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Search results for query: *

  1. TotalInsanity

    C# Listview Control

    But thanks for your help anyway :O)
  2. TotalInsanity

    C# Listview Control

    I have now sorted this out. It is a bug with the control. The only workaround is to use the Windows XP visual styles to fix the problem. first define: using System.Windows.Forms.VisualStyles; then use Application.EnableVisualStyles(); before calling the standard Application.Run()...
  3. TotalInsanity

    C# Listview Control

    I have created a listview in my C# form and when I add an item through my code I change the background colour of my cells/rows. However, when I move over them at runtime with my mouse, the colour defaults back to white and then they stay white (when they should be red!). The highlighted one is...
  4. TotalInsanity

    C# ListBox Component

    Sorry, please do not respond to this thread! I was being an idiot, I have just parsed through the dataset again instead of the listbox component to get the data and set my listbox colours. DOH! Thanks anyway :O)
  5. TotalInsanity

    C# ListBox Component

    Hello All. Can one of you experts help me out here. I have a list box in my development and I want to obtain the actual text that is stored at one of its indexes and place into a string. Basically I am trying to colour each row dependant upon what text it contains by overriding the list boxes...
  6. TotalInsanity

    Graph c++

    Please ignore my stupid questions. If you do know a better way than using the following code please still shout up. I am using: [code] distanceMap["Nottingham"]["Coventry"] which will return the value I want of 52.65 without using the iterators. Need more coffee :O)
  7. TotalInsanity

    Graph c++

    Hello All. I could do with some expert help here, so here goes to all you gurus! I have created a 'map within a map' to form a graph structure in c++. I have declared it like this: typedef map<string, double> stringVector; //map of doubles indexed by strings typedef map<string, stringVector>...
  8. TotalInsanity

    Weighted Undirected Graph C++

    Hey all. I could do with a little help. I need to create a weighted undirected graph in c++, using either an adjacency list, a matrix or a map/multimap or all of them (separately of course!) :O) I have been looking on Google for examples of such a graph in c++ but I can't seem to find any...
  9. TotalInsanity

    Comparing Values.

    Hello again all. Some more beautiful advice needed please from all of you professional coders :O) If I have three double values: 3.55, 3.47, 2.24. I want to take the first double value of 3.55 and find which of the other two values: 3.47, 2.24 is the closest match to the first given value. I...
  10. TotalInsanity

    Multimap Problem C++

    Thankyou my friend for your valuable time. This no makes perfect sense to me, now it's been explained. I have tested your explanation and it works perfectly. Thanks again, I was tearing my hair out, now I may still have some sanity left :O)
  11. TotalInsanity

    Multimap Problem C++

    Can I just add, If I do not use the class created, and only use one pair <key, data> in the multimap it finds the correct key straight away. I really need to use two keys through as I'm using co-ordinates with an associated data value and these must be stored in a multimap. I'm guessing I've...
  12. TotalInsanity

    Multimap Problem C++

    Hello All, I could do with some more expert help so I have come here to seek some out! Can someone help me with this multimap problem in c++. I am wanting to create a multimap using two keys and a data value. I understand that they normally use 1 key and a data value as a pair, but I need two...
  13. TotalInsanity

    C# Web Browser Control

    I have also tried this my friend and referenced it within the HTML file and still it does not read the CSS data? Is the component suppost to read the CSS data?
  14. TotalInsanity

    C# Web Browser Control

    I have wittled the problem down to this which is not HTML. The Microsoft Web Browser control does not render any cascading style sheets. The question I am posing is how do you make it read the CSS info (I have this CSS info in the same page as the HTML!) So this is not an HTML problem my...
  15. TotalInsanity

    Display CSS Data in Web Browser control c#

    I have a htm file that is using cascading style sheet data at the top of the html file. When this file is read into a web browser control in c#, c# just ignores the stylesheet data and displays the website all funny. Can anyone please explain how to make a web browser control in c# read CSS...
  16. TotalInsanity

    C# Web Browser Control

    I'll just add: My webpage displays fine within IE or Firefox, just not in this control! It seems to be squashed up in this control...
  17. TotalInsanity

    C# Web Browser Control

    Hello there! I could do with some help please.... I have a c# web browser control on my form. If I pass it the url for google (http:\\www.google.com) it displays the web page fully in the control with a scroll bar. This is fine. I have created a test page however (.html) and when I load this...
  18. TotalInsanity

    Close Form c#

    You are a star, I was being an idiot, as everything including forms are objects in c# so I must place it in a variable!! Thanks though for your help :O)
  19. TotalInsanity

    Close Form c#

    Hey All. Another rediculous question by me :O) I have two forms in c# - Form1 & Form2. I have a button on form 1 which creates an instance of form 2 and shows it with: Form Form2 = new Form2(); Form2.show(); Now say I have another button. I want to close the second form in this buttons...
  20. TotalInsanity

    C# - Joining Forms Together....

    Hey All. I am new here so I'll ssay Hi! I could do with some help here with c# as i am new to this language. Can anyone explain how I can join two forms together? By this I mean Take the Main Form (Form1) and place a button component on it. In the click event, I would like to pop up another...

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