Could someone please post a code example that runs *any* executable and gets the executable's exit code in the end.
For test executable I'd use a shell script that sleeps for several seconds and then returns 0 or 1...
Jean Spector
QA Team Leader @ Kashya Ltd.
ctime is actually a change time - makes it useless for you. That is unless Windows implementation has changed the meaning of the ctime from *nix platforms - and this makes me a moron ;-).
Note that I'm not at all familiar with TCL - just a common filesystem knowledge.
Jean Spector
QA Team...
Hi all,
I'm trying to glue a simple expect script that spawn's a process (in my case 'scp'), wait's for its completion and then exits with the exit code of the scp.
Should be very simple, but I'm not familiar with TCL's syntax. Could someone please post a source code example that does what I...
Hi all,
My dad needs a machine that can run with 4 monitors.
That's something I've never delved into... so here it goes:
The machine will be built from scratch and I'd like some advice regarding the hardware.
- Support 4 monitors (with different info on each, o'course)
- Have a...
Hi all,
I'm dealing with a field that's totally new to me - Unicode and 8-bit charsets.
I've probaly read all there is to read about the issue in the perldoc, but the issue still remains...
My problem is finding a "normal" equivalent to a special European character. Say, I have an accented A...
Hello guys/gals,
I need to run the expect on numerous Windows hosts and don't have the option to install it on each one of those.
Is there any way to get some sort of executable without installing the whole suite? Or maybe there's another way to run expect (or any other tool with similar...
A couple of questions:
1. I'm trying to use the 'geometry' param in the xterm in order to set its window position and size. What is the format of the param? (xterm -geometry c,l,x,y ???)
2. I'd like to open the xterm window on one of the virtual desktops. Say, I have 4 virtual desktops and I...
Sorry - the subject should read like
Executing command in a telnet window
or something like that... Jean Spector
QA Team Leader @ Kashya Ltd.
I'd like to open several terminal windows, open a telnet/ssh
connection in each one and run some command on the remote machines.
I need the windows so the output of the commands can be seen...
Thanks in advance, Jean Spector
QA Team Leader @ Kashya Ltd.
my $str = 'RX bytes:981223126 (935.7 Mb) TX bytes:4191645335 (3997.4 Mb)';
$str =~ /RX bytes:(\d+).*TX bytes:(\d+)/;
printf("RX: %u, TX: %u\n", $1, $2);
Of course you need only the middle line - the rest is for demonstration purposes only ;-) Jean Spector
QA Engineer @ mSAFE Ltd...
I'd appreciate the syntax-check toolbar button.
I'm using Multi-Edit right now and it's a great editor, though after a short eval the EditPlus
seems much easier to use/configure without any lack of functionality. And I don't have
the syntax-check in Multi-Edit... Jean Spector
QA Engineer @...
1. Just use single quotes instead of double:
open( INITIALS , 'G:\aa&t\Flat_Files\initials.txt' )
open( INITIALS , '\\jxnclisvr04\vol\aa&t/Flat_Files/initials.txt' )
2. Always use die (or detect the error in some other way) after the open():
open(FH, $file) or die "Error reading $file -...
You can do so, though it will leave you open to bad emails addresses, e.g.
'abc def/\\+ @oh my god. forgive#me'
Jean Spector
QA Engineer @ mSAFE Ltd.
Try using the Perl module Bencmark. It produces great results. The following is an example of the Benchmark use:
#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
use strict;
use Benchmark;
my $count = 500_000;
my $string = 'Sentence 1...
The joke is that it doesn't - my "trying several options" in the first post included this...
Jean Spector
QA Engineer @ mSAFE Ltd.
After trying several options, I must admit that I coudn't
find the reason for it not working as it should.
The only thing that might help is - only in case the
file is relatively small - reading all the file contents
into an array (@lines = <FILE>), writing the required data
while file is...
Wouldn't it be easier to compile the code and then just execute it ?
In case you're planning to make adjustments to the code,
the better way is to write a flexible code and use command line parameters for configuration ...
Hope this helps. If not, then I have just misunderstood the question ;-)...
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