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Search results for query: *

  1. vgersh99

    Grouping Multiple line cols to a single row

    Hmmm..... Were you already given a 'starting' point here? vlad +----------------------------+ | #include<disclaimer.h> | +----------------------------+
  2. vgersh99

    Selecting values diagonally in a matrix file

    This is not what's been posted originally. vlad +----------------------------+ | #include<disclaimer.h> | +----------------------------+
  3. vgersh99

    Selecting values diagonally in a matrix file

    Try the same with 'awk'. vlad +----------------------------+ | #include<disclaimer.h> | +----------------------------+
  4. vgersh99

    Selecting values diagonally in a matrix file

    nawk -v s='1,2' -v e='4,4' -f mg.awk myMatrix.txt mg.awk: BEGIN { split(s,sA, ",") split(e,eA, ",") } NR>=sA[1] && NR<=eA[1] {print $(sA[2]+ c++)} vlad +----------------------------+ | #include<disclaimer.h> | +----------------------------+
  5. vgersh99

    pipe to whois

    or alternatively: awk '{print "whois " $5}' temp.log | sh vlad +----------------------------+ | #include<disclaimer.h> | +----------------------------+
  6. vgersh99

    Literature, compilers, etc

    Look into this link. vlad +----------------------------+ | #include<disclaimer.h> | +----------------------------+
  7. vgersh99

    Overlap filter in between two file

    I don't quote follow the output - what's being repeated? How do expect to 'relate' records/lines from both files? What's the common key/fields relating lines/records from both files? Can you give a very simple sample of both files (1 line each) AND a desired result based on the sample data...
  8. vgersh99

    Overlap filter in between two file

  9. vgersh99

    Overlap filter in between two file

    Your output does not jive exactly with your sample input file and your 'testing' formula. Re-validate your either your 'formula' or your desired output. I've implemented your formula as is: nawk -f demis.awk data1 data2 FNR==NR { f1[$2,$3]=$1 next } { for (f1iter in f1) {...
  10. vgersh99

    how manipulate the data with specif format

    it's already been answered here vlad +----------------------------+ | #include<disclaimer.h> | +----------------------------+
  11. vgersh99

    Print information between [ and ]

    Given the sample pattern given: awk -F'[][]' '{print $(NF-1)}' myFile vlad +----------------------------+ | #include<disclaimer.h> | +----------------------------+
  12. vgersh99

    Extracting data from files along some coordinates

    without seeing what you've tried so far. it's hard to say..... vlad +----------------------------+ | #include<disclaimer.h> | +----------------------------+
  13. vgersh99

    Selecting Files based on content value

    #!/bin/ksh for file in * do [ grep -q 'Med Admin Rpt' "${file}" 2>/dev/null ] && cp "${file}" /path/to/different/directory done vlad +----------------------------+ | #include<disclaimer.h> | +----------------------------+
  14. vgersh99

    Compare two files

    BEGIN { FS=OFS=sprintf("\t") } { idx = $1 FS $2 FS $3 } NR==FNR { arr[idx] = $4 FS $5; next } idx in arr { printf("%s%s%s%s%s\n", idx, OFS, arr[idx], OFS, $9) } vlad +----------------------------+ | #include<disclaimer.h> | +----------------------------+
  15. vgersh99

    Compare two files

    It's not that "you are not direct with the questions" - you're not showing your OWN effort along the way. It's somewhat disconcerting seeing an OP leaching solutions from multiple sites and posting someone else's solution as his/her own. At least have the courtesy of quoting someone else's work...
  16. vgersh99

    Compare two files

    tonivm, it seems that you have a propensity of not giving direct answers when asked about your own implementation effort. At least in this forum. Pls try your do your own investigation and try your own 'hand' first. It looks like you've been given quite a number of solutions recently and should...
  17. vgersh99

    redirecting stdout to variable

    #!/bin/ksh i=0 while read line do myLINES[${i}]=$line echo ${myLINES[${i}]} i=$(($i + 1 )) done < count echo ${myLINES[0]} echo ${myLINES[2]} vlad +----------------------------+ | #include<disclaimer.h> | +----------------------------+
  18. vgersh99

    How do I parse out each path from this variable?

    #!/bin/ksh Path="/dbawork/logarchmeth1/edwr02/EDWR02/NODE0000/C0000000 /dbawork/logarchmeth1/edwr02/EDWR02/NODE0001/C0000000 /dbawork/logarchmeth1/edwr02/EDWR02/NODE0002/C0000000 /dbawork/logarchmeth1/edwr02/EDWR02/NODE0003/C0000000 /dbawork/logarchmeth1/edwr02/EDWR02/NODE0004/C0000000...
  19. vgersh99

    print out columns

    Hmmm..... This reminds me of a solution at the other forum. vlad +----------------------------+ | #include<disclaimer.h> | +----------------------------+
  20. vgersh99

    Comparing Content in 2 Files

    assuming file names have no embedded spaces... nawk ' NR==FNR { ref[$NF]; next } !($NF in ref) { print $NF } ' old.txt new.txt vlad +----------------------------+ | #include<disclaimer.h> | +----------------------------+

Part and Inventory Search
