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  • Users: sesth
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  1. sesth

    Debugger breakpoint on -w warning?

    use strict; Thomas
  2. sesth

    Dealing with binary files in perl

    Hi, write is not the opposite of read (see documentation). You should use the following code: my $temp = pack ('n', 0x00f0); syswrite (FH, $temp, 2); Please be careful with syswrite. It shouldn't be mixed with other write statements (see documentation). Thomas
  3. sesth

    Microsoft Word Output

    1. You can write RTF form you perl script. Word can read RTF-files. Drawback: You must be familiar with RTF. 2. Use Word's macro recorder to get an idea of how to solve the task via OLE automation. The recorded macro shows the used objects with their properties and methods. Then simply...
  4. sesth

    How to read an Access database table that has spaces in the name

    It should work with [] around table names in Access. The simplest way is building the query in Access until it runs and cut'n paste it into the perl program. Thomas
  5. sesth

    How to multi line comment?

    Perl doesn't support multiline comments. You can use the follwing code: if (0) { ... my code } The last element of an array is returned by $#testArray. $len = $#testArray + 1; Thomas
  6. sesth

    launching an external program from perl

    Use system('start winamp.exe'); Thomas
  7. sesth

    remotely run a post script.......how to.....???

    Have a look at this code sample: use LWP::UserAgent; $url = 'http://bahn.hafas.de/bin/db.w97/query.exe/dn'; @form = ('protocol' => 'http:', # Form content 'from' => 'augsburg hbf', 'to' => 'muenchen hbf', 'via.1' => ''...
  8. sesth

    How to check to see if ports are open

    With NT you can use NETSTAT.EXE. I don't know whether linux has a netstat command. This is not a perl solution :-)
  9. sesth

    finding the last-modified of a file

    sort {(-M $a) <=> (-M $b)} @files should work!
  10. sesth

    Capturing die output

    The statements 'die' and 'warn' will output to 'stderr' and not to 'stdout'. You must redirect 'stderr' to your rsh.
  11. sesth

    wsh, task scheduler please explain

    Does your program work when you call it from the command line? If not you should correct this. If yes it may be a problem with the scheduler account. Scheduled tasks are started form the TaskScheduler service that runs with the LocalSystem account.
  12. sesth

    ä ö ü in perl????

    If you need character translation please use the locale pragma: use locale; print uc &quot;Düren&quot;; should print DÜREN in a German environment.
  13. sesth

    Can't call method &quot;AddRecipient&quot; on unblessed reference.

    Are you shure that $Mailer = $Server->CreateObject(&quot;SMTPsvg.Mailer&quot;); creates an Object? You should check this. With $Win32::OLE::Warn = 3; every COM error is immediately reported and your script dies. Hope that helps Thomas
  14. sesth

    annoying for loop error

    I think perl uses your for-head as a list. The list ($i = 0, $i <= $noinsection, $i++) has three elements and is evaluated before entering the loop. $i is set to 0 and incremented at last resulting to 1. The loop iterates 3 times because the list has 3 elements. The current value of $i (1) is...
  15. sesth

    Embedding SQL into VC++

    Have a look to http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?URL=/library/psdk/dasdk/mdov452k.htm
  16. sesth

    Calling the ShellExecute command

    You can write your own ShellExecute with CreateProcess and synchronize the call with WaitForSingleObjectEx on the process handle. The attached sample procedure uses this technique: BOOL SpawnProc(int CreationFlags, BOOL Sync, int argc, char *argv[]) { // va_list argptr; // char *parm = Param...
  17. sesth

    calling a dos executable

    Try &quot;START /B .exe <file.txt&quot;. Take a look to START help.
  18. sesth

    I have question about sprintf function.

    sprintf is a C library function. The format string is identical to the printf format string. Have a look to http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/devprods/vs6/visualc/vccore/_crt_printf_type_field_characters.htm
  19. sesth

    recursive directory listing

    Try this: print `dir /S/B/AD`;
  20. sesth

    can you create windows DLL's in Perl?

    You can buy a perl compiler (from Active State) and create a COM-Server from your perl program. But I think a better solution is the Windows Scripting Host (WSH). Active State's Perl distribution comes along with a Perl Scripting Engine. Perl scripts can run under control of WSH. MS offers a...

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