Rebecca wrote earlier:
Your formula works on the interval nicely but not the data as she says it is. As for what she is trying to get done there are at least two ways of reading her post.
If there is no solution posted above may I respectfully ask that you restate your problem...
...local numbervar hh;
local numbervar mm;
hh := tonumber(extractstring(elaptime,"=",":"));
mm := tonumber(extractstring(elaptime,":","z"));
(hh*60) + mm
Then to use the results of the above formula the following example
dateadd("n",{@add0230},currentdatetime )
This returns the...
TIMESERIAL() returns a time value, DATESERIAL returns a date value.
I missed the elapsed time inference but no matter. Use TIMESERIAL() to compute the sum or difference for you. See the examples in the help file. But for a quick example TIMESERIAL(12 + 2,00,00) returns 2:00:00 PM...
Try TIMESERIAL(hh,mm,ss) function. TIMESERIAL(2,30,00) for 2:30 AM or TIMESERIAL(14,30,00) for 2:30 PM. The help feature with CR gives several more interesting examples.
The report selects records from the database closed on the current date or still open.
Count ({CallLog.Tracker} is a summary of the number of records created using the summary command.
#ClosedToday is a running total that counts the closed dates based on a evaluation formula...
You can easily count the total number of records with a summary field. Using a running total field with an evaluate formula can do a count based on the value of the tracker field or the value of the closed date field. Then create a formula to get the counts for the day.
There are database tools that allow the SQL statements to be seen at the database manager. SQL Profiler is the tool for SQL Server to name one. Askg the DBA for your organization to assist.
If the parameter is a string representing a date time date type and is optional
if hasvalue({?Start_date}) and isdatetime({?Start_date})
then datetime({?Start_date} )
else {Command.LAST_MONTH_ST_DT} // assuming the database is returning a date time from the original post
For the first formula have you tried to strip it down to the essentials? Status = 'Closed' and received date equal to the currant date? Why the subtraction of 547 from current date?
For the second formula what does not working mean? Is the field yellow or is the field is green or something else...
Are you trying to count just the distinct name and service type pairs? If so create a formula that concatenates the name and service type then create a summary that performs a distinct count of the formula and displays it for the groups.
// formula @NameType
{name} + ' ' + {ServiceType}
It appears the formula @Hitz should use a global variable for Hitz and initialize it in a group header. The way it is written it will only return 0 when the if statement is false or 1 when the if statement is true. Then when it is executed again it is set to 0 and the tests run again returning a...
This is just an idea that may or may not work. Create a database query of the students with the needed information and add an extra column to the query for RSVP, 'yes' or 'no' type data with all set to 'no' initially. Export that data with database facilities for a database like Access or create...
Real similar to what I had. Suggestion, might want to finish with an else should other values be added to the data later. One small detail suppress the field when you place it on the detail line for sorting.
My code:
then 1
else if {USP_EARN_SUMM;1.SOURCE} =...
Something I did to sort records in the detail section in a specified order was to create an index using a formula. Based on the value of the field I was wanting to sort the formula assigned a value in the order desired, an integer starting at 1, then set a sort on the formula. Could group on the...
Looking at the list of supported data sources it appears what you ask for is not directly supported. Exporting various types of files could be a workable option as could sub-reports depending on your application.
From my reading of your question. You can use DateSerial(2013, 6, 1) to get the begin date of the range then DATEDIFF to calculate the difference. If you need something else please restate the question with a bit more detail.
Might try the MAXIMUM and MINIMUM functions in separate formulas. Two examples:"
//formula @FirstDate
minimum({database date})
//formula @LastDate
maximum({database date})
Convert the data to string and right align. Would be able to strip off the % with the string functions. If using a summary field in a group footer align the fields with the details above by their right sides and then right align the data within the field. Keep an eye on fonts and font sizes and...
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