I am trying to update a table cell on key press.
I have a table that gets the selected row and column with focusGained()
but I am having trouble updating cell on key release with the key event/key released. The cell will update if it losses focus and I then return to it. Is there a way I...
I think I solved how to hide the replace tab of the find dialog while still allowing users to edit the fields they are suppose to be able to edit from the form by setting ailow edits on the form to "NO
but Won't opening the db in read-only mode prevent field changes? I don't want the end user to be able to use the replace tab but there are fields on the form for the end user to update/change through the form.
Hi I am trying to disable the replace tab on the find diaog in access 03, I have searched the net and found findtext.dlg but have tried searhing both my HD and the ms Office folder for the file with no luck,
Does anyone know how to disable the replace tab, other then creating a custom dlg. my...
The only thing I can think is happening is what is beeing counted is the # of matches to the IDnumber on the form, Ie so if there is 4 IDNumbers in the DB alll with I081111 and the Form IDNumber Is I081111 the data base see's that only one 1number that matches tha form IDNumber in the table...
Thanks lespaul but my thaught of reversing my where clause was worse - the rs.count message is 0, so I guess I haveoo go back to my other select statment, do you have any Idea why only 1 record is being seen/selected?
It looks like I need to reperse my where clause to where Me.IDNumber = IDNumber,
It looks like what is being returned is # of records in that query that have the same ID Number as the form IDNumber
but I get error to few peramitors when I Try
StrSql = "SELECT * FROM [VMSU-ILT-Sub]...
After adding a few msgbox's in to see where my code is erroring, my query appears to be looking at the correct table but is only seeing 1 record that matches the criteria but there are multiple records in the table that match
The IDNumber is the linking field between the master and subform ...
the target form is blank on launch unless the repeat TO Number button is clicked, I just tried today code:
Dim DB As Database
Dim rs As Recordset
Dim strSql As String
Dim QryRS As Integer
Dim ID As String
Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String
ID = Me.IDNumber
stDocName =...
Hi, thanks for your reply, I have tried your reply before (by accident, clicking to fast) and I can't seem to find a way back to design mode after I hide the db window and toolbars, I couldn't even find a successful way to rejoin either, all attempts would end in failure, I removed standard...
Is there a way to prevent users of an access DB without use of a logon screen or using the security wizard, to prevent them form altering the DB tables directly, if not what would be the way to do this. fyi: I can't make since of the security wizard.
Question2 - Is it possable to rejoin a...
Hi I am trying to copy the contents of a datasheet subform on a button click to a blank subform on a different screen
the purpose is for billing an indiviuale if the billing is the same but the individual is different this will eliminate repetitive typeing for the end user, my code will only...
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