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Search results for query: *

  1. PeterHT

    MS Terminal Server Connection Issue w/ Lic Installed

    I have 13 machines (7 are 2000 or XP Pro; 5 are Win98). I have purchased 5 TS CALS for the Win98, and the 2000/XP should use the built-in. There are many instances where clients get the following error: [REMOTE DESKTOP DISCONNECTED] The most likely causes are: 1) ...not enabled.. 2) max conn...
  2. PeterHT

    Exchange/Outlook Custom Form Issue

    I have a custom form published to a CONTACTS Puublic Folder on an Exchange 2000 box. When I create new contacts on any computer, the form shows properly. Some OLD contacts that are opened by users show the custom form on Outlook 2000, but not Outlook 2003. The published form was changed...
  3. PeterHT

    2k3 SBS with Exchange 2k3 forwards BCC mail to Postmaster

    I have three exchange servers: 2000, 2003, and SBS2003 w/ Exchange 2003. When I send a BCC email (No TO: or CC: address), the 2000 and stand-alone 2003 exchange servers deliver the mail to the appropriate user. When I send to a SBS2003 server with 2003 Exchange, the email gets forwarded to...
  4. PeterHT

    NTBackup shows ALL files modified when Verifying/Comparing

    I am using NTBackup to backup a stand along workstation. When the backup is verified/comapared, ALL the files are showing as changed (1000's of entries in the log). Anyone seen this or have an idea on how to fix? SAMPLE: Warning: C:\Program Files\Common Files\IRAABOUT.DLL has been modified...
  5. PeterHT

    SBS2003 Showing SQL Server Service Manager

    I was going to uninstall MSDE and noticed that there are TWO entries in the Add/Remove prog list; one for SBSMONITORING and one for SHAREPOINT. I dont use sharepoint, but it sounds like SQL may be needed for some other SBS function? Does anyone know if I can get rid of the manager icon without...
  6. PeterHT

    SBS2003 Showing SQL Server Service Manager

    I am not using the SQL portion of the small business server. Does anyone know how I can keep the manager from loading at startup? Do I need to uninstall SQL alltogether? Thanks! Peter
  7. PeterHT

    OWA 401 Unauthorized Error

    I have several users that connect to my server via RDP/Terminal Services. I have them accessing OWA via a local link (http://servername.domain.com/exchange Most users have no trouble accessing. Some users ask for login credentials, then OWA draws the blue line separating the folder list from...
  8. PeterHT

    SBS2003 Pop3 Connector Time Interval < 15 Min

    I would settle for a 3rd party solution if there are any free utilities out there that do the same. I only need to POP one catch_all account. Thanks! Peter
  9. PeterHT

    Help setting up Windows 2003 SBS for Workgroup only

    An SBS2003 server that is not promoted will SHUT DOWN after 30 min; per MS EULE.
  10. PeterHT

    SBS2003 Pop3 Connector Time Interval < 15 Min

    Does anyone know if there is a registry or program modification that will allow the POP3 Connector to check for email in a time interval LESS than 15 min? The connector GUi doesnt allow anything less than 15 min, and my users dont like waiting that long for replies. Thanks! Peter
  11. PeterHT

    How to configure User Auto-Login on v6.0.1 on 2003 Server

    I know there is also an option in user maintenance to auto-login based on the Firewall interface or IP addresses, but I want to Auto-Login based on Domain login account, not location (IP). THanks! Peter
  12. PeterHT

    How to configure User Auto-Login on v6.0.1 on 2003 Server

    I want to be able to login users automatically based on the user account they are loged into on the domain. When I check off "Always require users to be authenticated when accessing web pages", my users get the KERIO login page requesting them to login. I have the "Enable user authenticaltion...
  13. PeterHT

    Server Reboots when accessing Terminal Services

    VNC was installed, but after we started having trouble with TS. Peter
  14. PeterHT

    Server Reboots when accessing Terminal Services

    I have a Win 2000 Server that reboots as soon as you establish a Remote Desktop or Term Serv connection to it. I have removed the service, reinstalled it, re-service packed the server, and reinstalled all patches --- Nothing corrected the problem. Has anyone else seen this issue and/or have...
  15. PeterHT

    WinRoute and VLANs

    Does anyone know if you can setup WinRoute (Version 5 or 6) with three NICS to create a VLAN? (Nic1=Internet; Nic2=LAN A, Nic3=LAN B) I want Both LAN A and LAN B to see 1) Internet and 2) couple of print servers via IP#. Can WinRoute allow traffic between Internet and Print Servers but block...
  16. PeterHT

    Outlook & Faxing

    I am using MS SHARED FAX on a server, Word, and Outlook contacts to send out faxes. Most of my contacts have been entered manually or imported via outlook. When I send faxes, MS FAX does not properly dial 1+. In researching this on MS KB, I found out that you may have to go into dialing...
  17. PeterHT

    Configuring Outlook to Exchange 2003 via Group Policy

    So there is no way to do this via a MS GPO?
  18. PeterHT

    Configuring Outlook to Exchange 2003 via Group Policy

    Does anyone know an easy way to configure clients to all connect to Exchange 2003 with a group policy. I am trying to avoid having to configure multiple users on multiple machines/profiles, or having to worry about configuring new users. Thanks!
  19. PeterHT

    Force administrator Logout

    Thanks -- those are some good ideas.
  20. PeterHT

    Force administrator Logout

    I have a 2003 server installed at a customer. They do not have access to the server for obvious reasons. I have a BACKUP account setup to allow them just enough access to check backups. The problem is when I forget to logout from the server. The screen saver locks the console and requires...

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