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  1. udo321

    Problems Deploying Crystal Reports

    One last thought - may not be applicable to you, but I'll throw it out there. We recently installed the beta version of Crystal 11 which, it turns out, made all sorts of changes to Studio. Among other things, it replaced the crystal viewer component and it would no longer work with older...
  2. udo321

    Problems Deploying Crystal Reports

    Did you create the report using Crystal 10 and are trying to open it with VB.Net? I usually create the reports in the .Net environment. The one time I tried to use a report created in Crystal, I was unable to access the formulas and other formatting within Visual Studio. Can you try to...
  3. udo321

    Problems Deploying Crystal Reports

    Hi, Can you post some code? As Sweep asked, does the report exist on the local machine? Where is the database? Does it exist on the local machine, as well?
  4. udo321

    crystal report

    Are you updating the dataset right before you try to use it as the report source? I have received this message at times when I don't fill the dataset before using it as the report source.
  5. udo321

    Upgrade DHTML project to ASP.NET?

    Thanks ca8msm. I appreciate the input. Since our sysadmin is pushing for a rewrite (due to deployment problems with the DHTML app), I will probably rewrite it in ASP.NET.
  6. udo321

    Upgrade DHTML project to ASP.NET?

    Hi all, I am in need of opinions. I have a fairly large DHTML application that needs to be deployed on a machine running XP Service Pack 2. Naturally, the application won't run as is. I have been told that time is not the issue, efficiency is (the old DHTML project was only successfully...
  7. udo321

    Create an excel sheet, save it with password

    Hi, this works for me. Dim pwd As Object = "password" xlsheet.Protect(pwd) But don't add the protection until you are finished writing your data to it.
  8. udo321

    Write to Word from VB.NET

    What version of Word are you writing to? I seem to recall having a similar issue awhile back and it was due to a bug in Word 97. When we upgraded the machine to Office 2000, the problem disappeared.
  9. udo321

    Write to Word from VB.NET

    What version of Word are you writing to? I recall having a similar issue awhile back and it was due to a bug in Word 97. When we upgraded the machine to Office 2000, the problem disappeared.
  10. udo321

    export CR to word automatically

    Hi, Hope this clarifies it. Imports CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine Dim oRpt As New ReportDocument 'Load your report oRpt.Load("c:\YourDirectory\fileName.rpt") 'Set the source for your viewer CrystlReportViewer1.ReportSource = oRpt 'Save the report...
  11. udo321

    export CR to word automatically

    Hi, try setting up a ReportDocument object and use its ExportToDisk method: Dim oRpt As New ReportDocument oRpt.ExportToDisk(CrystalDecisions.[Shared].ExportFormatType.WordForWindows, "c:\Program Files\reportname.doc") Hope this helps.
  12. udo321

    .Net CF - cut, copy, paste, context menu, clipboard

    I'm not sure if this will help, but I've used this to copy to and paste from the clipboard in a Windows application. Clipboard.SetDataObject(txtMyData.text) Dim valueObj As DataObject = Clipboard.GetDataObject Dim dataString As String If valueObj.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.Text) = True Then...
  13. udo321

    'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException' occurred

    Try defining the Data Source in the connection string.
  14. udo321

    Open existing excel as excel object

    Hi, hope this helps: Dim xlapp As Excel.Application Dim xlbook1 As Excel.Workbook xlapp = CType(CreateObject("Excel.Application"), Excel.Application) xlbook1 = CType(xlapp.Workbooks.Open("c:\data\Reports\Switch1.xls"), Excel.Workbook)
  15. udo321

    DTS and no-touch-deployment

    Yes, sorry this is the vb .net version: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;328587#2
  16. udo321

    DTS and no-touch-deployment

    I am having the same issue. I created an assembly for dtspkg.dll and successfully registered that on the target machine (using the instructions here: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;326909 ), but I still get the unregistered message when trying to run the DTS package via...
  17. udo321

    Carriage Return/Line Feed control codes in Excel

    Are you able to do a replace on the string before you assign it to a cell? myString = myString.Replace(vbCrLf, vbLf) or myString = myString.Replace(Chr(13), "")
  18. udo321

    Carriage Return/Line Feed control codes in Excel

    Have you tried just using a vbLf?
  19. udo321

    reflect on dynamic control creation?

    I find the tag property helpful here. For Each cntrl In Me.Controls If CType(cntrl.Tag, String) = "userInput" Then 'do something End If Hope this helps.

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