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Search results for query: *

  1. stormbind

    ZIP Metadata Deployment

    I could be wrong, but I don't think my question has anything to do with Java's META-INF/* directory. Based on the ./jar tutorials I have seen, files in the META-INF directory are typically compressed/decompressed and have nothing to do with exposing information from the archive's...
  2. stormbind

    ZIP Metadata Deployment

    Hi all, I am posting here because I cannot find the answers through Google, and JAR files frequently do what I need. How do you add metadata to JAR files? The Real Issue: I have a Chrome/Opera extension which is packaged up as a renamed ZIP file (i.e. JAR/OEX/CRX). I want these archived files...
  3. stormbind

    XML Object typedef error

    Ah!! It was caused by multiple documents being parsed at the same time, so was actually different XML. No matter :) --Glen :)
  4. stormbind

    XML Object typedef error

    Hi all, Please see the snippet below. The exception is being thrown. The XML string is dead simple like <xml><tagName value="://?&"></xml>. I use VIM and I can clearly see there is not a typo in variable names. Can you please explain why I am getting the Typedef error? It is for an Opera...
  5. stormbind

    FireFox assigning DOM nodes to var

    This is working in Chrome, Opera and IE. Can you please help to fix it in FF? var els = document.getElementsByClassName('myClass'); for (var i=0; i<els.length; ++i){ var node = els[i]; // FF falls here with TypeDefError:node is undefined while...
  6. stormbind

    FireFox events

    window.onload = function() { window.addEventListener('click', function() { testClick(event) }, false); window.addEventListener('mouseover', function() { testMove(event) }, false); } The above works in Chrome, Opera and IE. It does not work in FF. I think FF supports the...
  7. stormbind

    Command-Line Process in WebMethod returns null?

    Resolved it like this, where grep is the exe+args. p.StartInfo.FileName = "cmd"; p.StartInfo.Arguments = "/C \"" + grep + "\""; --Glen :)
  8. stormbind

    Command-Line Process in WebMethod returns null?

    Hi all, Could you please identify below why the output from grep is not being returned in the SOAP response? Many thanks, [WebMethod] public string Grep() { Process p = new Process(); p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; p.StartInfo.FileName =...
  9. stormbind

    XmlDocument.appendChild (et al.) is not closing tags immediately

    Where each small XmlDocument is.. <root> <memberA></memberA> <memberB></memberB> </root> Using the following .NET approach to copy and merge many small XmlDocuments into one new big XmlDocument.. XmlDocument big = new XmlDocument(); big.LoadXml("<example></example>"); List<XmlDocument>...
  10. stormbind

    retrieve array from rectangular array

    Well, I want to retrieve a row/array from a matrix :) I went with jagged array [i][j] to get the task done but would have felt better to use the rectangular [i,j] notation. The example you gave would retrieve cells/values rather than rows. Thanks, --Glen :) Memoria mihi benigna erit qui eam...
  11. stormbind

    retrieve array from rectangular array

    Hi, string[,] a = new string[3,2]; string[] b = a[0]; // error, wrong number of indices (expects 2) I don't want to retrieve the separate values. I want to retrieve the arrays. How do you retrieve the first array (b) from the rectangular array (a)? --Glen :) Memoria mihi benigna erit qui...
  12. stormbind

    retrieve array of checkboxes

    I am using the GridView to display many nested tables, exporting them to HTML, XML, Excel, etc. I was saving you from looking at them by simplifying the example! Anyway, solution was: for( i= ... ++i){ GridViewRow nRow = myGridView.Rows[i]; if((CheckBox)nRow.Cells[1].Controls[1]).Checked){ ...
  13. stormbind

    retrieve array of checkboxes

    My IIS7 complains that CheckBoxList is not a known element. Anyway, I don't see how it helps because the scenario I presented is also a constraint. This is because the structure GridView has many nested tables. --Glen :) Memoria mihi benigna erit qui eam perscribam
  14. stormbind

    User permissions / shared disk access with IIS

    Hi, Another system is continuously writing new files to a shared folder on my computer. IIS is serving web applications that reads various files from that folder. My public IIS web applications currently read data using my username/password but that won't work for viewing the files directly. I...
  15. stormbind

    retrieve array of checkboxes

    <asp:GridView ID="GeneratedResults" runat="server"> <Columns> <asp:TemplateField> <ItemTemplate> <asp:CheckBox ID="ResultSelector" runat="server" /> </ItemTemplate> </asp:TemplateField> </Columns> </asp:GridView> <asp:Button ID="Button" Text="Save" runat="server"...
  16. stormbind

    Java futures

    I just don't know. iPhone/HTC and their ilk don't allow virtual machines. Java works only when using platform-specific libraries wrapped as an executable. But it still works, and its the only choice on some rival platforms such as RIM. Then there's the server market - what is Oracle's big...
  17. stormbind

    I need help with project managment

    Read up on cycle/iterative development, and agile/scrum environments. I estimate that 90% of missed targets can be attributed to the waterfall methodologies that work in other industries. Waterfall can be really counter-productive in software. Listen to your developers. They might not know...
  18. stormbind

    adding reference to System.Collections

    Yeah but Visual Studio persisted in underlining HashTable. This didn't work: using System.Collections; . . HashTable a = new HashTable(); This did work: Hashtable a = new System.Collections.Hashtable(); *shrug* nevermind :) --Glen :) Memoria mihi benigna erit qui eam perscribam
  19. stormbind

    adding reference to System.Collections

    In Visual Studio, I right click References and select Add Reference.. I browse list of .NET Components and.. System.Collections is not in the list! How do I add this to the addable components? Thanks, --Glen :) Memoria mihi benigna erit qui eam perscribam
  20. stormbind

    FireFox Microsoft media plugin

    Hi, I am generating asx content on the fly from an aspx page that is served by IIS, and the video must display in FireFox without controls. Using FireFox/WMP Plug-in FireFox/WMP ignores the EMBED tag attributes and plays the videos - but how can I hide the controls? For example, the...

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