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Search results for query: *

  1. Pyrrhus

    How to restore from W10 to new W10 laptop?

    Hi strongm ... Yes, I have licensed version of W7 on the "old" laptop (the one I have backed up from), overlaid/replaced by the free version of W10 ... ... and on the "new" laptop, the one I am trying to restore those files to, I have fully licensed W10 which came with the HP purchase 2...
  2. Pyrrhus

    How to restore from W10 to new W10 laptop?

    Also, Linney, you say : "You could just copy all your data across ..." That's exactly what I'm trying do!
  3. Pyrrhus

    How to restore from W10 to new W10 laptop?

    To linney (TechnicalUser): Thanks, Linney. I'll certainly give PC Mover a try. Sounds like a good utility. But first I'd like to understand why I can't do it using standard MS procedures. I don't like to think that I'm the only person in the Western World who is confounded by MS's...
  4. Pyrrhus

    How to restore from W10 to new W10 laptop?

    To rclarke250 (TechnicalUser): Thanks for your reply. I'm simply replacing one older model HP laptop with one current model HP laptop. I have already loaded all the main applications that I want. I'll download the rest as soon as I get operational. I simply want to move across all my data...
  5. Pyrrhus

    How to restore from W10 to new W10 laptop?

    How to restore from W10 to new W10 laptop? Lots of sites and info, but none I have tried seem to work. Going from W10 (over 7) on old laptop, to W10 supplied with new HP laptop. Here’s what I have done: Backed up old laptop with following procedure: Start menu – Settings – Update &security...
  6. Pyrrhus

    How to Lock an Email - Outlook 2007.

    Thanks again, Brad. That is the situation, and that's the way I'll go. Pyrrhus.
  7. Pyrrhus

    Skype - how to Increast Font Size??

    Anyone know how to increase the size of message text in the main Skype chat window? Tends to screw up one's eyeballs in long sessions. (I use all caps, but that's not a very elegant solution.) Thanks.
  8. Pyrrhus

    How to Lock an Email - Outlook 2007.

    Thanks, byundt, much appreciated. I have checked out both those links, and I'll study them later. Just one quickie if you happen to check back to this post: In an "electronic agreement" situation, is it necessary for BOTH parties to digitally sign for the arrangement to work? I will certainly...
  9. Pyrrhus

    How to Lock an Email - Outlook 2007.

    Can anyone please tell me how I can lock up an email sent from or received by Outlook 2007. I want to save a contractual agreement by sending an email of the Terms and Conditions, and have the other party accept it by return email. Naturally, both parties need a copy of the original email...
  10. Pyrrhus

    Filezilla multiple directories question.

    Thanks for you suggestion, Chris. I use Adwords with these files. In fact, I have a large number of files to avoid using dynamic-loading pages, which it seems can cause problems with Adwords in certain circumstances (and, since I don't really know how Adwords operate in detail, I probably would...
  11. Pyrrhus

    Filezilla multiple directories question.

    To spamjim and MikeLewis, Thanks to both of you for your input. Much appreciated. Acting on your advice, that it is a server issue, I contacted the hosting service for their input. Below is their response (I thought you might be interested for future reference). ---------------- The issue you...
  12. Pyrrhus

    Filezilla multiple directories question.

    I have uploaded a folder with 3,000+ web pages in it. They seem to be uploaded OK and are accessible via my browser. However, I’m having trouble with Fz uploading a replacement file named registration.html, because I can’t find it listed (and so can’t check on version date, etc.) The message bar...
  13. Pyrrhus

    Text replacement in muliple files?

    Hi Paul, Many thanks for your generous help with my problem. I haven't used macros / vba routines for a few years, and forgotten whatever I knew, and I'll have to work how to install and trigger it. For that reason, I haven't actually used it yet and can't report success, but I thought I'd...
  14. Pyrrhus

    Text replacement in muliple files?

    I have multiple .html files which are 90% identical content. Can anybody please tell me how to replace a specific block of text, common to all the files, with a different block of text, simultaneously in all of the files in the folder? Thanks.
  15. Pyrrhus

    Adwords - DKI and dynamic landing pages.

    Thanks, Keith, for your suggestion. I'm afraid my competence these days stops with very basic JS. Thanks, again. Kevin (Morrisey)
  16. Pyrrhus

    Adwords - DKI and dynamic landing page loading.

    (Reposted from SEO forum - looking for the right home.) Help please? I'm thinking of using DKI for suburb names, so that suburb name will appear in Ad. Also, I'm thinking of using it in the destination url with each suburb having individual landing page (LP). A few questions: 1. Is it...
  17. Pyrrhus

    PS: Is there an Adwords forum?

    Thanks, Mike - for taking the time. I agree with your opinions of both Google forum and Tek-Tips. I'll follow your suggestion, and try forum84. Pyrrhus Kevin Morrisey (Sydney, Oz).
  18. Pyrrhus

    HTML form - ‘mailto:you@yourdomain.com’ method.

    Thanks, Spamjim. You've convinced me. I had overlooked the online service approach - despite the fact that last time I did a similar form application I used SurveyMonkey, which seemed to work well. I'll take a look at your 2 suggestions later. My real motivation in taking the mailto: approach...
  19. Pyrrhus

    PS: Is there an Adwords forum?

    PS: Is there an Adwords forum? Couldn't seem to find it.
  20. Pyrrhus

    Adwords - DKI and dynamic landing pages.

    Help please? I'm thinking of using DKI for suburb names, so that suburb name will appear in Ad. Also, I'm thinking of using it in the destination url with each suburb having individual landing page (LP). A few questions: 1. Is it worth having superficially individual LPs? They will be 99% the...

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