i am not really sure what's your reason for making
such program but you could have done it without
using tsr:
mov ah,02
mov dl,":"
int 21h
mov cx,0
mov dx,0
dec dx,1
jnz loophere2
loop loophere1
mov ax,4c00h
int 21h
kindnumber9, we have the same problem. There seems to be
limited resources when it comes to tweaking the different
I/O ports.
I had no problems when my OS was still Win98. XP is very
protective of the system.
i think, all your program does is to terminate
and return to dos..thats what int 21h function
call 4ch does..
try removing "PUBLIC _start"..this might be
the one that is causing the error.
i really don't understand what you want to do...
but if you just want to display the content of
the stack (say 56)..try tweaking these codes:
push 56h
mov bp,sp
mov al,[bp]
mov bl,al
mov bh,al
shr bh,4
add bh,30h
and bl,0fh
add bl,30h
mov ah,02
mov dl,bh
int 21h...
i am not really a hardcore assembly language programmer
but i would suggest that you use the assembler that suits
you. and you might want to start with 16-bit, besides the
site that you have been visiting/reading -
http://www.joelgompert.com/OS/introduction.htm uses 16-bit
code programming...
maybe you can start by studying the pin configuration
of the microprocessor that you've got. you can start
with wiki - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intel_4004
i had some experience with 8086/8088 systems. i will
assume that 4004 system that you are trying to build
is not too far off the...
there is this debug.com file that you can use.
it will show you the assembly and the hex code.
in your command prompt type "debug 'name of file'
then type "d" (dump)
use a86.com, it's very easy to use. the code will
be assembled into a com file.
try to download it here:
if you can't download it, post your email here
and i will email it to you.
can i see your code
just a thought.
the price difference between a hub and a switch is relatively small (unlike before)...and so, i suggest that you buy yourself a 24-port switch for your 20 workstations.
i am not really good at assembly language or any other programming languages, but i think what you are trying to do is not possible...correct me if i am wrong, you are trying to display "a" to machine b..
it will not work because the data you've sent will be lost before...
you 3com hub can detect a faulty connection, the LED will be of different color from the rest (usually red). faulty connection can mean bad nic, bad cabling or any other anomaly...
if suspect that you had a 'bad nic' try swapping nic..
just a thought..
you can achieve 100mbps if your hubs can support such speed. but if you plan to buy new hubs, you have to consider first the size and complexity of your network...you might want to buy a switch instead.
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