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Search results for query: *

  1. jenfromjax

    Sort Group based on Percent Formula

    Now that I am thinking about it I don't know if I can do TCVTowardQuota in the view. Is one nested formula an issue? ~Jen
  2. jenfromjax

    Sort Group based on Percent Formula

    Thank you for the quick reply! Crap... This particular report is scheduled and distributed so I don't get a chance to export to excel first. What if I can create all of these formulas in my view so they're done on the server side instead? Then all I would need is the sum of TCVTowardQuota and...
  3. jenfromjax

    Sort Group based on Percent Formula

    Let me start by saying that I've seen the other threads on this topic and gather that a SQL Expression is required, which gets inserted into details, then a max summary created (thank you lbass), but that is where I am stuck. I've been looking at this all day so please forgive me if I've left...
  4. jenfromjax

    Using Parameter values in calculation?

    Kebabmeister, That worked beautifully! I’m still trying to pursue having a field or 2 added to the database to house this info, but this is a great work-around!! I had to make a few adjustments due to new information I was given by the user. I’ll post the info here just in case anyone ever...
  5. jenfromjax

    Using Parameter values in calculation?

    Kebabmeister, Would you mind telling me a little more about the formula you recommended? I follow the concept, but not 100% sure how to write it. Referring to "param[RecordNumber]" Currently my parm allows multiple values & I'm OK with having to know the order the records would be presented...
  6. jenfromjax

    Using Parameter values in calculation?

    No apologies necessary. Sometimes it helps to have someone validate your thoughts, ya know? I’ve never used a parameter in this way, but have to exhaust all of my resources before I can ask to have the db modified… politics. I have to admit I am a little bummed. I’ve seen the Crystal gurus...
  7. jenfromjax

    Using Parameter values in calculation?

    Thank you for responding, I was starting to worry no one would. I tried putting a discount % parameter in the details section and it only returned the first value entered in the paramater. So I created a group on the product & moved all of my details there, including the parameter, and it still...
  8. jenfromjax

    Using Parameter values in calculation?

    I am using CR v10 & SQL 2000 and have been asked to do something in Crystal that I don't know is possible. I am hoping someone can advise me. Scenario: I am reporting on sold deals in our sales db. These deals can contain any number of products, at different prices, at whatever discount % the...
  9. jenfromjax

    Listing grouped data from left to right

    lbass, I can't thank you enough for this (but did give you a star), it worked beautifully. I'm just trying to understand why it works though & have a question about the "len" part of last formula. I've read what Crystal's Help file has to say about it, but I'm still not 100% clear. I've...
  10. jenfromjax

    Listing grouped data from left to right

    lbass, I am using Crystal Pro v10 and followed your instructions above. It worked great, but I think I might(?) need to do one more thing? In my scenario, substitute {table.dept_ID} with {table.sale_id} and {table.psmchargelevel_id} with {table.product_sold}. The goal is to show a list of...
  11. jenfromjax

    Number of Occurrences for Conditional Formatting

    LB, You rock!!!! It works perfectly!!! For anyone else who might try LB's solution, I was able to turn the font red instead of turning the whole row yellow using LB's formula: whileprintingrecords; shared numbervar cntregion; if cntregion > 1 then crYellow else crNoColor...
  12. jenfromjax

    Number of Occurrences for Conditional Formatting

    OK, I think I figured out what's happening, just not how to fix it. Formula "lbass" (cntregion) is doing a distinct count of all regions in the report (8) instead of a distinct count of regions within each Group (Rep). How do I tell it to count only the regions in each group instead of the...
  13. jenfromjax

    Number of Occurrences for Conditional Formatting

    Both are great ideas, I can't thank you enough. But I've made a wrong turn somewhere. So far, I've only had time to try LBass' suggestion. It's not quite working for me & I'm hoping someone can tell where I went wrong. RETRACE MY STEPS: 1. Insert | Subreport | Group #1 = {table.salesrep} 2...
  14. jenfromjax

    Totally new to me, please help!

    This site helped me a lot when I was just getting started: http://www.kenhamady.com/formula.html
  15. jenfromjax

    Number of Occurrences for Conditional Formatting

    I am using Crystal Reports v10 accessing a SQL Server (v8 I think). SCENARIO: I have a Salesmen Commission Report. The report is grouped 1st by "Region", then by Salesman ("Rep"). This order of grouping is not negotiable unfortunately. Occasionally, a Rep will sell something in more than one...
  16. jenfromjax


    Did the answer to this ever show up anywhere? This is the same problem I am having.
  17. jenfromjax

    Line chart for details and summary - URGENT

    I figured it out. Here's what I did in case anyone ever needs to do this (Reminder: Crystal v10). It's not pretty, but here goes... Group on {ContractDate} by Month Formula #1 (@Add-on) If {CustomerType} = "Add-on" then {TotalSales} Formula #2 (@Nau) If {CustomerType} = "NAU" then...
  18. jenfromjax

    Line chart for details and summary - URGENT

    Hi everyone. I am using Crystal Reports v10. The Sales Dept wants a line chart that shows: Sales Types: New & Add-on Y axis: Millions X axis: Months I had the above in a cross-tab and no problem creating the chart for this. But now they want to include a line for the totals row. So the...
  19. jenfromjax

    Start page numbering on page 2

    May I suggest an alternative to using the formula mentioned above? 1. Right-click on PageNofM & go to Format Field... 2. Click the Common tab & open the Formula builder next to Supress. 3. Type: pagenumber=1 4. Save changes. On the 2nd issue you mention, starting the counting @ page 2...
  20. jenfromjax

    Multiple records from same field on one line... kinda

    I did try ordering by the other columns. Whichever field it is sorted by first (between the Teller, Account & etc) that first field is the only one that shows up in the Group Footer. I don't understand why it will not return results for more than one formula utilizing one common field.

Part and Inventory Search
