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Search results for query: *

  1. phaseshift

    Uploading Objects to Web Service

    I have an arraylist of objects that I am uploading to a Web Service. I am passing the entire arraylist into a function of the Web Service as a parameter. All the objects make it to the Web Service but in the process the app just freezes. Is there a way to kick off a progress bar while this...
  2. phaseshift

    Sessions is Class file

    I have a login control that returns your id and access level upon a valid login. I need to store these values in a session for later use. Whoever wrote the org. code used Cache which is not creating a problem since cache is shared with everyone accessing the server.
  3. phaseshift

    Sessions is Class file

    I can't find anythin like addkey. The problem seems to be because I am not adding the session to an aspx.cs file. If I try and add a session to a ascx.cs file(a custom control) I can't access the session vairable when I get back to the page code. any thoughts
  4. phaseshift

    *simple* textbox databinding not working...

    txtSettleCtrlNum.DataBindings.Add("Text",dsCustomers,"customers.CUSTID"); should work.
  5. phaseshift

    Sessions is Class file

    There is not a Key.Add avaliable. I tried: HttpContext.Current.Session.Keys[0] = value; and that didn't work either. Thanks again
  6. phaseshift

    Sessions is Class file

    The following is an example of code that is not working. I am trying to write a class file that will set session variables as needed. public static string ID { get { return HttpContext.Current.Session["ID"].ToString(); } set { HttpContext.Current.Session["ID"] = value...
  7. phaseshift

    File Pointers

    Thats what I am doing so it must be in the C++ .dll (a third party) so I have to get with them. Thanks
  8. phaseshift

    File Pointers

    I need to read a file into memory then get a pointer for the files memory location to pass to a C++ dll. I know how to get a pointer in C++ but not not in C#. Any thoughts on where to start. Google hasns't turned anything good up. Also it there a way to do this without getting into unsafe code?
  9. phaseshift

    Parsing XML attributes

    I got that far but how do you get from element to element?
  10. phaseshift

    Parsing XML attributes

    I have an XML file like the following: <idx? <Node1 attribute=""> <Element1 attribute1="" attribute2="" attribute3="" attribute4=""> </item> </Node1> < attribute=""> <Node2 attribute1="" attribute2="" attribute3="" attribute4=""> </item> </Node2> </idx> I need to pasre...
  11. phaseshift

    Passing class Object to Web Service

    I got it. I had to inhert the class from the web service. ws.MyCustomClass foo = new ws.MyCustomClass() then when I was sending in the objects from the local app I had to cast my ArrayList to (ws.MyCustomClass). Thanks a lot. Your comments got me thinking about his way.
  12. phaseshift

    Passing class Object to Web Service

    I tried to convert my arraylist to an object[] and I get the same error; What type of array should I use?
  13. phaseshift

    Passing class Object to Web Service

    I have an ArrayList of objects that I need to pass to a web service. The objects in the ArrayList are objects of a class that I created. When I pass the ArrayList to the Web Service I get an XML error " Cannot generate XML file". If I pass anything else to the Web Service it works just fine...
  14. phaseshift

    Pix to RADIUS Server issue

    I have a PIX 501 setup to due Radius Auth. Once I try and log into my network via the VPN I keep getting the same error at the radius server. Er: "Unknown username or bad password" Even though the account is correct. Any ideas on my is going wrong during the radius auth. Thanks Phaseshift
  15. phaseshift

    New Merlin Magix Price

    As a IP Office User I would agree with Tom. Its problematic at best. http://tek-tips.com/viewthread.cfm?qid=1046799&page=1 The link outlines the most critical problems we are seeing.
  16. phaseshift

    New Merlin Magix Price

    My vendor and I have gone back and forth today. He is still insisting that a "new" Merlin magix cost 38-40K. Is he just straight lying to me? Plus no dice on getting my money back yet. It’s been a frustrating day to say the least.
  17. phaseshift

    New Merlin Magix Price

    yeah, according to tdaugirdas I paid double for my phones so they better work. I didn't know that about the release. This just keeps getting worse. .....
  18. phaseshift

    New Merlin Magix Price

    Knowing it's a rip off I am going try and get them to take the equipment back and go with a diffrent vendor. Thanks
  19. phaseshift

    New Merlin Magix Price

    By the way thanks for all the input.

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