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Search results for query: *

  1. dbbyleo

    Mitigate a loss of NFS resouce

    I'm trying to determine if ther are anything I can do to minimize the effects of lossing a NetApp that hosts one of the mounted NFS filesystem on my Sun V490 running Solaris 9. ServerA using NFS filesystems from 2 NetApp filers - NetApp01 and NetApp02. If I loose NetApp02, the service on...
  2. dbbyleo

    Restoing State Databases

    I'm wondering if I can restore state databases I previous had on the server. This is what happened: I have my / filesystem on disk01. I had created a mirrored volume with disk02-disk05. My root file system got "messed up" and I had to reinstall the OS on /. I have backups of the server on...
  3. dbbyleo

    .nfs file - wierd

    We have a V480 box running Solaris 9 with NFS volumes on NetApp Filers. I have these 2 directories in one of the volumes - DirA and DirOLD. I have a daily job that 1.) deletes DirOLD 2.) renames DirA to DirOLD 3.) creates a new DirA (then backups a bunch of files from other locations into DirA)...
  4. dbbyleo

    Using mailx

    I'm new to using mailx. I'd like to know the basics in using it to read, delete, etc my mail. I have the man pages printed out, but things aren't working the way I think it is suppose to work. When I do: mailx I see a list of messages in my mailbox. 1st question: The list show columns. I...
  5. dbbyleo

    Korn Positional Parameters

    oh I get it. I was acutally doing this: $ . ./myscript arg1 arg2 and then (without the args): $ . /myscript And both would have the same outputs. But if I do this: $ ./myscript arg1 arg2 $ ./myscript then the arguments do not persist. Forgive me, I'm a newbie. What is the differences...
  6. dbbyleo

    Korn Positional Parameters

    Can positional parameters in korn be resetted? What I mean is, if I have a script that takes 3 srguments: $ myscript arg1 arg2 arg3 ...script runs and so $1 is equal to arg1; and $2 is equal to arg2, etc... When I ran it again WITHOUT provide any arguments: $ myscript ... It runs with the...
  7. dbbyleo

    net-snmp binaries, help urgently needed

    Gosuc, I am also trying to do the same thing. I have dowloaded the binaries and tarball also created the same directories as with you. Could provide how you got net-snmp installed?
  8. dbbyleo

    output of vi during RSC or tip session

    TERM=vt100 export TERM I have tries doing this as well, but no difference. Anyone else have any other suggest. Again, the situation is this: I am telnet'ed into serverA from a PC. Then tip into serverB.
  9. dbbyleo

    output of vi during RSC or tip session

    Here something I found. When I am vi'ing a file, it is only when I am at the last line of the file where the output gets giberish. When I'm at the top of middle of the file, things work fine. Y'all experience this when tipping or using RSC console?
  10. dbbyleo

    output of vi during RSC or tip session

    Yes, I did export TERM. I have tried setting EXPORT=vt100 and still no difference.
  11. dbbyleo

    output of vi during RSC or tip session

    I connect to my SunFireV480 via the RSC console (I also use telnet and tip). In any cases, whenever I'm RSC'ing or tipping to a server, I get a bad output on my screen when I VI a file. So far I have set TERM=ansi and EDITOR=vi. Please help. This server is headless and this is my only form...
  12. dbbyleo

    tip question

    What do you mean "the port on box C is not setup the same as the other server?" It's the serial port. How can I configure the serial port on box C? box A is a SunFireV480 and has this entry in it's /etc/remote file: hardwire...
  13. dbbyleo

    tip question

    I have set tip and can access boxB from boxA. However, when I try to access boxC from boxA, all I get a the connected message. The login prompt does not appear. Please help.
  14. dbbyleo

    Adjust the output of RSC console

    That did it. So basically what I did was this: Since my normal telnet session to the SUN box works just fine (meaning the format of the output to screen looks good), I did a set on that session to figure what the difference was as far as the TERM variable was concerned. And sure enough, the...
  15. dbbyleo

    Adjust the output of RSC console

    I am using RSC v2.2 on an Enterprise 250 box. I have the RSC client installed on a windows2000 workstation. When I use the RSC GUI interface from the workstation and open a console to the Sun box, I notice that output on the console it not exact. For example, when I do a man page on a...
  16. dbbyleo

    Issue Stop-A from telnet session

    Maurits! It worked like a charm. For those of you looking at this now, the quick answer to my question was... the key combination that has the equivalent of a Stop-A is: ~# Thanks a bunch Maurits and who ever wrote such article.
  17. dbbyleo

    Issue Stop-A from telnet session

    Nope, haven't seen that. I'm assuming you're refering to the 'Tip of the Week" section on "Solaris on Headless PCs". I'll give it a shot and let you know how it goes. As always, thanks!
  18. dbbyleo

    Issue Stop-A from telnet session

    I have 2 SUN boxes. Neither has a console. I had setup Box1 successfully using a laptop and connecting directly to the serial port. I had also successfully setup the RSC card. I don't have the laptop anymore. I simply use RSC or telnet to communicate with Box1. I have successfully...
  19. dbbyleo

    how to know tape device is working ?

    Got it. I needed to have the terminator on the device. I hit "stop-a" at boot up and issued "reboot -r" at th ok prompt. Now it works. Thanks.
  20. dbbyleo

    how to know tape device is working ?

    I having the same question as the originator of this thread. In my system, I have nothing in the /dev/rmt directory. What does this mean and I can I resolve this.

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