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  1. sacsac

    Combining sub-directories

    strongm So long since I used the forum that I forgot about the 'Great Post' flag - now done, and thanks for drawing my attention to it. ---- Stephen
  2. sacsac

    Combining sub-directories

    That's brilliant - very many thanks.
  3. sacsac

    Combining sub-directories

    I'm struggling to create workable code to do what appears to be a simple task! I have a directory A, containing several hundred sub-directories, each one of which contains many individual files. I want to move ALL the individual files into a single new directory. Any help appreciated.
  4. sacsac


    The error is "#5 Mailbox unavailable. Server requires authentication." But I think I am doing this with the line: MySmtp.Credentials = New Net.NetworkCredential(<MySMTPServerLogin>, <MySMTPServerPassword>)
  5. sacsac


    I am trying unsuccessfully to use the SmtpClient to send an email. The following code generates an error and fails. Any ideas? Dim email As New Net.Mail.MailMessage(<Sender>, <Recipient>) email.Subject = "My Subject" email.Body = "My Body Text" Dim MySmtp As New...
  6. sacsac

    VB6 SP6 on WIndows 8 64-bit

    But what if you need the DA components? !
  7. sacsac

    VB6 SP6 on WIndows 8 64-bit

    I too have now upgraded a Win7 machine (with VB6 SP6 already installed) to Win8, and VB6/SDP6 installed just fine on the Win8 PC this time. Thanks anyway radarm for your info regarding experiences on a 64-bit setup. When I was trying a few weeks ago to install on a new 64-bit Win 8 PC, I...
  8. sacsac

    VB6 SP6 on WIndows 8 64-bit

    Hi JAG14. I would be very interested to hear how you get on with VB6 + SP6 on your W8x32 !
  9. sacsac

    VB6 SP6 on WIndows 8 64-bit

    Yes Montoro - that's the whole problem I believe. The VB6 installation does not fully complete, so it's not listed in the Add/Remove programs. And for this reason the SP6 will not install (or have you managed to do it?)
  10. sacsac

    VB6 SP6 on WIndows 8 64-bit

    Yes - I'm trying to find a win8 32-bit to test it on, but can't find one yet. Hope someone beats me to it and does the donkey work!!
  11. sacsac

    VB6 SP6 on WIndows 8 64-bit

    It's not the consumer preview, but a commercially released version of Windows 8 Pro, as supplied to a large company for whom I do support work.
  12. sacsac

    VB6 SP6 on WIndows 8 64-bit

    Well, after 10 days of unsuccessfully attempting to put VB6 with SP6 on a WIn8 64-bit machine I have finally admitted defeat. The best I could achieve was a bodged basic VB6 installation, which whilst it worked was not correctly registered in the system, so SP6 just refused to co-operate...
  13. sacsac

    VB6 SP6 on WIndows 8 64-bit

    So what has happened between Win7 & Win8 (64 bit). I can do a perfect install on Win7 and it's only Win8 causing headaches.
  14. sacsac

    VB6 SP6 on WIndows 8 64-bit

    Thanks for so much info dilettante! As you summarise, I too think that the problem lies in the fact that the install does not complete cleanly. I'm not 100% sure what you mean by running both parts of the setup elevated. I am installing from a VB6 only CD (not Visual Studio), and as I recall...
  15. sacsac

    VB6 SP6 on WIndows 8 64-bit

    For the time being I am running VB6 + VBSP6 on an XP virtual machine on Win8 64-bit. Not ideal, but a workaround for the time being.
  16. sacsac

    VB6 SP6 on WIndows 8 64-bit

    Thanks dilettante, but I don't think that the 64-bit issue is the entire answer. I have successfully installed VB6 & VB6SP6 on Windows 7 64-bit without any difficulty at all - an absolutely clean install. However, in Windows 8 64-bit, the VB6 installation was tricky, and at the end of the...
  17. sacsac

    VB6 SP6 on WIndows 8 64-bit

    OK..I have installed VB6 on Windows8 64-bit, and with a bit of tweaking on the compatibility options it runs fine. However, SP6 refuses to install - it seemingly goes through the process, but then reports that it has NOT correctly installed. Has anyone managed this yet?
  18. sacsac

    Compacting a Jet Database

    Maybe I have not explained this very well CP60 - I fully understand what you are saying, but my issue is this: my original DB is 80mb, and if I Zip (using WinZip or similar) this, it compresses to 0.5mb, which is ideal to send as an email attachment. However, if I have previously Compacted the...
  19. sacsac

    Compacting a Jet Database

    Thanks softthemec. That all makes sense, but the end result seems strange - a larger file zips up into a smaller file than its smaller version! What I am trying to do here within my application (which stores data in many different Jet databases), is give the user the opportunity to compress...
  20. sacsac

    Compacting a Jet Database

    In VB2010 I compact a Jet database using JRO.CompactDatabase(........ This all works just fine, and if my database is e.g. 80MB to start with, I typically get a compacted db of around 10MB. All good so far. But here is a strange thing - if I use WinZip to further compress the original 80MB db...

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