I´m using RANCID to backup all my network equipments and i want to telnet a nortel equipment directly into command line.
Is there a command do "disable" the menu?
I'm wrong!
I'm using v5.0.9.027
Here is what i have for the command clock:
5530(config)#clock ?
Global RTC configuration subcommands
set Configure Real Time Clock
source Configure time source
sync-rtc-with-sntp Configure sync RTC with SNTP status...
I'm trying to set sntp on a 5530 cause my syslog server tells UTC hour but i want to read my syslog and see my local time.
How i set -3 utc in 5530?
The software version is v5.0.9.027
I only do ASCII backup and always get
%Data CRC failure.
Operation aborted.
When i try to put the ASCII backup configuration into the switch.
I'll try to get the software new version.
Thanx for your reply.
So, another strange thing that happens is when i try do put a previously saved configuration i receive the following error:
%Data CRC failure.
Operation aborted.
It happens with all the files that i have in my tftp server.
At this morning i uploaded the switch running config into a USB...
No, the switch did not rebooted but i restarted just to see if the configuration could return from hell but did not worked.
It already happened to other models like BPS2000, 470-48T...
When it happens i copy and paste a previously configuration and the switch works fine.
Thanx for your reply.
We have a ER5530 stack that does all the routing of our company here and last week a very strange thing happened:
We lost all the routing!
I accessed the console and for my surprise: NO CONFIGURATION, NO VLAN, NO IP INTERFACES.
The software version is v5.0.9.027 and our logs did not...
Hi, i have windows 2003 server running as a print server and finally i have a backup for it.
The question is: Is there a way to export all 70 printers from the master server registry and import them to the backup server registry?
Hi there...
I have two 8600.
They are talking OSPF and everything is fine.
I would like to announce to the other 8600 the static routes of the other one.
How i do that?
Ok, i know how to do that:
Router(config)#ip domain-name <domain name>
Router(config)#crypto key generate rsa usage-keys
Choose more than 1024
Router(config)#ip ssh rsa keypair-name <RSA KEY NAME CREATED ABOVE >
Then you go to your vty line 4 0 (usualy) and put:
transport input ssh
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