I put this on my personal computer to try out, Malwarebytes Anti-Ransomeware (beta). I like most of their products so I will give this one a try, can't hurt and may possibly be a winner. http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/download/malwarebytes-anti-ransomware-beta/
This will get very interesting no doubt. Most of my customers will not be aware of it period, many others will ignore it, after that who knows.
On the upside I can see a brisk business upturn with all these scenarios. This is a call for my customers to make, I can't police their actions but I...
Went off without a hitch. Started the upgrade within Windows 10 environment so all of my apps and programs were not affected, so cool. Will give it a try out in a bit.
Tough question, the system is getting some age on it. I don't think I would spend a lot more time on it other than a few quick attempts at a possible solution. These problems can drag on and on if allowed, sometimes there must be a quitting point.
A client asks if I can recover some pictures from an external hard drive after a virus got on his computer, I said I will try. When he bring in the desktop & external drive I am told the rest of the story. His Trojan was Cryptowall 3, he got from an email that had been opened, got his computer...
Just did a Toshiba laptop that came with 8.1 for a customer. It was in very poor condition as the owner had let his antivirus expire a month or so, I fought it for a while but no use, did a Windows refresh keeping the rest intact & it worked well. Just had to install a load of updates & any...
What site are you downloading from, as it make a difference, some sites will download a load of unwanted progs. Best to download from the authors site if possible or a reputable one at least.
I have enjoyed them all, even the ones that were more challenging & by the time the service packs were installed most were good. Now with Windows 8 & 8.1 with all the cloud items like MS Office, I don't know how I feel about all this being put out there, use good judgment on what goes where...
It took me about half an hour to set Windows8 up the way I wanted it & I have never looked back, it is stable and reliable. I don't see problems, it is just easy. Sure, Linux is somewhat of an alternative & I enjoy using it from time to time but some things are too troublesome to bother with...
Usually the company that builds the drive offers that service, be aware, they are very expensive. If you go that route use a reputable company if your data is that valuable. Might think about making your backup a little more often to avoid this problem. good luck
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