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  1. plunkett

    Load Balancing between Tomcat servers config in httpd.conf

    mod_jk offers a more elegant solution to this.
  2. plunkett

    How to pass headers with ProxypassMatch or RewriteRule to proxy server?

    I want to say that mod_jk has the ability to pass additional information - is apache handing this off to tomcat?
  3. plunkett

    Apache 2.2 multiple domains and tomcat

    This uses mod_proxy. You can substitute mainserver for localhost if I understood you correctly that *all* this would be running on a single box. This will only work for non-ssl requests, unless the box has multiple IP's bound to it. <VirtualHost domain1.fakedomain.com:80> ProxyPass /...
  4. plunkett

    ProxyPass help

    That will work for simply proxying the app on your localhost back and forth, but if you want something more elegant where you can pass additional data and are using tomcat, you should check out mod_jk
  5. plunkett

    Spring MVC two dimensional array not bound to command on WebSphere

    Your problem is more than likely the result of differences in the version of Java between Tomcat and WebSphere and/or some classpath issues. This is only using the web container which is pretty basic in the app server world.
  6. plunkett

    Apache Virtual hosting not working

    If you are using the same IP, remember to include the NameVirtualHost directive. NameVirtualHost *:80 <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName www.domain1.ba DocumentRoot /var/www/html </VirtualHost> <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName www.domain2.net DocumentRoot /var/www/html/domain2 </VirtualHost>
  7. plunkett

    Updated RedHat Linux with Apache - Intranet didn't appear normally.

    Also, IHS will always display an IBM splash page, a normal Apache install will say "It works!" or something like that.
  8. plunkett

    character decoding

    I found out that certain data is sent UTF8 encoded, and other data is not. I know how to do this: Charset charset = Charset.forName("UTF-8"); CharsetDecoder decoder = charset.newDecoder(); socket = new Socket(server, port); in = new BufferedReader(new...
  9. plunkett

    character decoding

    I'm receiving data through a socket.... socket = new Socket(server, port); in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(socket.getInputStream())); This is coming from a remote server that I don't control. Special characters are encoded, and if I print them out to the console they appear as...
  10. plunkett

    Apache - http application with https

    Also, if you back end is an application where the actual hyperlinks are http://, then you need to change those to be https:// otherwise you will get the unwanted behavior you are talking about (Either through a configuration in the app, changing the base href, or manually if these links are...
  11. plunkett

    Apache - http application with https

    Can you post the applicable section of your conf file? You can change any hostnames or IP's for examples purposes.
  12. plunkett

    Terminated/Simulated SSL with Apache 2.2

    I'm almost 100% positive that Oracle includes OHS with WebLogic... are you using 11g 10.3.5? The latest version includes it with the Fusion Middleware Web Tier Utilities package.
  13. plunkett

    Rewrite condition without RewriteCond ?

    Try this: RewriteRule ^.*?!(_here/)findme\.html$ /_here/findme.html [R=301,L]
  14. plunkett

    Terminated/Simulated SSL with Apache 2.2

    When you say "terminated ssl", do you mean that the SSL requests are terminating at the apache level? What were the directives you were using with mod_certheaders?
  15. plunkett

    Getting reverse proxy routing to work

    Service Temporarily Unavailable sounds like a message from Tomcat, not apache. Perhaps the proxy is working, and you are just accessing a portion of the web container that isn't working correctly? Is the service running on *.7:8080 in fact tomcat? If so, I would suggest using mod_jk as a...
  16. plunkett

    AdminControl.startServer (jython) and threads

    I've never played around with threading in jython before - have you tried printing out some messages in between everything to see where the execution is happening? Another idea might be to change the script to just start all servers on 1 node (remove for node in nodes1:, etc), and then make...
  17. plunkett

    adding MouseClick event

    will try it - thanks!
  18. plunkett

    adding MouseClick event

    They no longer suppoort it :( Is it not a pretty easy task to wire up a mouseclick event for a component?
  19. plunkett

    adding MouseClick event

    I'm using a 3rd party listbox-like component that is very similar to .net's build int listbox, witch a few enhancements. The problem is that it doesn't have a mouseclick event. What needs to be added to make this work?
  20. plunkett

    ContextMenu in RichTextBox

    DaveInIowa - This is what I knew I needed to find out - how to make a right click actually position the cursor. From there it's easy. My application works great now! Thanks!

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