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  • Congratulations SkipVought on being selected by the Tek-Tips community for having the most helpful posts in the forums last week. Way to Go!

Search results for query: *

  1. jpbrassard

    Newbie question - How do I pass a parm to .asp file and then read it

    The problem's in your anchor - specifically, the script block indicators in the href attribute. Yours looks like this: <A HREF=&quot;<%BOM.asp?LineNumber%>&quot;>Associated BOM</A> It should look like this: <A HREF=&quot;BOM.asp?LineNumber=1&quot;>Associated BOM</A> The &quot;<%%>&quot; bits...
  2. jpbrassard

    How to control textbox input (numeric) while user types in data

    1. Not sure what you mean - will some users be able to input text data and others numeric data? 2. In each textbox's Change event, have a little code that goes like: If Not IsNumeric(Text1.Text) Then MsgBox &quot;Numeric data only, please!&quot; Text1.Text = &quot;&quot; End If 3. I...
  3. jpbrassard

    Recordset vs. Command object.

    I tend to use the Connection object to execute stored procs, rather then the Command object. As far as I know, there's not a huge critical difference between the two - I just prefer the Connection object, because there are less steps to take to actually execute a proc than with the Command...
  4. jpbrassard

    Maintaining ViewState without .NET

    Only thing I can think of, RJ, is that VBScript loves to capitalize the string representations of boolean values when converting them in a Response.Write. I would try: <OPTION value=&quot;7/10/2003&quot; selected=&quot;<%=lcase(cstr(flag4))%>&quot;>blah</OPTION> I'm not currently up on my W3...
  5. jpbrassard

    Get Field Names

    Tarwn's suggestion should work, or you could change the For/Next loop to start with 0 instead of 1 (according to the ADO 2.8 documentation at MSDN, the Fields collection is zero-based, not one-based): For i = 0 To recordset1.Fields.Count - 1 '// code in here should remain the same. Next...
  6. jpbrassard

    Get Field Names

    Heh. The For/Next loop is what took me that few seconds longer... [wink] But really, the For/Next should be surround by a Do/While for recordset1, so it should've taken me even longer... HTH, jp
  7. jpbrassard

    Get Field Names

    You can simply spin through the Fields collection off your Recordset object, and if you need the individual Field (column) names for display purposes, you can grab those too, like so: Dim strValue, strDisplay For i = 1 To recordset1.Fields.Count strDisplay = recordset1.Fields(i).Name If...
  8. jpbrassard

    Maintaining ViewState without .NET

    You've got the right idea, but the execution is slightly off. The SELECTED attribute of the OPTION aggregate in HTML does not have the ability the have a value set to it - that it, it's more of a switch than a value holder. So, assuming that you've got different flags for each OPTION aggregate...
  9. jpbrassard

    Sending .asp variables to a Javascript open.window

    I would make your openWindow function have parameters that will hold the values coming out of your database table. What's happening when you you the objRS(field) in this context is that it's always going to pull the first record from the recordset, since you're not explicitly telling it which...
  10. jpbrassard

    help w/ setting form field values from an onclick function

    Not a problem - I'm glad it worked. Thanks for the star. ;)
  11. jpbrassard

    VBA for excel

    Check out FAQ222-3383 to get started - it should point you in the right direction.
  12. jpbrassard

    help w/ setting form field values from an onclick function

    I'm assuming the values you're passing are strings. If so, I'd put single quotes around each server variable, like so: <a href=&quot;javascript:null(0)&quot...
  13. jpbrassard

    CSS Overflow Function

    You're right - I gave you wrong information about the Y and X axis overflows. OVERFLOW-X and OVERFLOW-Y are correct. My apologies for giving you erroneous information. I've used these two CSS properties in DIVs before with no problem, especially in IE6. I have not, however, used an ordered list...
  14. jpbrassard

    CSS Overflow Function

    Yes, you can. X-OVERFLOW: scroll; Same can be done for vertical. Y-OVERFLOW: scroll; Not sure if it's an IE-only trick or not - I do know that it works in IE. In fact, you may want to try doing this for IE: X-OVERFLOW: hidden; Y-OVERFLOW: hidden; Maybe that's what IE6 is expecting...
  15. jpbrassard

    All checkboxes checked b4 submit...

    Hmm... true. Okay - what I'd do is make sure every checkbox has the same name (ex: 'test') then do something like: [tt]function validateCheckbox(){ var objChkBox = document.getElementsByName('test'); var objButton = document.getElementById('submitButton'); var n = 0; var bAllChecked...
  16. jpbrassard

    All checkboxes checked b4 submit...

    Check out faq216-1048. HTH, jp
  17. jpbrassard

    Tabbing to a Disabled control

    IIRC, any control that is disabled gets ignored in the tab order list, so there's no inherent way to make a disabled control accept focus (which is all tabbing to a control is). The only way around it is to enable all controls, then have a bunch of handling in the Click, Change, KeyPress, etc...
  18. jpbrassard

    Making a &lt;INPUT type=button&gt; behave like the browser BACK button

    This is one of the simpler things to do in JavaScript, but it's a good way of demonstrating how you can use the onclick event in various form elements to increase the functionality of your web page or application. There are two ways to force the browser to go back to the previous page...
  19. jpbrassard

    Back button inside page with Javascript?

    Simplest way is to create a button on your page in html, and in the onclick event use the history.go or history.back commands, like so: history.go <input type=button name=backButton id=backButton value=&quot;Back&quot; onclick=&quot;javascript:history.go(-1)&quot;> history.back <input...
  20. jpbrassard

    Decimal problem

    No problem. I do that all the time with the decimal type - it's easy to overlook. jp

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