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Search results for query: *

  1. NeilTrain

    multicore library

    chances are the best thing to do would be to just create multiple threads and let the OS handle putting them on different Cores. Very rarely would you ever need to explicitly determine which thread goes on which core.
  2. NeilTrain

    TreeView Node Single-Click

    there are several events in the treeview, be sure to use the "AfterChanged" event. If you use click, it will still show the selectedNode property as the previous node (not the one you just cliked on because it hasnt been set to the selected node yet) But then again if you click on a node that...
  3. NeilTrain

    extract embedded images to a file

    from within an app? Or extracting from an app you dont have source to? a few lines of code (Bitmap.Save()) will do the first, and there are some free tools online (some made specifically for .Net assemblies) that will do it for you.
  4. NeilTrain

    Seperating Data & GUI, What pattern to use?

    I've already developed one desktop app, which had its data objects in a DLL (with GUI data attached, because I needed a place to put it) That same DLL was used in an XML webservice which used the same data objects (ignoring any GUI specific data) and all worked fine. But now we are building...
  5. NeilTrain

    Seperating Data & GUI, What pattern to use?

    So I have a large set of data objects, arranged Hierarchically, i.e.: Project Node - High Level Node - Mid Level Node - High Level Node - Mid Level Node - Low Level Node - Mid Level Node - Low Level Node - More Data - Low Level Node And I...
  6. NeilTrain

    Scheduling a C# console application

    as for running when not logged in, make sure you dont throw up any messageboxes or anything (like exceptions) that requires user feedback or any type of display. Output your result to a text log or something.
  7. NeilTrain

    Anyone know a good PDF component for C#?

    I have looked around at a few but all of them seem pretty incomplete or have ugly rendering. The ones that look ok completely lack documentation. Anyone know of a good one they use?
  8. NeilTrain

    Windows installer flag

    I'm not sure about the flag, but you can look at the overloaded methods of Process.Start, I'm pretty sure it allows you to start your process as another user.
  9. NeilTrain

    Problem calling an external C++ dll

    I have a C# application that uses a legacy C++ dll that runs an operation on a set of Images. During testing some of the output images created by the dll had strange artifacts in them, weird cropping and resizing going on that it wasn't supposed to do. After some pretty intensive testing it...
  10. NeilTrain


    Notepad++ is great, but for very lightweight (and fast) text editing with syntax highlighting, try Notepad2
  11. NeilTrain

    Which control fired the context menu?

    Ok so after modifying my google search a few times I came up with an aswer. Should have spent more time searching before I posted here. Anywauys, will post it here for anyone else who comes across this thread. In the menu item click event, you can obtain the control like this: Control...
  12. NeilTrain

    Which control fired the context menu?

    So I have a group of controls, all created dynamically and added to a panel. On creation I set each of thier context menu properies to a context menu I have created. I want the user to be able to right click each control, and select "Disable Cotrol" from the menu, at which point the control...
  13. NeilTrain

    Visual Studio Shortcuts

    I think I may have seen this before, but does anyone know how to do this in VS 2008? When I type an if statement i.e: if(a == b), I would like the editor to automatically do a newline, open bracket, newline, tab, newline, close bracket, then put the cursor at the end of the tab.
  14. NeilTrain

    Trying to write better code

    More than that, they also are faster in the DB. SQL will cache the statement, but not the parameters. So the next time the same statement is used it is already compiled and has an execution plan, SQL server just plugs in the params. Using prepared sql statements with inline parameters clogs...
  15. NeilTrain

    Storing files - where?

    Yes there are several constants you can use, however none of them are as helpful as I would like. I have been looking for a way to store version independent, all user files to a non admin writable area, but the best I have come up with is to take something like Application.CommonAppDataPath...
  16. NeilTrain

    Optimizing Looping Procedure

    one simple way to speed up loops is to eliminate using the new keyword within them. Instead of instantiating a new object within each iteration, initialize it before the loop, and reuse it each iteration. This will prevent .Net from having to add it to the heap each time, and then destroying...
  17. NeilTrain

    Overlapping components with form designer

    oh and if you do modify the designer code, hit F6 to build and make sure it compiles before opening the design window again
  18. NeilTrain

    Overlapping components with form designer

    To be on the safe side, only modify the designer code when the form designer window is closed. I've done it with it both open and closed without problems, however it may try to refresh the designer layout while your editing the code, which can run into problems.
  19. NeilTrain


    can you post some code as to how you are populating the combobox? Are you databinding it? If so try setting the DataSource = null
  20. NeilTrain

    Overlapping components with form designer

    For me, I change the z-orders of the controls in the designer to manipulate the orders of which they dock. You can right click them and click Send TO Back or Bring to front to get them in the right order. As for editing the designer generated code... I do it all the time, its no biggie as long...

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