Well i don't have any problem in converting text to number. When i use the Between And operator for the converted field (ie number field), am getting the same results as i get for the text field which is confusing me.
I have an access table with a field "period" of Text data type. I have to retrieve records from the table between 2 periods using a select query. For retrieving records between periods 1 and 3, When i use "Between AND Operator" in query, then it returns all record which have...
Am very new to Autocad. The request came from autocad users and i did the retreiving of record from Access database. But as i said, don't know how to load the drawing with new data. A gap is there between autocad users who don't know much about vb and myself who don't know about autocad...
O.K I will tell you what i understand and know. Refreshing the drawing means loading the same drawing with new data or values from an Access database. The drawing itself don't change, instead there are some values/data displayed in the drawing (as number figures) and these changes. The sheet...
Dim st As String
Dim col As Integer, row As Integer, count As Integer
Dim main_values As Variant
st = "select * from TAG_MASTER where LPSN = " + Chr(34) + tmas_tag + Chr(34) + ";"
Set rec = db.OpenRecordset(st)
If rec.BOF = False Then...
Am not completely sure about this. Usually in the table for the date field i give something like below which prevents the user from entering invalid dates.
Format dd/mm/yyyy
Input Mask 99/99/0000;0;
Make a copy of the database and try changing the date field to the above mentioned format and...
Sorry. Still without a solution and getting the same error message too few parameters expected2 even after trying CALL before the function name and enclosing the parameters within (). I tried
call ThisDrawing.Input_mas_tag (strMas_tag, strMas_tag1)
How can i specify that the first 2 characters of a Date field in dd/mm/yyyy should be 01? Am not sure how to do it either using Validation rule or by input Mask? Please help.
Hi again,
I tried your code, but still getting the same error.
ThisDrawing.Input_mas_tag txtMas_tag.text,txtMas_tag1.text
I could see the values in debug mode when i place the cursor above the parameters.
Dim st As String
Dim col As Integer, row As Integer, count As Integer
Dim main_values As Variant
st = "select * from TAG_MASTER where ITAG = tmas_tag And STG1 = tmas_tag1"
' st = "select * from TAG_MASTER where ITAG = " + Chr(34) +...
I have the following code attached to a button on a form. Am getting a syntax error. Can anyone help me? Am very new to VB.
Private Sub cmdExit_Click()
ThisDrawing.Input_mas_tag (txtMas_tag.Value,txtMas_tag1.Value )
End Sub
How to subtract 21 days from Today's date? I tried something like DateDiff("d",Date(),21), but getting unexpected numbers.
I have a report in the following format.
Discipline Header
Discipline footer TOTAL
......................... ENGINEERING 10
......................... .....DRAFTING 10
A11 CIVIL AND STRUCTURAL is the Discipline Header...
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