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  1. jaybytez

    Unread> <a name= EJB - Remote EJB - Transaction Fails to Commit

    We change the Context.PROVIDER_URL protocol from t3 to iiop and this resolved the problem. Why? Can anyone tell what would be the difference between t3 and iiop? Thanks, jay
  2. jaybytez

    Unread> <a name= EJB - Remote EJB - Transaction Fails to Commit

    I have an SLSB running on an instance of WebLogic 8.1.5 and has a method with a transaction attribute of Required. It calls another SLSB running on another WebLogic 8.1.5 that runs on a remote server and that EJB has a method with a transaction attribute of Required. When the first SLSB...
  3. jaybytez

    Auto Trim Fields in ActionForm class

    I am already extending DynaValidatorForm and DynaValidatorActionForm to utilize a new ActionMessages class I created and to make the validate method more robust. Is there a place that I can run through all the form values and trim them automatically before the fields are retrievable by the...
  4. jaybytez

    struts-html-el.tld or just struts-html.tld

    I know the difference between struts-html-el.tld struts-html.tld is the ability to use expression languages. But how do you determine when to use one or the other. Why not always use struts-html-el.tld so you have the expression language capability? Is there a performance hit, so the...
  5. jaybytez

    Call onclick for an HTMLAnchorElement - Capture Enter Key

    Looks like that worked...thanks. I would be interested to see how you changed the code though. What was getting me side tracked is it appears Mozilla works but Firefox sorta works. It brings the alert window up but logs a javascript error: Error: [Exception... "'Permission denied to get...
  6. jaybytez

    Call onclick for an HTMLAnchorElement - Capture Enter Key

    Okay...cool. So here is some code. It works in IE and not Mozilla/Firefox...Any suggestions. <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <title></title> </head> <script> var firstOnKeyRequest = 0; function onkeypressSubmit( fieldName ) {...
  7. jaybytez

    Call onclick for an HTMLAnchorElement - Capture Enter Key

    Take a look at the DOM specs for HTML, there is no onclick for the HTMLAnchorElement: http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/WD-DOM-Level-1-20000929/level-one-html.html#ID-48250443
  8. jaybytez

    Call onclick for an HTMLAnchorElement - Capture Enter Key

    We have a situation where we have developers defined an onkeypress event for the body tag that checks to see if the enter key was pressed and if so it does a click() method against an anchor tag that we use as a submit button. Now I have another field and anchor tag that I would like to be able...
  9. jaybytez

    Dynamic action path to share same validation configuration

    I have a tiles layout page with a form on it. The action of the form is dynamic because the page can be entered from multiple locations and so the form action changes based on those locations. Except the fact that the fields on the form are the same and so are the validation rules. It appears...
  10. jaybytez

    Novice: Printing a variable

    <xsl:value-of select="$numQues"/> jay
  11. jaybytez

    Newbie: Multiple XSLs to read from one XML doc

    Are you talking about using an XML file to store information that the XSL file uses when doing transformations outside of the file you are transforming? You can use the document function to pull in additional xml files into your stylesheet. http://www.w3schools.com/xsl/func_document.asp -jay
  12. jaybytez

    xlm --&gt; xsl locally?

    Are you trying to view an xlm file (Excel Macro file) or an xml file? -jay
  13. jaybytez

    XML Design question... Hierarchical data

    Here are a multitude of different ways to setup the XML files. I kind of like the first and last the best: <clothing> <pants> <cargo> <denim> <pant>Button Fly</pant> <pant>Zipper Fly</pant> </denim> </cargo> <cargo> <khaki> <pant>Button Fly</pant>...
  14. jaybytez

    XSLT: switch parent/child elements and sort

    You could do something as simple as this: [CODE] <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" version="1.0"> <xsl:output method="xml" indent="yes" /> <xsl:template match="/"> <xsl:apply-templates select="company_data"/> </xsl:template> <xsl:template...
  15. jaybytez

    XSLT: switch parent/child elements and sort

    Can you give an example of what you want the result tree to look like? -jay
  16. jaybytez

    Header Change Broke XSLT

    Here are two threads that talk about this subject with xml and xslt examples: http://www.tek-tips.com/viewthread.cfm?SQID=894486&SPID=426 http://www.tek-tips.com/viewthread.cfm?SQID=884139&SPID=426
  17. jaybytez

    Header Change Broke XSLT

    You need to define your schema (that is in the xml file) in your xslt with a prefix. Then anytime you use XPath for the xml file, each node needs to include the prefix. If I defined xmlns:user="http://mycompany.com/mynamespace", then my XPath should be...
  18. jaybytez

    ClassFormatError during compiling jsp

    Sounds like you are trying to utilize a custom tag called constant that you are referring to incorrectly in the jsp page? -jay
  19. jaybytez

    compile .ejb files through Ant scripts

    You can use the appc compiler for ejbs: http://e-docs.bea.com/wls/docs81/ejb/appc_ejbc.html <target name="ejbc"> <java classname="weblogic.appc" fork="true"> <classpath> <path refid="appc.classpath"/> <fileset dir="."...
  20. jaybytez

    XSL referencing external URL

    Not sure if this is what you are looking for or how to do it in ASP, but in Java there is an object that deals with the transformation of XML and XSLT. The object allows you to create parameters in the transformation process. So we can do a setAttribute("URL", serverURL) and in the xslt I can...

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