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Search results for query: *

  1. dembyg

    Using existing SQL 2000 data table in Sharepoint Services 3.0

    Thank you for your response I will try what youve suggested
  2. dembyg

    Using existing SQL 2000 data table in Sharepoint Services 3.0

    Hello all, I am new to the sharepoint Service development environment. I have been task to create a site with existing SQL 2000 data onto to our company sharepoint site which is hosted. I wondered if any of you would happen to know where i could find some instructions on how to do this.. I have...
  3. dembyg

    How to append to a gridview

    Thank you jmeckley for your response.. Wonder if you could include sample code that would bind the enumerated object... I dont think i understand how to.. thanks
  4. dembyg

    How to append to a gridview

    I need a little help enclosed is sample code to fill a gridview.. I have on recordset to get a count of how man time i need to loop through the second record set... which works.. I need help appending data to a gridview when there is mulitple recordsets please advise Dim sSql As String =...
  5. dembyg

    Need Help... datagrid and calendars

    Thank for your responds I will look into the basic date picker
  6. dembyg

    Need Help... datagrid and calendars

    Hello all, I need assistance... I have been trying to include a calender in my project with no luck... the form is a detailed gridview. I would like to form to function as follows. User selects linkbutton called edit which allows a user to select an imagebutton called imgcal, on click i would...
  7. dembyg

    Data View Question

    gdAgents is the name of my grid: heres a sample to the code <asp:GridView ID="gdAgents" runat="server" BackColor="White" BorderColor="#E7E7FF" BorderStyle="None" BorderWidth="1px" CellPadding="3" GridLines="Horizontal" AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataSourceID="sqlAgentData">...
  8. dembyg

    Data View Question

    Hello All, I have a question. I am working on a form which should display only fields and controls that are pertainent to the logged user. for example i have male, female, and child checkboxes and when an individual logs into the system i would like to only show say a woman just the female...
  9. dembyg

    Date Range

    how do you load a report with parameters selected on a previous aspx page
  10. dembyg

    Date Range

    Thanks for you help... however i guess my question is how do i get the report to load with the selected start and end dates.
  11. dembyg

    Date Range

    Hello all, I need someones assistance with a report ive created. I created a form which allows users to select a from and to date. I would like the next form which has an embedded crosstab report to display data within the date range selected. Ive add to my report a parameter field for a date...
  12. dembyg

    finding my textbox value

    Thank you ggriffit your suggestion worked:-)
  13. dembyg

    finding my textbox value

    Thanks for your response. The text field is in my html which has the name LoginName. however when i try running the code i get an error that 'LoginName' is undefined.
  14. dembyg

    finding my textbox value

    I wonder if someone could help with my problem. I wrote a javascript function CheckIfLoginExpired.. This function is suppose to return the value of a text field called loginName however there seems to be something wrong with my function which ive used in an older version of asp.net function...
  15. dembyg

    Retrieving data from a cell in GridView

    Thank for you help...
  16. dembyg

    Retrieving data from a cell in GridView

    on page load
  17. dembyg

    Retrieving data from a cell in GridView

    I would like to get the contents of the cell after loading the form. I tried using gridview.findcontrol and gridview.columns().tostring. none of these options work.
  18. dembyg

    Retrieving data from a cell in GridView

    Hello all, I hope someone can assist me with my problem. I have a gridview and I am trying to store data from a particular cell into a session variable... I tried several methods and none seem to work... would anyone happen to have a suggestion how I could accomplish my task.. Thanks
  19. dembyg

    How to share session variable between asp and asp.net

    Ok.... I will try that. Thanks for your help
  20. dembyg

    How to share session variable between asp and asp.net

    I believe that my problem is in using the master.page.... I use a response.write to debug whether the session is filled... Thoughout the application the response.write has the select session information.. however if i put the sesssin var in a field within the header then it seems to refresh...

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