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Search results for query: *

  1. Techie64

    Event logs for scans/pings/breakins

    What tool can I use that logs when my PC is accessed by another? For example, a program that logs if I was pinged, or if one of my ports was scanned, or if someone tried to get into my PC. I can't find this in the event logs. I'm not sure if Port Reporter or PortQuy provides this or not. Thanks.
  2. Techie64

    getting input from command line

    What's the command for getting input at the command line as opposed to Inputbox, example FileInput = Inputbox("Enter the path and filename you wish to open:") createobject("wscript.shell").run FileInput Thanks.
  3. Techie64

    restrict sending permission in Outlook 2003

    I want to restrict User A from sending email to anyone in the address book. Under User A's properties in Active Directory (AD), I can restrict who they can receive email from in Exchange General -> Message Restrictions. But I can't find where to restrict who they can send to in either in AD or...
  4. Techie64

    Lock down Outlook 2003 customizations

    Hi. After making changes to the toolbars and commands, I want to lock it down to where the user can't undo anything. As it stands, after I make the changes, I can right-click, choose Customize and bring everything back. I don't want them doing this. I also have the configuration file saved in...
  5. Techie64

    email logs in Outlook 2003

    It is my understanding that email logging is available. How can I check a PC to see who the user received email from or sent email to, even if they deleted mail? Where is there a log file on the PC containing info where email was sent/received that I can save and review?
  6. Techie64

    Looking for Office 2003 configuration file

    Hi. After making changes to Outlook 2003 (options, customize), what and where is the file that has all the changes saved? I need this in case I want to revert back to the original settings. Thanks.
  7. Techie64

    fairly easy script?

    Can someone provide a script example of how to open/run a file, to include the path? For example, if the path is C:\program files\designs\file.txt, how do I tell the script to open it? Also, will this work for all executable extensions (.exe, .cmd, .txt, .vbs, etc)? Thanks.
  8. Techie64

    Script for Net Send

    OK, here's what I got. This thing is that I'd like for it to display a summary message box after the Net Send executes. Basically it should pop up saying that you sent the message to the following stations: and it lists the stations on the same message box. The way I have it now, it displays...
  9. Techie64

    Script for Net Send

    Hi PHV. I'd like to have this as a stand alone VBScript the user double-clicks to launch, if it's possible. Thanks.
  10. Techie64

    Script for Net Send

    Hi. In Windows XP, I want to create a user interface in VBScript that compliments the NET SEND command. This is what I have so far: Set objShell = Wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Comp2Reach = InputBox("Enter in Computer name.") Message2Send = InputBox("Type your message.") objShell.Run...
  11. Techie64

    Disable folder access on Start menu

    I understand this Mark, but this doesn't work. I need the John to be able to go to START --> Reports, and for the Reports folder to expand and show the files, but not allow him to double-click the folder and opwn a new window. I'm trying to accomplish this after the user logs in, not through...
  12. Techie64

    IE script needs refining

    Below is a simple script that will open the Microsoft home page. You can modify the toolbars' values to display or hide as you see fit. Can someone help with the toolbar buttons? Even though the option exists to display or hide the entire toolbar, is there a way to display only certain toolbar...
  13. Techie64

    Disable folder access on Start menu

    On XP Pro, if you click Start, and double-click any folder in the Start Menu, it will open a window of the folder. How can I disable this? There are files in the folders that I want users to access, but only by clicking Start --> Folder, and letting the folder expand to show the files...
  14. Techie64

    vbscript to hide code

    Accidentally cross-posted to another forum. Sorry. So, Can a vbscript be made into a stand-alone executable like a C++ program? This is for the purpose of hiding the code. Is this possible, or will I need to use another program to call the script? Thanks.
  15. Techie64

    vbscript to hide code

    Can a vbscript be made into a stand-alone executable like a C++ program? This is for the purpose of hiding the code. Is this possible, or will I need to use another program to call the script? Thanks.
  16. Techie64

    renaming computer in Active Directory; getting error

    OK. The script does work. I checked the renamed computer in Active Directory. But how do I stop the error from generating? Set objOU = GetObject("LDAP://OU=Compute,DC=Site,DC=Com") intReturn = objOU.MoveHere _ ("LDAP://CN=Computer1,OU=Compute,DC=Site,DC=Com", "cn=Computer2") Line: 3...
  17. Techie64

    modifying XP folder permissions

    Hi ArkM. I realize what you're saying. I tried this as well. Due to complications with the group policy structure in currently set in place, I'd like to know a way to run a program that will do this once the user logs in.
  18. Techie64

    modifying XP folder permissions

    Would like to place an executable C++ program in the startup folder that will modify folder permissions of the current user. Assuming the user is called 'John', and the folder with permissions to be modified is called 'Reports', how is this done? For example, once John logs in, how can I modify...
  19. Techie64

    trying to reboot my PC with dev-cpp

    #include <dos.h> void main() { union REGS inr, out; int86(0x19, &inr,&outr); } When I compile, it errors at union REGS inr, outr, saying "aggregate 'REGS inr' has". Am I missing something? Also, what different parameters are available for int86? I'd like to logoff or shutdown the system as...

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