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  1. titanandrews

    Returning local shared_ptr ok?

    Hi All, A function that returns a local object is considered undefined. But why does it seem that returning a shared_ptr is ok? Even the boost examples have this: shared_ptr<X> createX() { shared_ptr<X> px(new X_impl); return px; } I have never run into a case where this does not work...
  2. titanandrews

    PostMessage BN_CLICKED doesn't work if not logged in.

    Hi All, I have a tool that uses PostMessage to automatically click buttons to cancel certain dialogs that pop up on the desktop. So the tool runs in a loop looking for windows with a certain window text and then clicks a certain button. It works fine on all dialogs that I have "registered" with...
  3. titanandrews

    Proper way to install module that uses shared libs

    Hi All, Does anyone know the proper way to install a Perl module on Linux that loads several shared libraries? For standard libs that comes with Perl, the .so files are in the ${PERL_HOME}/i386-linux-thread-multi/auto directory. Is this where my libs should go also? I do not want to depend on...
  4. titanandrews

    Catching exit code before program termination

    Hi All, Is there any way to catch the exit code from someone calling exit(status) and check the value before the program terminates? Just for an idea, the code I'm thinking of is something like this: void exithandler() { DWORD exitCode = 0...
  5. titanandrews

    SetWindowsHookEx with type WH_CBT

    Thanks for your thoughts, ArkM. 1) Yes, it does have to be in a dll, and it is. 2) I checked the return statement and I am getting 0 for every call.
  6. titanandrews

    SetWindowsHookEx with type WH_CBT

    Hi All, Has anyone ever set a global hook with SetWindowsHookEx and tried to "listen" for windows getting focus with any success? I have installed the following callback function for the WH_CBT function type. The hook is installed fine with no errors, but the only code I am getting inside the...
  7. titanandrews

    Access an object instance with JVMTI

    What I found out is that you have to have certain "capabilities" set ( or permissions ) and those cannot be set in the live phase. They must be set in the load phase. So basically you have to start your agent with the target VM, you can't just connect to it get all of the JVMTI features. It's a...
  8. titanandrews

    Java, Javascrpt or ?

    It depends on what you are interested in. If you go with what is popular, web technologies ( J2EE ) is probably the hottest thing right now. But if you want to stick with something you are interested in and become a specialist it that area, you can do it, but it may take longer to find a job...
  9. titanandrews

    Access an object instance with JVMTI

    Hi All, Using JVMTI, is there any way to get access to an object instance, see it's properties, call it's methods, etc. It looks like all the iterate callback functions just give information like, tags, object size, etc., but there seems to be no way to gain access to the object instance...
  10. titanandrews

    Proper way to populate a static member list

    Well, this leads me back to my original question. What IS the proper way to initialize/populate a static member in C++? There are no static blocks in C++ like in Java, right? I don't want this data to get re-populated on every object instantiation. If someone could post a real compilable example...
  11. titanandrews

    Proper way to populate a static member list

    Hmmm... Not sure what either of you mean. Which Foo:: do I not need? I removed each one and it made no difference. Why should I declare Foo::ilist again outside the class. Wouldn't that make 2 definitions, one as a class member and the other not?? Anyway... the linker error I get is...
  12. titanandrews

    Proper way to populate a static member list

    Hi All, Can someone kindly tell me what is the proper way to initialize a static member list in C++? I have the following code: #include <iostream> #include <vector> using namespace std; class Foo { public: Foo(); virtual ~Foo(); static vector<int> ilist; static void...
  13. titanandrews

    Why dependency on MFCLOC assembly in 2005?

    Hi All, I have a .dll that has been built with VS 2003 that has been running for some time now. We have upgraded to 2005 and now all of a sudden there seems to be this dependency on the MFC localization libraries. Where does this dependency come from and how do I get rid of it? The code and...
  14. titanandrews

    When is a recompile required when a dependent .LIB changes?

    [.lib file] is a dependency of -> [.dll file] [.dll file] is used by -> [test application]" That is correct. "Is the .lib file used anywhere else?" yes, I use the dlls that belong to this .lib file. "Are there more DLLs or exe's in the picture?" yes, but not relevant. "What do you mean it...
  15. titanandrews

    When is a recompile required when a dependent .LIB changes?

    Thanks for your replies! Can you tell me what is the exact reason that my dll must be re-compiled? Obviously if I run it against the changed dependent library it will fail at runtime. But what is the reason? Is there some library signature, version number, or something that my dll knows about...
  16. titanandrews

    When is a recompile required when a dependent .LIB changes?

    Yeah that makes sense. This may be a different topic, but is a .lib file considered to be changed if that .lib file depends on another one that WAS changed or does this matter at all? Thanks again for the reply!
  17. titanandrews

    When is a recompile required when a dependent .LIB changes?

    Well... in case 1, suppose you don't have control over this library. So maybe you know if something has changed and maybe not. The point is there is a new version of the library. Is a recompile of my .dll required and if so, why? In case 3, the point of recompiling is upgrading to a new version...
  18. titanandrews

    When is a recompile required when a dependent .LIB changes?

    Hi All, I have a question regarding creating a dll and static linking against a dependent .LIB. In what cases does the dll need to be compiled and re-linked for it to function correctly during runtime? 1) If the .LIB has been re-compiled and NOTHING has been changed? 2) If the .LIB has been...
  19. titanandrews

    XPath expression to search entire document for attribute X

    Hi All, Is it possible to create an XPath expression that can return ALL nodes within a document that has an attribute X with a value of Y? thanks, Barry
  20. titanandrews

    System.currentTimeMillis() in C++

    Thanks ArkM! That is a brilliant solution, and exactly what I was looking for! Barry

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