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Search results for query: *

  1. jackfl


    I haven't set up a secure site in a while, but here's what I remember... Create a new web site for the secure content; probably from the page which requests the SSN number thru any display of sensitive information. This will look just like your existing web site config except it will be on port...
  2. jackfl

    Adding Variables

    Use CInt instead of FormatNumber...
  3. jackfl

    Returning smalest values in a query

    SELECT TOP 10 myColumn FROM myTable ORDER BY myColumn DESC
  4. jackfl

    Writing Option Selected From textfile

    This is often a bad compare syntax...try adding in CStr and Trim...
  5. jackfl

    problem with data update

    Write the SQL string out to the screen and see if it returns rows via Query Analyzer...
  6. jackfl

    nested insert statement

    In the example SP I pasted I insert 2 records into years for each new person...the first is their planned hours and the second is just a ZERO placeholder for their actual worked hours... Your SP might look something like this: CREATE PROCEDURE insert_something @license_seq_number int AS...
  7. jackfl

    nested insert statement

    I have a tendancy to use Stored Procedures for such work... CREATE PROCEDURE insert_new_pers_wr_records @act int, @wr int, @pid int, @JanNew real, @FebNew real, @MarNew real, @AprNew real, @MayNew real, @JunNew real, @JulNew real, @AugNew real, @SepNew real, @OctNew real, @NovNew real, @DecNew...
  8. jackfl

    Alternate Color within 2 While Statements

    Perhaps: If Rem(workingDate/2) = 1 Then bgcolor='#ffffff' Else bgcolor='#ff0000' End If
  9. jackfl

    change variable to integer?

    CInt(MyArray(3)) + CInt(MyArray(4))
  10. jackfl

    declaring an array in application_onstart

    I think that refers to apartment threading... Dim Application("aryName")
  11. jackfl

    quick loop

    Wouldn't it be easier to change the SQL query to something like: SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE pid = " & request.querystring("id") ?
  12. jackfl

    Random SQL Server Error

    Do you need to close your connection to the DB? Is it possible that you are running out of connections, and that is creating random results?
  13. jackfl

    Global.asa errors

    Verify that your web site has an Application Space set up for it...under IIS...if you don't see a Remove button next to the Application Name field then your global.asa will never get read...
  14. jackfl

    Insert statement fails with autoincrementing key

    The way you set up an auto-number field in SQL is with Identity = Yes. If Identity is set to No and Allow Nulls is not checked then you will get an error when you don't explicitely INSERT this field as well.
  15. jackfl

    Search on Varchar Field

    WHERE field1 LIKE '%Lumber%' OR (field1 LIKE '%Heavy%' AND field1 LIKE '%Carpet%')
  16. jackfl

    LOOPING INSERTION OF 5000 entries

    Consider using a Stored Procedure; it should give a little more speed. 'Prepared' tells the Command object to compile the object as it will probably be called multiple times. Also, make sure you don't have any excess indexes on the R27 table, and that the 'fill factor' on the existing indexes...
  17. jackfl

    Include in included file ?

    I inherited a site which is comprised of lots of multi-level includes...it's a bear to troubleshoot and I would not recommend designing a site this way unless you have a very good memory...just make sure you use "include file" vs "include virtual" correctly...
  18. jackfl

    Question about sending a string to another page

    The only thing which readily comes to mind...don't always assume that a string which is populated in a sub or function will be available outside of the sub or function...merge the createSQLString and createSessionVars...
  19. jackfl

    passing an array thru the URL with the GET method

    If you can't get that method to work you can pass it via a Session object...
  20. jackfl

    Input parameters

    I don't think you'll be able to use passed-in/dynamic table names in a stored procedure. SPs are pre-compiled for speed and if they don't even know what table they are touching then pre-compiling doesn't help. Consider passing in an integer value for each potential table name and have a big Case...

Part and Inventory Search
