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    getElementsByName works great in netscape, not so for ie?

    IE5.0 has a faulty getElementsByName function. It exists just like it should, and it's a function just like it should be, and running it doesn't give any errors... But the result is wrong: the returned object has NO elements in it, and the length is 0, although it should be 2. Quite an annoying...

    X-Browser -> Why does Netscape ignore this code?

    The following code would be a bit nicer: It'd work in Gecko browsers too, and it'd be more efficient: get=document.all?document.all: document.layers?function(d,l,_,i) { if (!l) l=window; l=l.document; if (_=l[d]) if (_==l.applets[d]) return _; else return _.style=_; if (_=l.links[d])...

    dynamic positioning question

    The offsetTop, offsetLeft, offsetHeight, and offsetWidth properties of HTML elements contain the values of an element's position and size as integers. These properties work in Internet Explorer 4+ as well as Netscape 6. - UNIMENT

    Scripts runs in IE, but hangs in NS

    One thing about Netscape is that it doesn't like thousands of calls to document.write in a short period of time. A better idea would be to create a string and concatenate it at every iteration, then document.write() it when it's done. If that's not the cause of the problem, try looking into...

    String.replace (regexpr)

    The replace method does not alter its parent object. Rather, it does its duty by returning the String on which the replacements took place. tString=tString.replace(/"([^"]*)"/g, "$1"); - UNIMENT

    Nested Layers?

    document.menuFrame.document.layers[0].document.menuItem1 That is, if menuFrame is absolutely or relatively positioned. If it isn't positioned so, you'll have to access the ilayer as a direct child of the document. - UNIMENT

    playing music

    http://www.jsmadeeasy.com/javascripts/Audio/list.htm - UNIMENT

    Constructor object

    Maybe it's not a bug, who knows? - UNIMENT

    Constructor object

    Okay... Now that it has been determined that the Option constructor can still be called as a function as long as parameters are passed to it, I'd like to know how you create functions that aren't constructed with Function (and without using the function keyword)? thanks - UNIMENT

    Constructor object

    Yeah... I tested in IE6 only. However, the results of this test show that it may be possible in JavaScript or even JScript to create a constructor that is not created by the Function function. For quite a while (must be months by now) I've made constructors, but only by creating functions. I'd...

    Constructor object

    Based on your posts, I can safely conclude that ... You don't quite understand what I'm talking about and you aren't quite capable of answering my question. The Math object, if you haven't noticed, is not a constructor. The Option object, if you haven't noticed, is a constructor. Also, if you...

    Constructor object

    trollacious, Yes I know all variables are supposedly objects. They all have toString() and valueOf() functions. In Netscape, you can watch() and unwatch() as well. xutopia, have you ever tried calling the Option constructor without using the new keyword? You get an error! Try it! The point I'm...

    Why Does Netscape suck?

    One of the things about versions of Netscape before 6 that makes me maddest is the inability to retrieve the HTML of an element. Try this: <form><input /></form> <script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;> alert(document); alert(document.forms[0][0]); </script> If you tested the above code in...

    pop up when leaving website

    Try this code on for size: if (document.layers) document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEUP); document[document.layers?&quot;onmouseup&quot;:&quot;onclick&quot;]=function(e) { var s=e?e.target:event.srcElement; if (s.hostname && s.hostname != location.hostname && (s.target == &quot;&quot; ||...

    Why Does Netscape suck?

    The reference I use most often is http://developer.netscape.com/docs/manuals/communicator/jsref/contents.htm Particularly, I use this reference whenever I need to learn something about the core. But as far as programming technique or DOM-access goes, you should do experimentation. The OOP...

    Why Does Netscape suck?

    gerrygerry, I learned JS from looking at other people's code and from looking at the docs. I learned to code the way I do by experimenting a lot and by thinking a lot ;-) I also think that some day I should create a new programming language based on JavaScript (I *almost* love JavaScript, but I...

    What's the best option for a domain name?

    http://www.tk http://www.dyndns.org - UNIMENT

    Why Does Netscape suck?

    I'd suggest this JS for hiding/showing, but you might prefer Sleidia's method better. get=document.all?function(d) { return document.all[d]; }: document.layers?function(d,l,_,i) { if (!l) l=window; if (_=l.document[d]) return _.style=_; for (i = 0,l=l.document.layers; i < l.length; i++) if...

    More freakin' Netscape problems. I

    In Netscape, they don't make the HTML elements global. Although JavaScript veterans might like it better, it discourages n00bs from coding for Netscape. Here's the code that I would suggest using rather than your code (IE4+, NS6): <script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;> _show=function()...

    'Expected an object' error

    You have one too many end parentheses in your if statement. This causes a syntax error and keeps the function from being parsed, hence rendering the function nonexistant and causing an &quot;Object Expected&quot; error when you try to call it. For some reason, IE by default will not show an...

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