etc/ssh/ssh_host_key Could not load host key: /usr/local/etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key Disabling protocol...
  4. Gabriel2010

    Changing an existing MySQL password in RHL8

    Hello Runnin'MySQL 4.x in a RHL8 system. Had assigned a temporary password to the root account of MySQL using: /usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root password passisalive /usr/bin/mysqladnin - root -h systemname password passisalive Now, great, that work, when trying to change the EXISTING password...
  5. Gabriel2010

    openssh: could not load..

    I have not run that command yet. Next time I'll stick with RPMS, they seem to do it all for you. I will check ssh-keygen, although no idea what's recommended there. Thanks agaiN! Glad to be here!
  6. Gabriel2010

    openssh: could not load..

    Hello 1. Installed latest openssl 2. installed latest openssh (tar.gz) 3. openssh: ./configure, make, make install 4. This says “install the OpenSSH binaries in /usr/local/bin, configuration files in /usr/local/etc, the server in /usr/local/sbin, etc.” 5. Followed this...
  7. Gabriel2010

    Upgrading OpenSSL

    Ok, I ran the ./config --prefix=/usr/local --openssldir=/usr/local/openssl and a bit early to find out of any bad issues. The command rpm -q openssl still reports the old version Thanks again mates! Glad to be here!
  8. Gabriel2010

    Upgrading OpenSSL

    Ok. Did you by any chance specified a prefix at instalation time? Maybe /usr/local/openssl/bin or /usr/local/bin ? Thanks Glad to be here!
  9. Gabriel2010

    Upgrading OpenSSL

    Hello It's a nice-looking RHL 8 system with version openssl-0.9.6b-29. Needs to be upgraded to latest version. 1. Anybody knows the best way to do an "upgrade" of openssl w/o breaking other programs in the system? I did an rpm-e openssl, & it lists other programs that depend on it. Althought...
  10. Gabriel2010

    portmap 4.0

    Hello Is portmap necessary in a system/network where NIS, NFS will not exist? or does any other program, daemon needs this? I have looked around the Net but would prefer other Linux/Unix users opinions. Thanks! Glad to be here!
  11. Gabriel2010

    Where to Place sources

    Hello When downloading a program/software in Linux, where should the sources be placed into? /tmp? or where they're intended to go, say /usr/local or /usr? A lot of the programs install themselves where they are tarred, so this varies from software. Thanks! Glad to be here!
  12. Gabriel2010

    no firewall option in RHL

    Ok. The lokkit utility takes you back to the same GUI-like-interface of the setup/firewall configuration, right? Does the lokkit utility remembers the previous settings as applied from before? This seems to be the problem when using the setup/firewall config tool; going into it & not even...
  13. Gabriel2010

    no firewall option in RHL

    hello noticed at installation time of red hat linux 8, there are three options: high, medium and "no firewall" what does "no firewall means" exactly in practical & technical tems? we have some problems with the "firewall configuration" option in the setup tool ( typing setup at cmd prompt)...
  14. Gabriel2010

    Layout / Creation Order of Linux Partitions

    Hello from top being closest to the outer edge of hard disk (faster access) & first to be created when partitioning linux: /boot /root /swap /tmp /usr /home system will have Apache, MySQL & Bugzilla. is the creation / placement order of these partitions reasonable ok ? thanks in advance...
  15. Gabriel2010

    /tmp and /boot

    Hello It will be a Bugzilla system with MySQL, Apache. Pretty much have sorted what will be assigned & what partitions will exist, but the /tmp is something I'm not quite sure. Read that it is the "system-wide temporary space" and if not created separately it will be included in the root...
  16. Gabriel2010

    /tmp and /boot

    Hello All! Generally, say on a sizable HD of about 20 GB, how big should thr /tmp and /boot partitions be? I have a pretty good idea about /usr,/swap and /var; not quite sure about the former ones. Thanks! Gabriel Glad to be here!
  17. Gabriel2010

    Type of MySQL Installation

    Hello, Hope all is well. I have installed MySQL 4.x version about 4 months ago in a Red Hat Linyx 8 system. A "find / -name mysql" returns: /usr/bin/mysql /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/i386-linux-thread-multi/auto/DBD/mysql /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/i386-linux-thread-multi/DBD/mysql...
  18. Gabriel2010

    Apache Version

    Hello Running Apache in a RHL 8 system. WHat is the command to find out the current apache installed? Thanks! Gabriel Glad to be here!
  19. Gabriel2010

    HTTP Security Server

    Hello, Looking at this document: http://www.ts.checkpoint.com/kb/docs/public/firewall1/4_1/pdf/ssluserauthBV1.pdf My assumption is that the whole session stays on SSL, right? Thanks! Glad to be here!
  20. Gabriel2010

    File System Partitioning for a Bugzilla System

    Dear All, Hello. I'm asking around & have been to the Bugzilla support site, just in case someone has some real world experience with Bugzilla, it is being asked here. thanks. Can someone recommend proper partitioning layout for a Linux system to run Bugzilla, MySQL (source install) and Apache...

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