Error Occurred While Processing Request
Could not perform web service invocation "getuserinfo" because AxisFault faultCode: {}Server.generalException faultSubcode: faultString: [org.apache.axis.AxisFault : ; nested exception is...
I am currently doing the following.
<cfdocument format="flashpaper">
<cffile action=read file="C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\NGS_DATA\Downloadedfiles\BibleRecords\10.pdf" variable="test"></cffile>
The document opens and displays as flashpaper but it is gibberish...
The application.cfm is in the root folder.
All the other vars that get defined are application vars eg: Application.ITALIANRN = "ITALIANFORUM";
I doublechecked the spelling multipletimes and finally did a cut paste to make sure.
Am not clearing the Application.PolandRN variable.
I get the error Element POLANDRN is undefined in APPLICATION.
16 : </cfif>--->
17 : <cfsetting enablecfoutputonly="yes">
18 : <Cfset ThisArea = Application.PolandRN>
19 : <Cfparam name="Action" default="NEW">
20 : <Cfoutput>
However in the application.cfm file I have Application.PolandRN =...
I have a function with return type query. How am I to loop over the result set to display the output. Please help.
My function is
<cffunction name="getdiv" returntype="query">
<cfargument type="numeric" name="per_no">
<cfquery name="div_place" datasource="NGSResearch">
select value from...
ColdFusion Info
Product Name - ColdFusion Server
ColdFusion Version - 6,1,0,hf59763_611
Product Level - Standard
Server Info
Windows 2000 5.0
This error occurs randomly when trying to write into the database...
I keep getting the error No more data available to read. I just recently ran cf patches on my system, but it still occurs. Am not sure why? Please help
Is it possible for me to store the uploaded file (pdf, doc etc) to another server apart from the coldfusion server? Or does it have to be on the same server? Is there a workaround to this?
Tried this.... but still only the last record is being displayed
<cfset newline = #chr(13)#&#chr(10)#>
<cfset pageOutput = "Last Name,First Name,Address,City,State,Zip,E-Mail"&newLine>
<cffile action="write" file="D:\Webs\wwwroot\NGSInternal\Lapse.csv" output="#pageOutput#" addnewline="no">...
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