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  • Congratulations SkipVought on being selected by the Tek-Tips community for having the most helpful posts in the forums last week. Way to Go!

Search results for query: *

  1. ColumbiaDiver

    Querying MS-SQL database from Excel

    Skip, Awesome. I'm working on it now. Thanks again. I'll let you know how it work out. I think I need to add a byline with your name on it for the process for all the help ypu've given me on this. :-) Gordon
  2. ColumbiaDiver

    Querying MS-SQL database from Excel

    Hi Skip, Thanks a bunch for getting back to me. The data in the User tab on the worksheet is pulled from a MS-SQL database using a select statement similar to the example below, but since I was uploading an example I just copied a sample of the actual data to the to the User tab since it...
  3. ColumbiaDiver

    Querying MS-SQL database from Excel

    Hi Skip & Andrzejek, Well I finally got back to the terms and was able to get it to work after a manner of speaking. I am pulling the user profile data from MS-SQL and saving it in another tab of the spreadsheet, (it updates each time the template is opened). It's not as versatile as other...
  4. ColumbiaDiver

    Querying MS-SQL database from Excel

    Hi Skip & Andrzejek, Just wanted to touch base to let you know I am still working on/looking at this. Work deadlines have shifted my focus a bit. I'm hoping to spend so more time on it today and hopefully nail it down. I'm accumulating a lot of terms so I need to get this working or do another...
  5. ColumbiaDiver

    Querying MS-SQL database from Excel

    Hi Skip, OK let me see if I can clarify. Some of what your referencing is going over my head a but I’ll try to give it a whirl. 1. Where do you address the specific databases for each user? In the test sheet that I created I used DataForm Other SourcesFrom Microsoft Query<New Data Source> I...
  6. ColumbiaDiver

    Querying MS-SQL database from Excel

    Hi Skip, Not sure I follow you, but then I'm fairly new to MS-SQL, (I know just enough to be dangerous), an example would be great. I've also attached a screenshot of the test sheet I setup and the template sheet to give you a better idea, (names were changed to protect the not so innocent)...
  7. ColumbiaDiver

    Querying MS-SQL database from Excel

    Hi All, Hoping someone can point me in the right direction in respects to a question I have in querying an MS-SQL database from Excel 2010. I work for a large company and we don’t have a method in place to track what users have access to what systems, (350 at last count). So what happens when...
  8. ColumbiaDiver

    Need help with RPG numeric Indicators and their purpose *IN66

    Guys, FYI I spent a lot of time trying to make sure the formatting on the code and checks were easily readable but when I submitted the post it went wonky. Sorry. Gordon
  9. ColumbiaDiver

    Need help with RPG numeric Indicators and their purpose *IN66

    Guys, Warning, Warning: Long post, so if you want to read the details of my RPG misery then read on, otherwise skip to the last paragraph [cry] Thanks for the help and suggestions, really useful. Tom yes it's old. The issue is that way back when my company bought the financial system...
  10. ColumbiaDiver

    Need help with RPG numeric Indicators and their purpose *IN66

    Tom, Thanks I'll take a look. I do have one question. Since an indicator can be whatever the programmer wants it to be, how to I tell what the programmer set the indicators to be? I've searched through the source code to see if I could find someplace where the programmer has said indicator *x...
  11. ColumbiaDiver

    Need help with RPG numeric Indicators and their purpose *IN66

    All, I am in the process of updating an older RPG program and being fairly new to RPG programming, (but not programming in general) I am having a difficult time understanding indicators and their place and purpose in RPG. I know that the recommended programming is to not use the numeric...
  12. ColumbiaDiver

    Field on form refuses to update table using simple ObjectPal - what am I missing?

    Hi All, I have an old customer that is still running Paradox 7 and they asked me to make a few changes for them on a application I wrote for them. There is a field defined that basically says if the value of this field = YES then update the following fields with the specified data. They wanted...
  13. ColumbiaDiver

    Easiest way to execute a CLPFM from within an RPG program

    Tom and Francis, Excellent. That's exactly what I was looking for. I really appreciate your taking the time to help me out. Take care. Gordon
  14. ColumbiaDiver

    Easiest way to execute a CLPFM from within an RPG program

    All, I have a quick question that I hope will have an equally quick answer. I have an RPG program that is used to run part of our payroll process. The RPG program populates a data file that gets transmitted to the company that maintains our retirement. The vendor process for our regular payroll...
  15. ColumbiaDiver

    Calculated field in report not show correct decimals

    Hi All, Hoping someone can help me with an issue I am having with a report I wrote for one of my departments. The report is an audit report to verify that all that all the records for players in a charity golf tournament are being pulled correctly by the application before the user moves onto...
  16. ColumbiaDiver

    Toad for MS-SQL and SQL Magazine - Good Choices???

    Hi All, I am fairly new to MS-SQL and have been considering purchasing Toad Development Suite for SQL Server http://shop.quest.com/682/purl-toad-for-sql-server and subscribing to SQL magazine and wanted to get the groups opinion of these two products. I am an Oracle and Informix DBA and in my...
  17. ColumbiaDiver

    Cognos and Mckesson One Staff (Pervasive 8 SQL DB)

    Hi All, We utilize a product called McKesson One Staff for creating staffing schedules and downloading data for payroll into our HR application here at our hospital. The version of One Staff that we use runs on a Pervasive 8 SQL database engine. I need to start working on a model for One Staff...
  18. ColumbiaDiver

    Cognos modeling questions

    Thanks for the feedback guys. Good to know that we are on the right track. Cosultants are expensive and as we have limited manpower, (were a pretty small shop), my CIO wants to make sure any consultant we hire is focusing on the job and hand and not asking questions in the hopes that he will...
  19. ColumbiaDiver

    Cognos in health care - interested in brainstorming &amp; trading ideas?

    Hi Guys, Sorry for the late response, but I never not a notification that anyone responsed to this post - weird. Todd, my handle refers to the fact that one of my favorite dive spots is Columbia Reef in Cozumel Mex, although I don't see myself as getting back there anytime soon as I moved to...
  20. ColumbiaDiver

    Paradox app to stand alone application??

    Hi All, Does anyone know of a tool or tools that would allow me to convert a Paradox application to a stand alone app? I know I can use the Paradox runtime, but I am looking for something that can let me convert it to a standalone exe or at least give the appearance of it being a standalone...

Part and Inventory Search
