Thank you for reply, I dont want to query the data or report on it, Its a item to be selected and stored in a web app.
The data isnt accessed by a query, its referenced in a web app by a "Drop-Down" field in the web app that should show the list of items alphabetically by the "Code" col.
Can anyone tell me the syntax to use during creating a sql table, so that when the data is referrenced it is presented Alphabetically by a certain field.?
For instance, There will be a col called "CODE", and it will contain "
(DC Boston)
I want the data presented...
The Agent Call-back uses the "Log Agent" as part of the auto process to start the caoprdmn.exe. a bat fle is created to start the process
Read NSM PDF document "USING THE LOG AGENT" Chp 2, page 5.
I have found a solution and have it in place that automatically will restat the process within(1 min). It is called NSM "Agent Call Back". Part of Agent Technology.
As soon as the console deamon stops, it is automatically restarted.
Tlist will not run on w2k server.
Tried to use PSlist, no good. see below
REM This checks to see if the process is running and sets the result to a varible.
for /F "tokens=1 delims=" %%a in ('PSlist caoprdmn') do (set OPRRUNNING=%%a)
Anyone (Have a valid\verified\working) documented method to check to see if a task mgr process is running and if its not , it will restart it.?
our NSM evt Console craps out when too many msgs flood. We have to then restart the CAOPRDMN process. Looking for a (documented)way to monitor task...
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