Tman45: I've been trying to get in touch with you about the part number for the new power supply. I wrote the blog post about replacing the capacitor. I've given the part number you gave me to my reseller and they claim it's not a valid part. Who did you contact to find the part? Avaya or a...
I'm having problems using tftp to send a BIN file to a replacement switch. Every time I try to get the switch to download it, it gives me a "Data rejected" on the console menu, and on my TFTP log it says "GET. Interrupted by client, received error packet with code: 0 and message: Undefined error...
used all my analog ports in this particular BCM... it's also an analog line at location thats not local to the BCM, so I don't think that would work in this situation...
any other ideas?
thanks for the help so far!
I have a DN, for example 6200 that I want to forward to an outside line, say 111-222-3333... is there a way to do this without setting up a softphone and burning off an IP license?
Step 1: Locate the DN you want to become a Hunt Group
Step 2: Make a note of what Target Line is associated with the DN
Step 3: Remove the Target line from the DN
Step 4: Go to Telephony -> Hunt Groups and find the DN of the hunt group you want to configure
Step 5: Go to Telephony -> Dialing...
Thats what I was thinking, but in element manager the DN is greyed out for my hunt groups... it won't let me change it... how do I get access to that settings?
I have a BCM50 and some questions on Hunt Groups. I have a hunt group of DN 6041 I setup that rings when you call 5810 (target line 135) from outside the system. When I call 5810 from inside the system I get a fast busy signal. How do I correct this?
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