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  1. AnthonyGeorge

    anyone know how to add a jar file to a war WEB-INF/lib for weblogic8.1

    <target name="utiljar"> <wspackage output="${build}/${ear_file}" warName="${war_file}" overwrite="False" utilJars="${lib}/${middleware_jar_file}"/> </target>
  2. AnthonyGeorge

    anyone know how to add a jar file to a war WEB-INF/lib for weblogic8.1

    I am building a War file using the Weblogic 8.1 servicegen task, but either it wont allow you or there are no good examples on how to add a jar file to a war file WEB-INF/lib Thanks for any help Tony
  3. AnthonyGeorge

    Need to change default port when running servicegen

    The awnser is you cant, it has to be set at run time through the calling program. final String wsdl = "http://localhost:9001/anti_virus/AntiVirusProcess?WSDL"; and then call your stub with the argument parameter AntiVirusProcess_Impl ws = new AntiVirusProcess_Impl(wsdl); And it works. Tony
  4. AnthonyGeorge

    Need to change default port when running servicegen

    I am using servicegen to create my wdsl file. In the build script I have set the port to the port that weblogic is running on. The problem is that when I run servicegen ant task, it sets the soap address to <soap:address location="http://localhost:7001/process/myProcess"> </soap:address> 7001...
  5. AnthonyGeorge

    ByteArrayOutputStream size returns null.

    It does throw a null pointer exception, I am using a wrapper written by someone else. I am writing straight into a database clob via a writer and not using the ByteArrayOutputStream, hence the null pointer exception. Need to go back to the drawing board and think of another way of counting the...
  6. AnthonyGeorge

    ByteArrayOutputStream size returns null.

    I am writing to a ByteArrayOutputStream after every write I want to check how many bytes has been written. So I call ByteArrayOutputStreams method size(), but instead of returning an int, it is returning a null pointer value. Would be gald of any help in the correct way in calling the method...
  7. AnthonyGeorge

    select from unknown table table Dynamic SQL

    For anyone else with this problem here is my fix PROCEDURE pr_LoadNativeDataItems(p_flag IN NUMBER, p_how_many_rows_to_fetch IN NUMBER, p_table_name IN VARCHAR2, p_tmp_table_name IN VARCHAR2, p_row_data OUT RowDataCur) IS truncate_text VARCHAR2(100); sql_text VARCHAR2(300)...
  8. AnthonyGeorge

    select from unknown table table Dynamic SQL

    I need to do a select from a table that is unknown until runtime. Is there any good examples of this. The Store Procedure will take in the table name and return a row. I am not using inline SQL because there is a lot more complexity involved . What I need to do is understand how to reference...
  9. AnthonyGeorge

    Problem running a struts 1.1 tutorial

    I have built the web.xml but am still getting that same error : The requested resource (/actions/register1.do) is not available. web.xml is as follows: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.2//EN"...
  10. AnthonyGeorge

    Problem running a struts 1.1 tutorial

    am attempting the Struts tutorial for struts 1.1 http://www.coreservlets.com/Apache-Struts-Tutorial/Struts-Actions.html#Ex2-Step4. When I try to run the first example I get the following error: error description: The requested resource (/actions/register1.do) is not available. The JSP has the...
  11. AnthonyGeorge

    Help in using Date Format

    have a method that will take in a string and convert it into a Date using DateFormat. The problem is that I am not sure what the format the string should take. I used the date : "15-Jul-1999" which through up a java.text.ParseException: Unparseable date: "15-Jul-1999" All I need is the day...
  12. AnthonyGeorge

    What causes a bean not bound error:

    Sorted the problem the tag in StoreAccessBean @ejb.ejb-ref ejb-name="Customer" view-type="local" ref-name="CustomerLocal" generates the following in the ejb-jar <ejb-local-ref > <ejb-ref-name>CustomerLocal</ejb-ref-name> <ejb-ref-type>Entity</ejb-ref-type>...
  13. AnthonyGeorge

    What causes a bean not bound error:

    Yes I am its the Tutorial for building J2EE Applications using JBOSS and ECLIPSE Chapter 3 problem. Is what buka suggesting is that in the jboss352all.server you replace label="Server Configuration (minimal/default/all):" with label="Server Configuration (server/default/deploy):" But I still...
  14. AnthonyGeorge

    What causes a bean not bound error:

    I am getting the following error : javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: StoreAccessBean not bound. In my Jboss.xml I have the following code: <session> <ejb-name>StoreAccess</ejb-name> <jndi-name>StoreAccessBean</jndi-name>...
  15. AnthonyGeorge

    looking for JSP Standard Template Library examples or tutorial

    Is there a good online tutorial that will take you through the JSTL with eamples of using the COR Tags, XML Tags ect. Thanks very much Anthony
  16. AnthonyGeorge

    How do you integrate a web container with JBoss

    Thanks everyone I have downloaded JBoss 3.2.5 and it works. Thanks again Tony
  17. AnthonyGeorge

    How do you integrate a web container with JBoss

    I am currently running the tutorial http://www.roseindia.net/jboss/buildingwebapplicationwithant.shtml. I have created a FirstProject.ear file and have deployed it to JBoss. But I have got the following Error: ERROR,AutoDeployer] DeploymentInfo...
  18. AnthonyGeorge

    a requested resource not available Error can it be caused by security

    Hi Sedji, The unix guys tried to ping the server but could not so it looks as of it is a server name IP address which could not be resolved problem. Thanks. Tony
  19. AnthonyGeorge

    a requested resource not available Error can it be caused by security

    Re: a host file pointing to the wrong server or something silly like that. That may be the problem, I have put some debug code in which when I get the chance to run it may show up the problem> String urlName = (String)session.getAttribute("urlName"); System.out.println("urlName "+urlName)...
  20. AnthonyGeorge

    a requested resource not available Error can it be caused by security

    I have an application, which is run on a dev and a production live box. One of the functionality is to upload a document into a directory under webapps, and then allow someone to look at the doc through there browser This works perfectly on the dev box and the UAT box ,but on the production box...

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