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Search results for query: *

  1. tburrows

    Program in Documents&Settings/All Users not visible

    Administrator installs program and when you go to explore, the program is visible with you go to C:/documents and settings/all users/start menu/programs. But when the user logs in the program does not show when the user goes to Start and Programs. If they go into explore they can find it that...
  2. tburrows

    Data Access Page Connection Problem

    We have an Internet side and an Intranet side. On our internet side, I have a form for the public to fill out and the info goes into a sql database on a seperate sql server. On our intranet side I have a data access page that connects to the internet sql database through a firewall so that our...
  3. tburrows

    Error on Data Access Page

    No, there is no criteria of filter for DateCleared. I have solved part of the problem in that I turned off warning messages for the page, that takes care of the message box that pops up. If I can find somehow to refresh the DAP after a date is put in DateCleared, I think that will end up...
  4. tburrows

    Error on Data Access Page

    When I made up the DAP I just inserted the field and made no changes to it. The other two fields that are available for editing are text fields and there is no problem with them. Just the date field. Tom
  5. tburrows

    Error on Data Access Page

    I have an Access Project accessing a SQL database. One of the fields in the database is DateCleared and it is formatted as datetime and shortdate. On a Data Access Page I have the DateCleared field and it is also formatted as short date. However whenever I put in a date in this field I get the...
  6. tburrows

    Error on Data Access Page accessing SQL database

    Not sure if this is right forum. I have an Access Project accessing a SQL database. One of the fields in the database is DateCleared and it is formatted as datetime and shortdate. On a Data Access Page I have the DateCleared field and it is also formatted as short date. However whenever I put...
  7. tburrows

    Can you have a calculated field in a SQL table?

    I am using Access to access a SQL table. What I am trying to do is that I have a date field called DateCleared. I have another field called Cleared. What I want to do is that if DateCleared is empty then Cleared is No and if DateCleared has a date in it then Cleared is Yes. I am familiar with...
  8. tburrows

    connection string accessing wrong server

    Here is my connection: If Request.ServerVariables("REQUEST_METHOD")="POST" Then Connect="Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=KCISQL;Network Library=DBMSSOCN;Initial Catalog=complaintSQL;UserID=IUSR_PUBLIC;Password=;" 'set connection string Set complaint=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")...
  9. tburrows

    connection string accessing wrong server

    Right, iuser_public is the guest account on the sql server and I am getting the error message that Login failed for the production web server. There are other forms on the website that use the same connection string as I am and are not having a problem.
  10. tburrows

    connection string accessing wrong server

    I have created a web form and have a database on a sql server. That server is seperate from the web server. The connection string is: Conn="Provider=sqloledb;" & _ "Data Source=<database server name>;" & _ "Initial Catalog=<database>;" & _ "UserID=IUSR_PUBLIC;" & _...
  11. tburrows

    Programmatically check for version of ADO ext 2.7 or 2.8

    I'm running access 2002 which has ADO Ext 2.8 for DDL & Security. Most of the machines which run the applications I do are running access 2000 with ADO Ext 2.7. What I'm doing now is that when I load a new application I get an error message and I have to go in and uncheck the missing 2.8 and...
  12. tburrows

    Trying to use image as hyperlink

    It worked great!! I had tried something similiar except I didn't know about the curly brackets around the concat statement. Thanks Tom
  13. tburrows

    Trying to use image as hyperlink

    I am trying to use an xml file that has 2 tags that are the name of a thumbnail jpg image and the other is for a large version of the thumbnail. The other tags are name, age, etc. What I want to do is make a table with all the info on one person. One of the cells has the thumbnail and when...
  14. tburrows

    Continuous rebooting at startup

    I know they are missing as they were broken off into the female connector on the motherboard.
  15. tburrows

    Continuous rebooting at startup

    I think I may have found the main problem. Two of the connector pins from the hard drive are broken. Looking for parts. now. Appreciate the assistance.
  16. tburrows

    Continuous rebooting at startup

    We acquired an HP Pavilion N5450 laptop running windows ME. It probably has a virus as when the machine starts up the first screen comes up and then just keeps rebooting from there. I tried F8, but I don't think the boot process is getting that far so I can use safe mode. I tried a bootable...
  17. tburrows

    Check if form is empty when loaded

    Solved - I created a recordset clone and if BOF and EOF are true then I close the form and then use DoCmd to open the form again. Thanks Tom
  18. tburrows

    Check if form is empty when loaded

    I have a form that uses a query for its data. The query uses a parameter input of a single letter to select records that begin with that letter. If the user selects a letter that is not in the database it returns with nothing. When the form starts the parameter reqeust opens up and when a...
  19. tburrows

    Include quit working

    No. Unknown why it started doing it. Right now my only work around is putting the code into each page. Tom

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