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Search results for query: *

  1. onirike

    Running a perl script with Oracle

    Tracy! Your last idea about logging in the cron job may the solution to our problem. I will talk to my UNIX administrator to ask him how to do this and we will try it. Many many many thanks for your help, it's really appreciated! I'll keep your informed if it's working or not... Thanks...
  2. onirike

    Running a perl script with Oracle

    Hi Tracy! Thanks for your reply. We already tried to modify the environment variables in the script itself and it seems that even if we do modify the variable they don't change. Maybe we are not authorized to change an environment variable. I don't know. Any other ideas you may have would...
  3. onirike

    Running a perl script with Oracle

    Hi! We have a simple problem here and I hope with a simple solution. We are running a perl script using the UNIX scheduler (crontab). This script is importing information from a file and sending this information in an Oracle DB. If I run the script manually (without the scheduler) everything...
  4. onirike

    Multiple Databases in Windows NT

    Hi! I have a Windows NT 4.0 SP6 server running Oracle 8i. We currently have 4 databases running... All these databases together takes up to 1.5 gig of allocated memory... First of all, it this normal? Each database seems to take between 300 and 500 megs of virtual memory. Instead of having...
  5. onirike

    CFLOOP & Popup window!

    Aleci! I think your solution is pretty easy: <CFOUTPUT query=&quot;getnews&quot;> <script language=&quot;JavaScript&quot;> function topWindow#CurrentRow#(){popup = window.open(&quot;#link#&quot;,&quot;&quot;,&quot;height=600,width=700,scrollbars=yes&quot;);}</script>...
  6. onirike

    CFX_Graphics VErsus PopChart??

    Paul! It required no special addon to see the graphics if you select to have them in .gif. For the flash graphics (which is the best) you need the Macromedia flash player for your browser. Most browsers already have a built-in flash player. From CF or ASP, you can create real-time .GIF and...
  7. onirike

    CFX_Graphics VErsus PopChart??

    Paul... I have been test driving popchart for a month or so and it's really a great graphics server. It's easy to use and well supported. The Flash generated graphics are really cool and the possibility to do drill down on specific area of a graph was a great feature for us. You can try it...
  8. onirike

    Code Review, Update process Does NOT work

    Hi, Could you explain this a little more? Your update statement seems fine but you should check if all these fields are text fields since you are inserting them as text fields. What do you mean that the problem appears to be in the update statement or when using CFIF? There is no CFIF in the...
  9. onirike

    Code Review, Update process Does NOT work

    Hi pretty simple: you query: <!--- Update ---> <CFQUERY NAME=&quot;update&quot; DATASOURCE=&quot;interview&quot; dbtype=&quot;ODBC&quot;> UPDATE interview SET ID = '#Form.ID#', InitialIntdate = '#Form.InitialIntdate#', InitialInt ='#Form.InitialInt#', TechIntvDate ='#form.TechIntvDate#'...
  10. onirike

    comma at the end of the list !

    Oups sorry iqof188 seems we were answering at the same time... :-) Chris...
  11. onirike

    comma at the end of the list !

    Hi! Here is a way to do it... <CFLOOP QUERY=&quot;GetState&quot;> [tab]<CFIF GetState.RecordCount EQ 1> [tab][tab]<CFSET myList = &quot;#GetState.stateName#&quot;> [tab]<CFELSE> [tab][tab]<CFSET myList = myList &amp; &quot;,#GetState.stateName#&quot;> [tab]</CFIF> </CFLOOP> I hope it solves...
  12. onirike

    Changing a &lt;TD&gt; background color dynamicaly

    Hi Lucid! I really appreciate your help! I tried it and it's giving me the same error. That's really strange... I am reading the MSDN help and they are saying the exact same thing that you are... I really dont know why it's not working. Thx, Chris ;-)
  13. onirike

    Changing a &lt;TD&gt; background color dynamicaly

    Hi Lucid! I tried that and it keeps telling me that test.style is not an object. I am using IE 5.0. I dont need this to work with Netscape. Complete part of code: <TR> <TD WIDTH=&quot;20&quot; ROWSPAN=&quot;2&quot; ALIGN=&quot;center&quot; ID=&quot;test&quot; STYLE=&quot;background...
  14. onirike

    Changing a &lt;TD&gt; background color dynamicaly

    Hi! I am sure that question was already asked (I tried the search engine and I was not find the answer) so sorry to re-ask it again. I have a <TD> defined like this: <TD WIDTH=&quot;20&quot; ROWSPAN=&quot;2&quot; ALIGN=&quot;center&quot; ID=&quot;test&quot; STYLE=&quot;background: Red;&quot;>...
  15. onirike

    sending html and pictures with cfmail

    Bonjour IZA! Oui je suis Canadien et je reste a Montreal! C'est cool de rencontrer des collègues d'ailleurs! Bonne journee, Chris ;-)
  16. onirike

    SQL problems using a form page

    Hi! First let's say to darkman that you dont need to specify the fields name when you are inserting in every fields of a table. I dont know if it's true for every type of db but I dont have to with Oracle. Ok try this: <CFQUERY NAME=&quot;AddTrans&quot; DATASOURCE=&quot;bizbul&quot;> INSERT...
  17. onirike

    SQL problems using a form page

    Hi Jennifer! That's not helping much but you are getting a query error. You should check your queries to verify if they are all ok. This query however sound strange: <CFQUERY NAME=&quot;AddTrans&quot; DATASOURCE=&quot;bizbul&quot;> INSERT INTO TRANSACTION ('#Form.T_id#', '#Form.trans_type#'...
  18. onirike

    SQL problems using a form page

    Hi Jennifer! And what's the error you are getting? Or what's exactly the problem? Thx, Chris ;-)
  19. onirike

    sending html and pictures with cfmail

    Hahahaha on est loin de ca encore ;-) mais qui sait! Tu es au Quebec ou en France IZA? Ciao! Chris...
  20. onirike

    sending html and pictures with cfmail

    Olivier J'espere que IZA a raison et que tu parles bien le francais! Tu devrais l'envoyer avec CFMAIL en format HTML et attacher les images a ton email en utilisant CFMAILPARAM. Ca devrait marcher avec ca. Fait des tests avec ca et revient nous a IZA ou moi. Ciao, Chris ;-) English version...

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