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Search results for query: *

  1. oggsta

    Generate email from access form

    Thanks, got it Works well as below. Dim strEmail, strBody As String Dim objOutlook As Outlook.Application Dim objEmail As Outlook.MailItem '**creates an instance of Outlook Set objOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.application") Set objEmail = objOutlook.CreateItem(olMailItem)...
  2. oggsta

    Generate email from access form

    Hi I would like to generate an email using fields from my database from a command button. The following code below works well if all the fields are located within the form I am in at the time when I click on the button. However I want to get the email address from a different form...
  3. oggsta

    Calculating time using sum formula in access

    Thanks for the reply sorry for the late reply i have been away; The following formula works well =Int(CDbl(Sum([Date]))*24) & ":" & Format(Sum([Date]),"nn") As for the second part i did not even think of a query, i was thinking of a function statement as above. If i were...
  4. oggsta

    Calculating time using sum formula in access

    I am working in Access And i would like to calculate the total number of hours in the feild [Time], the property is short time. The formula i am using is as follows; =Sum([Time]) The problem is that once the calculation exceeds 24 hours it then reverts back to 0, for instance if the sum...
  5. oggsta


    Sorry I would like to count the dates in columns F3:F307 that are between the dates within my start and end values which also equal "SE" in the corrosponinding row of column B (B3:B307.
  6. oggsta


    I would like to count all the columns in B3;B307 that contain the text SE, and then count all the columns in F3 and F307 that are between two dates. C12 in this case equals 1-1-03 C13 and 11-7-03 This formula works for below howver this includes all dates greater than the 1-1-03...
  7. oggsta

    Order a from by a certain feild alphabetically

    Thanks for the reply, for some reasons it continues to sort by the primary key.
  8. oggsta

    Order a from by a certain feild alphabetically

    I would have thought this would be fairly simple; although i am struggling to do this from a particular field as the automatic default everytime you open a form, it seems to sort by the primary key Any help appreciated
  9. oggsta

    Dcount function

    I would like to count all those feilds on form/table main that equals South East AND Form/table Sheet1 that equals '4. PLANNING APPLICATION SUBMITTED, For some reason the formula below is unsuccusful, i think it has something to do with this line, Forms!Sheet1![Sitestatus]. It works fine with...
  10. oggsta

    Spltting tables, automatically update tables with related records

    I have split a table to limit the data in each table. I have then created a one to one relationship (referential integrity, cascade updates, and cascade deletes) between the primary table and split table, using the field name ID which is the primary key for both fields. Autonumber for primary...
  11. oggsta

    Automatically update another fields

    Thanks for the reply; The problem is the feild siteactive is in a different form called Main I would have through the sytax would have been Form!Main![siteactive] = "Site Completed" however this does not work, and idaes why. thanks
  12. oggsta

    Find data in two Forms

    Does anybody know how to use the find command to search throught two tables where there is a main form and a subform with a one to many relation. I would like to search the main form and all the related records in the subfrom. If I do a search in the main form it only seacrhes the main feilds...
  13. oggsta

    Automatically update another fields

    Access forms The following code should after you update [Sheet1][sitestatus] feild to red automaticaly update the feild [Main]![siteactive] to Site Completed. Sheet1 is a subform to the form entitlted Main. And both feilds are visable when the form entitlted Main is open. There is a problem...
  14. oggsta

    Subforms- displaying information from another feild

    Thanks, is it possible to link them together so that if you update one feild the other updates
  15. oggsta

    Subforms- displaying information from another feild

    I have a form called Main, There is subfrom called Sheets1 within the Main form and a subform below that called TLR within Sheets1 form. When I open main, both Forms sheet1 and TLR will be open and displayed. I have a feild in Sheet1 called Forms!sheet1[deso] and i would like a feild in the...
  16. oggsta

    Merging from word to access with bookmarks

    When i use the following script to merge from access in to a word document it works fine when i merge from the one table from access. i.e (CStr(Forms!sheet1!Client)) However when i try and use two tables from access and add (CStr(Forms!main!Clientname))the script does not work and the word...
  17. oggsta

    Viewing the top section of a subfrom

    I see you what you mean but I am not entirly sure how to implemnt what you have said. I have opend the tab control but i am not sure which control or event to modify and if it as simple as changing a proprety; Or does it involve a little VB script; and if so using which event. Thanks
  18. oggsta

    Viewing the top section of a subfrom

    I have a simple problem. I have a main form, and within that i have a sub form. When i open the main form, the subform is centred and I cannot see the top of the subform, which has all the relevant tabs. There is a horizontal scroll bar which will allow me to scroll to the top and view the...
  19. oggsta

    Updating data entered in one table automatically into another

    After I enter details in a form called [Main] field sitename, i would like this informtation to be automatically be updated in a form called [sheet1] feild name sitename. The information will be hidden but it will be used to generate a query and mailmerge to word. I could use the following to...
  20. oggsta

    Making Acess form fields invisable

    I have teh following code shown below that works fine, however the feild client has been moved to a differenet table named [Main]; as oposed to [Feild1] which is located in the table named sheet1, hence i need to change the syntex of the top line to enusre that this script will work. Any ideas...

Part and Inventory Search
