There are many ways but one way would be to put dynamically created objects into an Array or Object so that you can access them easily afterwards.
Kenneth Kawamoto
The short answer is no. However if you are using the timeline you can use the same AS1/2 method. If you're using Classes then assign a public var to an object in order to access the child in this way.
Kenneth Kawamoto
AS3 would be something like:
flv.addEventListener(MetadataEvent.CUE_POINT, flvCuePoint);
function flvCuePoint(e:MetadataEvent):void {
switch ( {
case "end" :
// do something
"flv" is the FlvPlayback component.
Kenneth Kawamoto...
> The tab labeled "output" next to timeline shows but one line [object FLVPlayback]
Yes that's what you need :) I just wanted to make sure you named the component correctly.
FLVPlayback Component dispatches the Event called "complete" when the video is finished, so the next step is to add an...
You should get the Output.
"Test Movie" is within the Flash IDE, do not run the SWF outside the Flash IDE.
Also make sure you're typing the script in the frame. Your Actions panel tab should say "ACTIONS - FRAME".
Kenneth Kawamoto
Test Movie. (Cmd/Ctrl + RETURN)
By the way your instance name should not start with upper-case (they are for Class names).
Kenneth Kawamoto
That sounds fine.
Did you name your FLVPlayback instance on stage? To verify, type this in the frame:trace(yourFLVPlaybackInstanceName);This is the first step :)
Kenneth Kawamoto
The best way to write scripts is to use external class files and not to use the timeline at all. But in this case may be easier for you to write scripts on the timeline.
To interact with FLVPlayback component, first you have to give it a name, but what do you want to do with FLVPlayback...
> the space comes up to show something is there
Did it create Flash object? You can tell by right-clicking on it.
Kenneth Kawamoto
<object> tag for embedding SWF is like this:<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="780" height="420"><param name="movie" value="myContent.swf" /><!--[if !IE]>--><object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="myContent.swf" width="780"...
HTML <img> tag is for images and you cannot use it for SWF. <object> (and <embed>) tag is what you need, but whether your template supports SWF or not is another matter...
Kenneth Kawamoto
What you need to do is to use MovieClipLoader to load the JPEG into a MovieClip, then on load create a BitmapData and draw the MovieClip, then attach the BitmapData to a MovieClip with smoothing on.
Explained in details here...
That's Flash Debug Player popping up errors. To me it's indispensable tool for developing Flash contents, but if you want to get rid of it you can uninstall the debug player and reinstall the normal player. Both uninstaller and installer for normal players are here...
If you are writing the script in the main time line it would be:
(assuming you have your MovieClip in the main timeline (stage))
Or of you writing in the MovieClip, it would be:
Kenneth Kawamoto
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